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Recycling mode

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Traffic Value: $1,206.40561 Germany
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23/07/2014 19:13
Hello, I'd be willing to pay a small fee to unlock the possibility to recycle multiple ads at once (but not all). Basically what I imagine is, I go to the list with the ads currently assigned to me and click the button for "recycling mode". This unlocks a selection box next to every ad, so I can choose multiple ads before clicking on "recycle selected ads".

If the price of this function is lower than the ad filter, then the ad filter would still be a viable upgrade even after you bought the "recycling mode" extra, as BAP filter offers even less hassle for the user AND it saves you BAP by not assigning the unwanted ads to you in first place. The new function would just be a cheaper alternative and an easier way to recycle unwanted ads that already consumed your BAP. Consider it a stepping stone towards the ad filter and an additional income source for PV/MTV.

And come to think of it, this might reduce the server load/amount of database requests, since there would be less reloading of the page after each single ad recycle (as it is currently).
Traffic Value: $7.67815 Poland
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29/07/2014 23:52
Ideally nice, if there would be 'Recycled Mode' for the amount of 0.20$ - this would give us two ads at random by 0,20$ + 30ads of a few cents, of course, for the owner it would be one more extra income.
Forum - Brainstorm - Recycling mode
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