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Paidverts Ad Co-op 2.0

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Traffic Value: $420.31646 Germany
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10/02/2018 10:15
Yeah, this month is really worse than expected until now sad

But you´ll have to try or you´ll never know
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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10/02/2018 11:56
So far got 61 refs with 10 spots, assuming the average keeps up I'm looking at ~180, or $0.56 per ref. About 40% look active so far but haven't had time for emails etc. yet.

From my experience referring results become better after 14 days or so of referring on the same website, especially if you are promoting a website that a lot of others are as well. Why? Because of how ref cookies work - a ref link is remembered for 14 days and other ref links don't override it, so you will after a while start getting some refs from other users who are promoting/from their ref links.

For example while I was doing some tests of my own a month/two ago, I started receiving some refs from this coop 2 weeks in, even though I wasn't a part of it. But I promoted on some of the same sites this coop does.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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10/02/2018 12:42
I want to ask "active" that could easily just be 1 day of claiming 1 AA ad (or even 3) and then BAP tax takes it all away, and they stop coming.

So, I'd much more be interested in "still clicking 8 days later".

Regarding that 14 day cookie, if you buy the same amount of spots 2 months in a row, shouldn't the cookie have already been applied the first 14 days of the 2nd month?
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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10/02/2018 12:58
You have 35k hits so far this month jordy so you are actually hitting your averages which is supposed to be 1 referral every 2000-3000 hits. This is with market saturation at Neo too so it is the minimum to be expected from my experience.

I said in the past that $1 per referral or 10 for the month per spot is the lowest I'd like to go but you are on target for 22 per spot and just because we have more advertising don't forget that we have three times the normal number of spots open so those are going to take more of the hits
Traffic Value: $868.5955 Netherlands
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10/02/2018 17:37
i could be hitting the normal amounts but if thats the case then my 2 spots get at least half the amount of hits as what i got last month. specially if you see that the ads are running everyday instead of once a week its a huge difference then. 

All i try to say is that i liked last month much more then this month
I do not participate really for my refs , more hoping to find a golden ticket in the pack and to help MTV/PV 
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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10/02/2018 18:00
This was my point about saturation. There are only so many new people that join the site per day. Most of the people that click daily have already seen the ad (would you join Neobux today if you saw an ad for them?) and have decided to join or not join. Especially after a few months. So your benefit comes from the new people joining the site daily. If there are 250 people that join per day and 10% of them join our site, then you will get 25 new sign ups every day. If you only put an ad out once per week, then you will have 7 * 250 new people exposed to the ad or 1750 that haven't seen the ad yet so even if only the same 10% sign up then there will be 7 times more sign ups because the referral 'pool' has refilled with new faces

This is just an example but statistically, it is pretty close. On top of that, you need to account for daily fluctuations where you have things like weekend signers which may be more or less but their activity is different

So the occasional ad is going to get more sign ups but over the long term a constant ad will get you more referrals even though they will be less cost-effective

The larger your advertising spending gets relative to a limited market the less cost-effective it will be which is why it is often better to advertise at different sites instead of maximizing your advertising at one site
Traffic Value: $420.31646 Germany
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12/02/2018 09:11
I´m not sure, if it is just coincidence, but it seems that I get less referrals, but therefore these are more active:


4 users

New refs past 7 days who viewed at least 100 ads


Last time 5% of referrers were sent $2.333 worth of ads each  

Never reached that number before.

Traffic Value: $1,850.32389 Romania
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12/02/2018 10:08
Lucky guy.
Traffic Value: $307.69043 Greece
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13/02/2018 12:25
So far so good with my ones:

That's 23 active / 54 total (42.6% active) so far with 5 spots.
Still not many did 100 clicks so I'm not getting good referral bonuses but some did purchases.

I'm thinking of creating sth like a simple guide to help them with a strategy, then use the link in a welcome email, then send it to all of them.. active or dead and see how that goes. smile
Traffic Value: $1,850.32389 Romania
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13/02/2018 22:20
23 active,good,i barely have 10~ something with 4 spots.But seems they do not click the ads i think because they do not reach 100 ads ,only one did.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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13/02/2018 22:42
10 active or 10 total? Because with 85k hits you should be in the 30-40 range for referrals
Traffic Value: $1,850.32389 Romania
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13/02/2018 22:47
29 total/11 active.
Traffic Value: $390.26943 Serbia
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14/02/2018 08:57
1 more ref after 6 days of waiting...
Traffic Value: $1,850.32389 Romania
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14/02/2018 22:40
Got some more.They are active.Not bad.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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14/02/2018 23:06
^Reminded me to check and now the sources are even more random past 6 days:

Does anyone have any success with specific emails to refs as far as silenting getting them active/replying back to you?
Traffic Value: $420.31646 Germany
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14/02/2018 23:29
my standard emails with "free Baps inside" didn´t get many replies.

sent out an email for the BAP/Advertising discount:
265 sent
28 opened
5 clicks (PV login Button)

24 of the refs that opened the mail, never opened any of my welcome emails before. Can´t say if I reactivated anyone.
Traffic Value: $1,850.32389 Romania
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16/02/2018 10:02
Going good.Some more active people joining.Even if they do not spend ,having an army of clickers is just as valuable.
Traffic Value: $420.31646 Germany
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16/02/2018 10:32
Next month we will have the normal ad issue right?

Plus do you have a recording how much Positions I bought in total? If yes, can you tell me please?
Traffic Value: $390.26943 Serbia
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16/02/2018 14:35
yeah, dguy wrote that March will be back to regular weekly ads like before...
I`m glad...because my 1 spot got me much, much, much better results in old format.
I`m not sure if now it`s the increased number of spots to blame or what...but I expected...or hoped for ... more.
I know it`s mid February and we still got 2 weeks more to get final results. Let`s hope for the best...
So far my 1 spot in Feb got me 9 refs.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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16/02/2018 17:12
Yes, back to guaranteed one per week plus any bonuses I can create and maybe some testing of the NB banner system

Plus I'll be buying 10 spots myself


What info are you looking for? The total purchases that you made for all months or for one month or what? I can get the total but it will take a little time
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