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Crowdfunding inside Crowdfunding?

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Traffic Value: $268.23974 Ecuador
6 like this post 0 people
20/09/2016 15:58
Following the News and reading about Marc and the team's ideas and plans, I think it all shows what can be accomplished with a member base such as ours. Numbers are very promising and that gave me an idea that seems very related to what we already have and what's being planned for the future, and yet at the same time very different.

So why can't we brainstorm about a Crowdfunding Platform within this Crowdfunding Platform?

Meaning why can't we offer a corner of the business where members can offer their projects and ask for funding? The number of potential visitors to that "corner" are in place already, people looking for funding wouldn't have to be all over the internet promoting their project (which doesn't work so well anyway, project owners have a way too hard time reaching their financial goals).

Interested members would have their own project page with their personal link, embedded in the MTV environment. That one can be promoted in TEs and PTCs and RevShares etc. And of course that personal page would also link to the whole list of projects looking for funding which people (visitors and MTV/PV members alike) can browse and read through.

Where does the money for MTV come from?

Well MTV would charge an appropriate percentage of the funding amount that each project achieves.
Traffic Value: $837.89177 Spain
1 like this post 0 people
22/09/2016 01:07
¡¡¡si!!! smile  good idea
Traffic Value: $28.3459 Brazil
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22/09/2016 19:44
Good ideia. But the one taking the funds would have to give something to turn it secure (high number of shares held/contract that no one can change until he pays it fully smile
Traffic Value: $268.23974 Ecuador
1 like this post 0 people
22/09/2016 20:27
Oh you mean something like Minibonds? That's not what I mean, it's too restrictive and comes with a whole different set of regulations. What I'm talking about is, set an amount and when it's done (shown by a number I think all members/visitors of the page should be able to see and follow), it's taken down and everyone is happy. Something like that.
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