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Forced ad too expensive

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Traffic Value: $261.94847 Bangladesh
0 like this post 2 people
28/09/2016 08:21
Hi so recently I've been thinking of reaching out to my local business and shops that has an  online presence and encourage them to advertise on Paidverts,but then I realized that the best bulk ad offer is too expensive and the bap doesn't cover it,I'm talking about the forced 30 second ads,They are the best bulk ad offer that'll be most attractive to online marketers but it's too  expensive because you only get 2400 bap which is 1.20 in terms of value for spending 1.30!That's a huge loss!so I feel like if the price for forced ads were reduced to .05 or .06 cents that'll be more reasonable to online marketers because that way even if you spend a lot you still get something back,And I think that'll also increase the sell of bulk ads and attrract new customers to the website.  smile
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
2 like this post 1 people
28/09/2016 09:06
The ROI should be the customers to the business.

In fact, they should look into TA instead of BA.

With TA, they can actually target better potential customers than a blanket worldwide, any income, etc range.

BTW, your idea of "huge loss" is weird.
Let alone that if they really want to stick around and click the Group Ads, 5 days a week w/o fail, for months, instead of selling their products, seems unrealistic.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
10 like this post 0 people
28/09/2016 09:22
Actually we will soon be updating our TA pricing for ad targeted clicks delivered only via regular ad views (without banner clicks). So not only we will offer affordable quantity ad views, they will also be targetable.

I suggest to keep track of the news, or wait for an update PV email that should also alert all members when that option gets introduced real soon.
Traffic Value: $261.94847 Bangladesh
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28/09/2016 13:34
@druth8x Here's a simple reason why they might not be interested in TA,There's No Bap.Come on it's not rocket science,Yes I know it's marketing money but not everyone has the time or the budget to advertise on a relatively new website they may have never heard of.Let's be realistic here guys we're not Google or Facebook or Youtube yet,So that we can go to any business and get their attention.Bulk Ads can get their attention because they get something in return,enough so that they might be interested in keep advertising here.Now if there was an Geo Targeted bulk ads option that Would be a deal
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
9 like this post 0 people
28/09/2016 14:04
Soon... very soon... grin
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
0 like this post 1 people
28/09/2016 21:10

They are talking about Forced View option for the BA which costs $0.25 per $1 in BA's. They want that lowered to $0.05 making the total cost of a 5,000 forced view clicks $105. Though, b/c they are so focused on ROI (which means clicking 12 ads/ day 5 days a week/months on end), they actually get paid $114 (in balance b4 deposit/cashout fees/balance fees) for that $105 purchase.

I'm the one who brought up TA, and they seem to be dismissing it out of hand.


Besides all that clicking time the advertiser would have to do.

Quality and Quantity and Cost matters.
Why not spend $10 for ~27,500 views, all in 1 day?
That is basically all the clickers on the website (not everyone, though BA's have 33/50 going to those cheapest clicks that get blocked by a similar crowd)

Try a FA slot, might be able to only need to spend $5, though it might go up to $15.

Yes, that's b4 the cost of a Forced View. I can't find the pricing. I could have sworn that I was Forced a ouple times with AA/MAP's, which btw are 15sec and have 24hrs to click them, whenever they want to. If not, maybe Andraz can get that added. I see that for the AdGrid Click, they priced it 50% premium.

Not trying to be rude here, but a very small ROI, which requires someone clicking ads to get, basically daily for months, where half the views go to cheap clicks and can go to anyone, even those not interested seems like a waste of a budget/time. I think spending money to get more potential customers would be the better option.

Another option for Forced View is the LA. Login Ad Costs $50, but here they ARE forced, and everyone who has a PV account (they must login/be logged in) and clicks anywhere that day will encounter it. You get ~5K more views that way vs FA. Still much cheaper than a hit and miss (many misses of those who scoff at under 2c) option with BA's.

All that said, if your small BA gets swept up in Group Ads, you will get a huge overdelivery. Though, not proportionally. Thus buying many 1 BA campaigns will get you more views than all 1 total.
Forum - Brainstorm - Forced ad too expensive
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