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faucet app with mlm structure

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Traffic Value: $9,308.60765 Germany
1 like this post 0 people
16/12/2016 23:02
as no infos are yet public about the refcoms for the faucet app, I expect it to be only on one level,
like at all sites from MTV at the moment?

why don't split it to 5-10 level?
the earnings for single persons will be, one way or another, very small,
but like this everyone can start to earn some decent money by referring himself only 2 persons...
(and it shouldn't be really hard to refer two people to a free app, which can make them some easy money? wink)

would be nice to see something like this
and I which everyone a nice weekend smile
Traffic Value: $773.5176 Portugal
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17/12/2016 06:44
It's a faucet so you will make a few satoshis every play. Receiving a percentage of such a small value from your downline may be hard to divide, imagine 5x. I think is a too much small fraction
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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17/12/2016 23:15
if BTC goes to $50,000 those satoshis will not be so small grin
Traffic Value: $773.5176 Portugal
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18/12/2016 07:25
Well, yeah but if BTC goes to 50,000$ either you'll add more decimals to BTC or faucets will be out of business
Traffic Value: $1,699.92249 Lithuania
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18/12/2016 12:10
That could only happen 30 years later as a minimum
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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18/12/2016 23:51
That all depends on if BTC becomes a popular medium if exchange. Right now the market is very small. If there was a currency failure or a global crash, people might see the safety of BTC as a good thing to adopt.

Most people don't understand it yet thinking it is just an electronic currency. They don't understand it is different than government currency which can be printed at the rate the government desires. Also, the value of BTC is not rising, it is the value of the US$ and other printed currencies that are dropping and that should accelerate especially if a crisis happens.

Many people hoped that gold would fulfill the function of an asset that the US$ dropped against but the central banks of the world have been able to manipulate the price of gold with their paper gold exchanges. They can't do that with BTC so BTC is probably a truer reflection of the value of the US $ that gold will be.
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