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The reality we are living

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Traffic Value: $4,969.3683 Spain
41 like this post 1 people
29/11/2015 22:47
Hi there

This morning I was wondering if I should invest some money and get 100.000 shares or so for just 100$ but I started thinking about:

Since I'm here (more than a year) I've been just reading and seing small things to get external funds.
I mean: where does our money come from? When Jo was the CEO it came basically from paidverts (we all remember these golden days in February...) and let's be honest, maybe the 95% of the ads were from ourselves, investing in PV to get BAPS and exchange them for money at the same time, so we were just exchanging our money, from one user to other since there wansn't any external income.

I really liked the idea of Jo about buying properties and renting them (and adding that money to the dev funds) even though they might have a 0.5% ROI/month, it was a great idea to get a fixed revenue per month.
With that I wanna say: they don't have any external way of getting money. You can say voting game (but it's still our money ).
You can also talk about casino (the MTV/PV is all our money and the PM casino... well, that was a great idea, let's see if it works out).

Apart of that, we don't have any other fource of money I guess, if now we get investors (Let's be honest, when we talk about investors we might think about business guys, big fishes, but actually an investor is just you, me or any other user of the site) so if an "investor" comes and puts some big money, this money will be to other users in ads, or just FTQ revenues payouts...

So what it stopped me from investing some money was analyzing it and thinking: Hey, we don't have real products. We are waiting BAP multiplayer poker since 1 year ago and always ETA is 2 weeks (Not really blame them, I guess it's a hard coding) but will this make a big difference? All the money will come from us, from gamblers PV users... still user's money.

So we are in the spot when:

-We have a fixed 80.000$ or so of outcomes in bills

-We don't have any real product that will give money from the outside (but the PMCasino), like could be some real state propperty, any renting, selling programs/apps to other companies, investments in other companies to get benefits...

-a platform with 1.500.000 Users (We definetely should think about all these users and sdo something big, the 0.20% of the world is user of MTV guys!!!

We need products but I never see they coming.
Traffic Value: $22.31948 Pakistan
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29/11/2015 22:59
I like the idea regarding properties.. purchase property and give it on rent. Best idea..
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
51 like this post 2 people
29/11/2015 23:09
The idea of the rented apartment was mine, like many other ideas Jo never gave me credit for.

External projects cost a lot of money, currently we're establishing a base on which we can build further.
Our games and Paidverts start bringing us some solid revenue atm and we're slowly expanding our reach in multiple markets, most of which will be external.
Some time soon a programmer should also send us a version of an external exchanger.

Targeted advertising is a good example as well.
And the upcoming casino's.

Along the way we will definitely expand, but a lot of cash is needed for it, but we'll get there.. 1 step at a time smile
Traffic Value: $4,969.3683 Spain
9 like this post 0 people
29/11/2015 23:11
wow, nice to hear about the exchanger, these were the things I wanted to read
Traffic Value: $4,901.41824 New Zealand
19 like this post 0 people
30/11/2015 03:32
Hey Marc. I heard from Carlos about how you have received a few offers from various programmers for a BTC exchange.

I have a BTC exchange which is almost ready to go right now, I just need to do a bit more coding. I would love to have a business partnership with you. I'd be willing to share a large portion (50% - 80%) of my business profits in exchange for a small amount of money which I use to initially fund the account so I can process transactions instantly (you can take this money back at any time).

I don't want to take any money upfront, so if you need the money back I can give it to you.

I sent Carlos an offer but I have received no response yet. Could you flick me an email at so we can discuss this further?

Traffic Value: $1,804.70567 France
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30/11/2015 13:57
if we get in proprieties better buy studios and rent to students. Besides we will still need to have an angency. 
Why not build a legalized weeds business in Amsterdam lol ? 
I heard that prostitution works well in Spain hahah
Traffic Value: $7,449.66883 Netherlands
3 like this post 0 people
30/11/2015 19:58
Dear PV/MTV staff, 

More users generate more income, which is important for continuity and profit of the business.
Isn't it possible to expand the number of PV/MTV users via social media for example youtube? Social media becomes social business. 
If we have a good story to tell(and we have!smile), people want to know more about it. I think here lies a good chance for expansion. 

Actually three things are important for running a business in the following exact order, these are: continuity, profit and expansion. 

I was also thinking about the scale of how the program's global that means that anyone who has a connection to the web, can join our beloved program. It's evident that the importance of people knowing our program, is in our interest. 
However, in this perspective there is something that could cause much trouble, and at the same time it's the key to a golden future for pv/mtv: The world economies are not on the same level of development.. 
For instance: In a country like, let's say..Botswana(of all places) people are much more interested in USD than their own currency, because of the value it represents. Places in Europe and North America or anywhere else where the currency is higher than USD, are less attractive, in terms of investment. 
So when we want to expand, we have to look for customers/users who want to invest their time and money, in regions of the world where the USD is worth more, than the existing currency.

