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Raise the Fixed Ads Price

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Traffic Value: $680.27326 Philippines
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23/08/2017 08:34
I think it's time to raise the price of Fixed Ads from $5 to a minimum of $10.

Advertisers have experienced the value of these ads and they are always filled up, (at least the BAP ads are always filled up).

The price of $5 per day is a bargain compared to other PTCs. For around 30,000 views a day, they cost less than 0.0002 per view.

I am not really one of those advertisers, but I know they are getting a lot of value out of it. Most of them are repeat customers as far as I can tell. So they must be getting something out of them.

Allot the increased income to increasing the Group Ad Issue. Or on your marketing budget. Or on promotions.

That's my suggestion.
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