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can't open login page

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Traffic Value: $1,219.03627 Bangladesh
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31/03/2022 02:12
Since yesterday i can't login to paidverts.
when I press login button this error shows {"errorText":"Too many attempted logins, please wait before next attempt!"}.
Please help me out.

slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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31/03/2022 07:10
Do you have multiple accounts or using some sort of public IP? We've put certain stricter restrictions on that due to attacks, so if any of the above is true, you might have to try a different network

Nope that public Ips might also be one of mobile networks, so if you are using those try from a different static/network, or simply try again in a few hours.

We currently have to have stricter limits due to attacks - we're looking at a more elegant solution, but that might still take a while.
Traffic Value: $511.70205 United Kingdom
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01/04/2022 17:21
Same issue can't login @ PV , using the same IP address as last time I logged in so whatever check your doing doesn't work
Traffic Value: $369.09484 Czech Republic
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01/04/2022 23:21
  How do I write to support when I can't log in. {"errorText":"Too many attempted logins, please wait before next attempt!"} I buy ads and then I can't log in.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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02/04/2022 08:48
Please try logging in from a different IP (if you're using mobile it can cause issues often as it assigns common/public IPs), until we can manage to implement some other sort of protection that doesn't rely solely on this.
Traffic Value: $163.02016 Hungary
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04/04/2022 18:04
How can I log in from a PC if I get the IP from the cable TV company?
Traffic Value: $245.54218 United States
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08/04/2022 23:32
I am having that problem now. This is the error {"errorText":"Too many attempted logins, please wait before next attempt!"}  I also waited for 1 hr in between trying.  I also reset my modem.  This has happened a few times in the last couple of weeks.
Traffic Value: $245.54218 United States
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09/04/2022 00:28
It just came back.
Traffic Value: $245.54218 United States
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13/04/2022 00:35
the error came back again.
Traffic Value: $163.02016 Hungary
2 like this post 0 people
18/04/2022 15:57
{"errorText":"Too many attempted logins, please wait before next attempt!"}
Traffic Value: $245.54218 United States
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18/04/2022 22:55
That just happened to me again.  {"errorText":"Too many attempted logins, please wait before next attempt!"}
Traffic Value: $245.54218 United States
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19/04/2022 18:27
still have the error from yesterday.
Traffic Value: $245.54218 United States
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24/04/2022 16:21
The error happened again.  {"errorText":"Too many attempted logins, please wait before next attempt!"}.  I do not know why this happens.  This was the first time today that I tried to log in.  I guess one time is Too many attempts.  I do not want to lose my ads.  This happened at 12:10 est time.  Please fix it so it does not happen again.  
Traffic Value: $245.54218 United States
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24/04/2022 16:42
I have submitted a support ticket for this.  I also want to say that it happened at 12:10 pm est.
Traffic Value: $511.70205 United Kingdom
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25/04/2022 07:50
I get too many login attempts error again , but no reason for it at all , I only turn up twice per day how can that be too many , some days it works others I am blocked , dumbest security feature I have ever seen.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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25/04/2022 09:41
If you're getting this issues consistently and you're currently logging in frequently, I'd highly recommend checking the "remember me" box when logging in, as that way you won't have to login all the time. Obviously, if someone else has access to your device, then do so at your own discretion.
Traffic Value: $245.54218 United States
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10/05/2022 21:09
This error came up the first time I logged in 18 or more hours ago  {"errorText":"Too many attempted logins, please wait before next attempt!"}. I will write a support ticket about this
Traffic Value: $245.54218 United States
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15/05/2022 19:38
This has happened again.  I will do a support ticket again.  Maybe this time I will not lose any ads like I did before.  Please fix this
Traffic Value: $245.54218 United States
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15/05/2022 22:25
this is still not letting me log in.  Wonder what I lose today or tonight now.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
2 like this post 0 people
16/05/2022 06:39
@go1joe Have you tried the above things that I mentioned yet? If you've lost ads due to this, we'll be able to refund that, no worries about that.
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