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What about Mega Upgrade?

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Traffic Value: $662.25516 Germany
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31/01/2015 00:02
Will the mega upgrade be extented this week? We pay for 7 days, but we did not get 7 days ads. I only received 17 1% ads for my mega upgrade this week. It consumed a lot of BAP though. And I think that this is not fair. If we have to pay for 7 days, and do not get 7 days ads, we loose. Just want to know
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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31/01/2015 00:08
@steffenbiese, the rule on SUU is that if you haven't at least earned the amount you paid for the upgrade, it will be extended for another week. There's no agreement that you will get daily ads from the SUU because it's simply not possible to do so. The Mega ads are created based on ad pack purchases made by members that are worth $50 and above. If there are only few $50+ purchases, then only a few Mega ads can be created and only few Mega users can get ads.

I remember advising you not to get the Mega Upgrade the last time though. So I'm not sure why you purchased it again.
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
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31/01/2015 00:09
Not much is "Fair" in SteffenWorld is it?
Traffic Value: $662.25516 Germany
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31/01/2015 00:22
@yallit - I know you did, and as you may recall, I did not do this purchase, I had posted about this. It was my sponsor that had done this, without asking me, and against my will, she had my password at this point. (Now no more) and I have the prove, because the purchase was made by her, with her IP. 

Someone in the forum helped me, and provided the info about the IP from which this Upgrade had been purchased. I myself will never purchase it again. So far I have altogether only lost a lot of money with it. And I also would no one recommend buying it. I kind of knew already I would loose  money when this happened. 

I have listened to that advice you gave me. Gloria has not bought it. Your advise was good, I liked it, just to make that clear. 
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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31/01/2015 00:29
@steffenbiese, I somehow missed your post about your sponsor doing the purchase for you. I hope she'll give you back the upgrade fee from her own pocket money in that case.
Traffic Value: $662.25516 Germany
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31/01/2015 00:36
@yallit  - Yes, this is what I thought, that you missed these posts. However, no, I think she will not do this, and I have to live with that. Is OK, I will write it off. I think it is not worth it, t put my energy in such negative things. My wife also said, I should just write it off. Even though I could go to the police, for what she did was a criminal act, and I can prove it. It is to be seen in my account, and everyone with more than 1000 shares can see it. I try to not hate her, for hatred would not be good for me myself. 
Traffic Value: $327.44077 Bulgaria
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31/01/2015 01:20
actually the upgrades extend if u dont get 19,99 total or 2,99 i mean they are for 7 days but if u dont get 19,99 days will be extended untill u get 19.99 or more ! theres no way to loose from upgrades
Traffic Value: $662.25516 Germany
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31/01/2015 01:29
@neomatrix08 - Well, and this is where you are thinking wrong. Because you forget the BAP that were getting consumed by getting BACK just the $19.99. At this point you have lost money already. And if there are no ads coming in, only few people can buy $50.00+ worth of ads. So it is a very bad deal. I will not buy it again.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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31/01/2015 01:38

1) Have you received $20+ in Mega Ads yet?
2) What day does you Upgrade expire?
Traffic Value: $662.25516 Germany
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31/01/2015 01:52
@MichaelKline Well Michael, as you know, or should know, if you do not get $60.00+ at lest, you make a loss. If you only get $19.00 then you have lost big time already. So far I have received 17 ads, $28.20 and it runs out on Tuesday. But Jo has said, there will be only such low ads as in the last few days, and this for 1-2 weeks. So this is going to happen. It is already Saturday here. Friday no 1% ads came. Sunday also nothing will come, so I think, the mega upgrade then should be extented. For if no ads come this is fine, but then also No one makes money, and so no one can buy $50.00+ upgrades, at least most people can not. So this is not fair, and should be changed. It should be extented, and not just only if you get less than $19.99, because to just get $19.99 back you really  loose all the BAP. And so you do not really get your money back, because of the consumed BAP. So it is not fair, not at all. It is almost a rip-off in that case
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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31/01/2015 02:43
Since you are past $20 and it still has the time left that it does, then my extension method wouldn't work for you.

However, by average, based on this being 3 days income, it will most likely be $50+ (average puts it at $65).

Don't worry about the perceived loss by your upgrade. I am building a demonstration to show how to mitigate it. I will post it here shortly.
Traffic Value: $662.25516 Germany
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31/01/2015 02:50
MichaelKline Cool, I like to see that, and I like to learn how, And yes, let's see first how it will exactly be at the end. 
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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31/01/2015 02:51
@steffenbiese, It's very much clear in the Upgrade page itself and in the TOS how the SUU works. It's also defined on what grounds will an upgrade be extended. You can't force a change mid-way simply because it didn't work out for you. No one's being forced to upgrade anyway. 
Traffic Value: $662.25516 Germany
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31/01/2015 03:04
@yallit - Yes I know, and I have also understood it too. But I would still like to have it changed. It bothered me before too. And yes,you are right, I myself will never do it again, but in this case I was forced to it, unfortunately. I didn't want to get to much into it, I want to ask the admins, to please delete this topic,it is to no avail. Was wrong to open it.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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31/01/2015 03:05
Except in this case he was forced. His upline, logged into his account and purchased it for him, just so that she could get the referral commision so she could pay for something on her end. Needless to say, the two are no longer friends.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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31/01/2015 03:09
Don't sweat them. I'm gonna set some numbers straight for everyone tonight. This post is fine.
Traffic Value: $662.25516 Germany
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31/01/2015 03:15
MichaelKline - Thanks a lot Michael, I can't wait to read your post. I had no problem about what @yallit said. I find him okay, he helps a lot in here, and always gives good advice and good numbers to back-up his words too. I still think that Jo should change the parameters of this upgrade. As it is now, with many days no ads, the conditions are not good for the users, only for him, and he should think about this, I think. If not, he won't get my money no more for this product.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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31/01/2015 03:22
I'll do the easy part first (Thanks to Excell):

To explain what break even means, if I have this:
BAP: 200,000
CASH: $20
Breakeven means that I have returned to those exact values after a purchase that reduces my cash, but gives me no BAP.

Contrary to popular belief, the BE for the SSU Mega is $66 in ad delivery, as I will demonstrate:
$66 in ad delivery consumes 132,000 BAP. That's what you need to recover.
You lose 5% for referral comission, so your actual CASH value is $62.70
You need to recover $20, so that comes off too, leaving you with $42.70
$42.7 * 3100 = 132,370 BAP

I am still working on the hard part. Demonstrating how you can mitigate your BE point through the Marketplace and what your BE point would be at this stage of the Market.
Traffic Value: $662.25516 Germany
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31/01/2015 03:40
MichaelKline Thx, a great job so far, most people here are totlly blind to these numbers, but yet they attack you, insult you, call you whiners and all sorts of things.Just because they don't really want to see reality, as it really is.
Mega Upgrade was maybe a good thing in the past, when ads came daily, and big ads came too.

As it is now, it should be removed, and put over to MTV as a new gambling game.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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31/01/2015 03:43
Damn Excel makes this look easy!

OK. Based on these values:
Share Price: $0.06
BAP Trade: 247

The BE for SUU Mega is $44, as I will explain:
$44 in ad delivery consumes 88,000 BAP. That's what you need to recover.
You lose 5% for referral comission, so your actual CASH value is $41.80
You need to recover $20, so that comes off too, leaving you with $21.80
$21.80 / $0.06 (floored) = 363
363 * 247 = 89,661 BAP

I am going to see if I can publish my Excel information here so that others can use it, shorty.
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