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The reality we are living

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Traffic Value: $261.94847 Bangladesh
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01/12/2015 07:47
@vicura Well technically if you want to look at it that way all the Big banks in the world all the payment getaway also runs with our money Do they have a product? No,but that doesn't mean they're not making money as a matter of fact they're making more money then most,I mean look at real life stock markets it's not a real product doesn't mean people aren't making money from it,So you're wrong when you're saying a website can't make money because it doesn't have real products,because that's not how E Commerce usually work.  
Traffic Value: $844.91851 Romania
0 like this post 1 people
01/12/2015 07:54
@MeagoDK I've thought about taking a car and buying them numerous times, but the fact that I don't have the necessary money to break even stops me. Also here agricultors are broke, but the persons who take their product to the market are the ones who make the money out of their work, that's why they're broke. There are fruits that are very expensive on the market, maybe you won't get exactly 400% ROI but it is at least over 250% the first year, year and a half at worst. Another thing, someone doesn't need to wait for their tree to grow in order to collect their fruit, a company can simply buy fruit trees that are already at maturity, I know a company in my country that sells them in exchance for 20-30% of your profit from those trees in the first 5 years.
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