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Welcome Guest - Login / Register Forum - Brainstorm - Reduce withdraw/deposit fee of 0.25$ to 0.1$

Reduce withdraw/deposit fee of 0.25$ to 0.1$

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Traffic Value: $142.38611 Pakistan
2 like this post 0 people
09/05/2014 16:55
I know fee is required for the stability of this site but even we people do hard work. The site is very nice and it's future is bright. If you kindly reduce the fee then the site will be even more stable and bright
Traffic Value: $65,453.30658 Sweden
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09/05/2014 19:11
hm, i have the curiosity of asking paypal and the others the same question...but all payment processors have huge fees and live in total regulation so we must obey
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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09/05/2014 20:33
Can't do much about cashier fees. That's the cost of doing business with those payment processors... You either pay at source (like now), or via reduced results - which I don't think is in anyones best interests. Best to "punish" those users that insist on depositing & cashing out every 5minutes; rather than sensible users that keep their transactions (and subsequent costs) to a minimum.

As a user, it's your responsibility to only use cost effective payment methods... But the world seems to like PayPal, despite its enourmous fees compared to the likes of BitCoin, or Perfect Money.
Traffic Value: $65,453.30658 Sweden
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09/05/2014 21:15
it's the simple to use paypal from bank it takes 2 days for me, stp can take upto 1 week so i think it's the best and fastest method and with available card you can pay even more, it's worth the fees so long they don't lock the account ermm
Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
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09/05/2014 21:33
look the account, what do you mean??
Traffic Value: $65,453.30658 Sweden
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09/05/2014 21:38

it can happen if you have suspicious activity, nothing to worry about if your account is verified

but if you get big loads of money suddenly from outside source they can suspect something and investigate
Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
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09/05/2014 21:49

I didn't know that, I'm new to PayPal. But I'm going to verify my account.
After it gets verified I will deposit 200$
Do you think that there is a problem?
Traffic Value: $65,453.30658 Sweden
0 like this post 0 people
09/05/2014 21:55

no, it should not be a problem, if you deposit with bank it will be automatically verified from the bank so no need of any ID, i should mention it can depend on country also if they need any ID

they only request extra information if they need investigate, but that can only happen if somebody has complain, mostly businesses that transferring money is investigated
Forum - Brainstorm - Reduce withdraw/deposit fee of 0.25$ to 0.1$
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