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PV/MTV Debit Card

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Traffic Value: $261.94847 Bangladesh
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24/11/2016 14:06
So I was thinking if it was possible to have our own PV/MTV Visa/Master debit card, things would become a lot easier.Especially consideing how Paypal and other e wallets are freezing many ptc and revshare funds.And bitcoin alone isn't enough because bitcoin is illigal in many asian countries including mine and also we shouldn't soley rely on these e wallets they can freeze our funds anytime.Also if we had our own international debit card members could buy that card and that would add extra revenue into the system also it would make transactions much easier,I know that trafficmonsoon tried something like this when Paypal froze their funds with their allied walled card,and they almost succeeded but the card company backed off when SEC made the case against Trafficmonsoon which is still ongoing.I think a card would make things alot easier there wouldn't be much restriction in transactions.What do you guys think? I just think it would be a lot safer if we had a payment option that wasn't controlled by a third party and one that's accepted in all countries unlike Bitcoin which is banned in many.
Traffic Value: $294.60488 Philippines
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24/11/2016 14:29
Old storyalien.
Traffic Value: $773.5176 Portugal
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24/11/2016 17:32
We had something like a PV credit card, but was only to buy ad packs I guess. Can somebody please remind me of the problems we faced with it?
casio8978 - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $14,531.83197 Slovenia
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24/11/2016 17:49
it was just a regular credit card like mastercard..
nothing to do with PV.

its possible solution for the future, but not possible now
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
8 like this post 0 people
24/11/2016 18:15
The Credit Card we had (that we paid a lot upfront to have and offer virtual cards for free to members) was scrapped b/c very low interest and it needed way too much in balance before FBG could access that balance.

AKA, members would give money to the credit card company, FBG would use money that isn't in their possession, and eventually the CC co would pay FBG those funds.

Sounds like a scam to me, but in theory, if we had the volume of traffic of sales with the use, there would probably be a small enough delay that FBG could manage the debt that becomes credit.

Another reason is the whole KYC (Know Your Customer) and legalization needed for other cards.

Which, As far as debit cards is why we don't have those either. We need a bank that we can use for our members and they require us to be legal and then require KYC.

In the future we do want to be legal and able to offer CC and DC.

We are still on the lookout for another attempt at getting legal as the first real attempt was canceled due to them requiring us to change too much of the structure of what makes FBG FBG. Besides finding the right firm to become legal, we also need funds to pay for the paperwork (no, not bribes).

The future is bright and possible for this, but for now, it is just something while we know we fully want these options we can't have them.

On the other hand, we do offer BitCoin, which you can link your Debit/Credit Card to the BitCoin Provider and BitCoin to FBG, and voila!
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