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Traffic Value: $5,893.23193 Slovenia
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05/02/2018 08:46
I think the management should clarify how this referral reward actually works.
"New refs past 7 days who viewed at least 100 ads."   What exactly does that mean?
How long is a new referral considered NEW referral?
When do you start counting this 7 days?
How long does new referrals has to click 100 ads?

I think nobody knows this things.
Traffic Value: $579.09797 France
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05/02/2018 08:54
this means: 

if you have a new ref, when he reaches the 100 ads, you'll be able to receive the ref ad issue during 7 days. 

Hope it's clear.
Traffic Value: $5,893.23193 Slovenia
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05/02/2018 11:00
It's not as clear as you would think.
I get a new referral today. He clicks 20 ads within 14 days and then he is inactive for 1 year. After a year he decided to be active again and he clicks 80 more ads. Will I receive referral reward for 7 days then?

That's why I'm asking how long is a new referral considered new.
You are telling me, that it doesn't matter how long does it take for a referral to click 100 ads. As soon as he will (even if it takes couple of months or years), you will start receiving referral reward for 7 days.
Traffic Value: $579.09797 France
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05/02/2018 11:05
I'd say the following: 

When a new ref gets his reward for clicking his 1st 100 ads, you'll get the archievement rewarded. 
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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05/02/2018 13:27
I THINK it's the following, b/c that's how to easily program it, not that I think it should be that hard aka shouldn't be programmed this way:

The program looks at your account:
1. Did anyone join in the past 7 it 10sec or 6days 23hrs 59min ago?
2. Did that user click 100 ads yet?
3. Compare this number vs everyone (to get Top X% Ref Groups).
4. Send out the Ad Issue.

In reality, it takes time to get 100 ads clicked, more than 2 days at the very least (and that's counting all 20 AA ads, plus 20 AG...not sure if either count). Many barely active members do not even get to Group 0, as the BAP tax (maybe we can look into not taxing new members for X days?) hits a huge portion of what they claim dropping them to under 100 or often 0. Heck, if only Group Ads are considered (and ofc random/instant/recycle/cheap), it may take the whole 5 days even if they maintain 100 BAP, and depending on when they join, the upline never gets them counted. Uplines can try and send BAP, but the time btwn TAX and Ad Issue is short and nightime for most, and that's even if they can figure out how to claim it.

Basically, the way it is setup now, is to reward those who refer members who jump in feet first...not even those who dip their toes in the water but eventually are our best swimmers.

I think new member status should last longer than 7 days. I'm not sure how long, maybe 4 weeks? Now, even up to 5 Ref Ad Issues seems a small compensation, esp since you only get the profit of the BAP to CASH ratio, but if that's the idea, we can stick with once the ref gets 100 ads clicked, they apply (which still may not be enough for all 5 days) to the next 5 Ref Ad Issues.

*More on BAP Tax for new members.
We need to hook them and 700 BAP (if 1 week) is not that much a cost esp since we already got them here, we just need to get them hooked.
For the most part, if we delay tax for 7 days, we will just delay getting their account to 0 by 7 days...and that's only if they made it to 700 BAP+...which is more than most ever make it b4 quitting, even just talking about those that became active.
Traffic Value: $5,893.23193 Slovenia
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05/02/2018 15:50
I agree about BAP tax being delayed for 7 days. That's a good idea.
Because based on the responses from mine referrals, it's very discouraging for new members to see 100 BAP tax, when they get little over 100 BAP a day at the beginning.
Traffic Value: $1,850.32389 Romania
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05/02/2018 16:06
I sent the active ones 1000 bap.Not much but i dont miss it.If they are active i will send them some more.Hopefully this is enough to get them started/active.
Traffic Value: $5,893.23193 Slovenia
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05/02/2018 16:37
I sent my active referrals 2000 BAP, so they can start from group 1. But that is not a solution.
I think a lot of inactive referrals would be active, if they wouldn't be discouraged because of BAP tax.
Traffic Value: $1,850.32389 Romania
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05/02/2018 17:56
Yeah,maybe 2 k is better.But i thhought they can make 1.6 easy,forgot about bap tax.
Traffic Value: $1,850.32389 Romania
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06/02/2018 14:06
Got some more.Some are active some not,sent them some baps.What about you guys?
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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06/02/2018 15:06
With 60 spots I am getting a ton. No complaints from my side. So much so that I think I'll be buying 10 spots per month for myself. I think the system can handle it. I'm thinking we should be able to generate a minimum 30 sign ups per day just from Neo even after market saturation. If you add in their banners that will boost the higher quality sign ups. This doesn't include mellow ads and Adhits which are more expensive so they are on the back burner for now
Traffic Value: $868.5955 Netherlands
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06/02/2018 17:31
it seems like i am getting 2 per day now with 2 spots
Traffic Value: $579.09797 France
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06/02/2018 18:50
Got 7 new refs so far with 2 spots.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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06/02/2018 20:11
That seems a bit low so I'm going to drop another 10 to see if that helps
Traffic Value: $420.31646 Germany
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06/02/2018 20:25
got 5(5active) on the 5th
8(6) on the 4th
3(2) on the 3rd

with 4 spots, awesome active rate
Traffic Value: $5,893.23193 Slovenia
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06/02/2018 21:33
This is my balance with 10 spots:
01.02. = 7
02.02. = 6
03.02. = 7
04.02. = 7
05.02. = 5
06.02. = 8
Traffic Value: $519.58477 Serbia
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06/02/2018 21:56
1 spot - 3 refs so far.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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06/02/2018 21:59
This is 2 spots. Look at the source...I don't get these when I don't buy a spot, weird.
Looking further y/t is homepage. But, google is country code VE home search page. Maybe Venezuela makes it harder to know the source?

My 1st attempt at using snip with the blacking out info.

I did contact, but got no reply to the first inactive...the 2nd 2 were out of BAP right away, so will become inactive...about time I send them a short email. 3rd also has no BAP.

Traffic Value: $729.96203 Hungary
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06/02/2018 22:28
1 spot/ 3 inactive ref so far.
Traffic Value: $307.69043 Greece
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07/02/2018 08:26
I got 6 active / 18 total with 5 spots on my side.

So far so good, I think the true potential will show up when we get a star ref.
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