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Withdrawal problem

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Traffic Value: $0.0005 Italy
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19/08/2014 16:49
I'm trying since a week ago to cashout but I receive always the same message: "Error: Please check the form and try again" even all datas are right! I tried with all processors availablebut theres nothing to do!
I opened a ticket to the support two days ago but till now no answer!
Could anyone help me understand what happens?
Thank you all.
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
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19/08/2014 17:23
Printscreen the message please cool
Traffic Value: $0.0005 Italy
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20/08/2014 21:15

Here it is the screenshot!
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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20/08/2014 21:19
The money is already in your PayPal balance.

Now click "Cashout" next to your PayPal balance to request the actual withdrawal.
Traffic Value: $9,354.801 Slovenia
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20/08/2014 21:48

If you want cashout you must click onto cashout option on other side of page not the "transfare window" (You use transfere to transfare money from eg. PV to PayPal balance) Than you need to click cashout boton nexto paypal image to request cashout and receive money on your paypal account. Hope that helps.
Traffic Value: $0.0005 Italy
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22/08/2014 21:28
Thank you all, I'm realy blind!
Traffic Value: $9,354.801 Slovenia
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22/08/2014 23:05
You're wellcome smile
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