I hope these ideas will help us further on the road to a flourishing pv/mtv.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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30/11/2015 20:18

maybe just go straight for cocaine. The only problem is the US CIA won't like anyone muscling in on their business
Traffic Value: $1,804.70567 France
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30/11/2015 20:21
For instance for a Ukrainian to earn here 50 dollars each month would be a lot of money
Traffic Value: $1,804.70567 France
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30/11/2015 20:23
Nah dguy at leat in Amsterdam it is legal as prostitutes in Spain. I saw a documentary where a guy was earning 5 mil per year from each house ^^ that is a lot of money not like pablo escobar but still
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
28 like this post 0 people
30/11/2015 20:25
Our exchanger won't just be a BTC exchanger, it will contain 8 payment processors and 2 crypto currencies.
But I won't give too many details until I can show you a number of images.. But it should definitely be good!
Traffic Value: $1,804.70567 France
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30/11/2015 20:26
What about becoming faucet ? Any good Marc ?
Traffic Value: $844.91851 Romania
9 like this post 0 people
30/11/2015 20:30
Good post indeed, I actually never fully understood even where PV money came from, it always seemed like ponzi scheme to me. People say that people pay for visits on PV and they give the money, but actually they get BAP, so if 1000$ goes in PV on a day, it will generate 1550$ value in BAP, and where does that surplus come from? Of course BAPs aren't real money and they will be paid in time, but that is kind of the definition of a ponzi scheme. However I've come to understand the fact that we have debt removers, like BAP games and taxes.

However I agree with the fact that we should go expand further, but not on things like buying properties and giving them to rent, god this is very stupid compared to other options. It would take around 10yrs to get 100% ROI, and what for? Just so we can keep some money blocked? Just so we might go bankrupt or some of us die before we even get to see the profit after 10 years?
We should fund and agriculture company, or try to buy one that already exists. The only thing that won't ever go "out of fashion" is food, why? Because we are more and more people on the planet meanwhile the food stays the same or decreases. With some proper starting capital (I'm thinking at maximum 30k$) We can get at least 400%ROI in the first year, and after that only go in profit and maybe even expand. If mods are interested in this idea I can give a lot more details in private.
Traffic Value: $1,804.70567 France
0 like this post 3 people
30/11/2015 20:44
Unless you make bio oil and still you ll never see a 400 percent roi dude. Only the big corporation get real money but they invest big money.
Unless you make plants for médecine, bio oil that kind of stuff agriculture is crap. If agriculture was really bringing money there would be more agriculture, trust me.
Traffic Value: $1,804.70567 France
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30/11/2015 20:46
I know what I am talking about i study rural sociology
So trust me not good thing
Traffic Value: $3,542.64898 Lithuania
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30/11/2015 20:48
Money Exchange = Money Laundering

And such company I think, attracts lot of attention from all sides. 
Traffic Value: $844.91851 Romania
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30/11/2015 21:02
It actually is very profitable if you know what to grow (and I'm not talking about drugs or other illegal stuff). Netherlands make around Euro a year from agriculture, so tell me again how this is not profitable. Everyone would do it? Yeah, correct, because everyone has 30.000$ to spend them in their pocket. In my country there are agricultors which sell 1kg of a fruit (I won't say which) in front of their homes for 0.125$ dollars, and guess what, exactly the same fruits can be found on the market in the cities at the price of ~2.4$/kg. Why don't they sell for that price? Cause no one goes to their door in the middle of nowhere to buy, and they need money to live.
Traffic Value: $1,804.70567 France
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30/11/2015 22:55
I know that holland is exporting a lot but I know that people do invest a lot in houses but not in agriculture that is a fact. Nowdays you can buy cereals for like nothing. unless as I says you grow something pricy like dragon fruit or something this strange poo coffee. All I know is that in france which is a big agriculture exportators the majority of them struggle to even earn the minimal wage.
And only a few earn a lot. like always.
Traffic Value: $4,197.76641 Italy
0 like this post 4 people
30/11/2015 23:15
Some month ago I suggested the idea of a capcha solver, but I was highly criticised as it was deemed "unethical". Now the situation is bad and it's maybe to late for tha but I'm still conviced that with such a big platform it would integrate perfectly on paidverts and bring a lot of badly needed fresh external money.
Traffic Value: $2,697.0796 Denmark
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30/11/2015 23:36
CristiU Not in Denmark. Most of our farmers can barly make a living, only the few that either are so big that it doesn't matter that one crop burn down or the ones working together. It is impossible to make 400% ROI in most of the EU country.

Maybe you should buy the fruit, then drive it to the city and sell for 2.4 dollars. You would make a very nice profit.

Right now in Denmark I know of some ways to invest into a 
convenience store(More like the building they rent) where you would get 11% a year(Fakta). If I had the money I had done it. 
It is also possible to buy shares of a windturbine(ROI is after about 10 years and they live in around 25 years.) 
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