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MyTrafficValue Application Market

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Traffic Value: $1,654.17 Spain
7 like this post 0 people
25/11/2016 10:37
Hello people, i have a nice idea for MTV. grin

This is the idea basically:

MyTrafficValue has an application market, this apps are developed by external programmers, to do this MyTrafficValue will need the following things:

- Permission System over application, user, and access to stats, balances, etc.

- Develop an api to get/set information externally.

- Add a new section for list available applications, add to your account etc.

The possibilities are infinite, from web apps, online games, to mobile apps.

To monetize this apps the developers could add ingame purchases etc.

Something similar to facebook.

So, what are the benefits for both mtv, and the developer:

- New external products without any costs, totally free, by external developers.

- If application generates income, mytrafficvalue has an right of X% of this revenue.

- Access to a lot of daily traffic.
- Generate his app and have right of X% of this app revenues.

As you see, both parts only have benefits.

I Think this could work very well.
Forum - Brainstorm - MyTrafficValue Application Market
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