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Recycler ads??!!

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Traffic Value: $65.60594 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
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19/08/2014 14:40
Hello friends
I hope u r all OK

i wanna ask u about smthing
I haven't recieve any recycled ads since 2 days
Im just wondering. If Jo is updating something and i didnt notice that in the daily news

And thanks again LOL
Traffic Value: $385,783.27887 Switzerland
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19/08/2014 14:42
1) Is your recycle upgrade still active? Check here:
2) Did you set ad filter?
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
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19/08/2014 14:44

I thought that this upgrade was blind to filter
Traffic Value: $65.60594 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
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19/08/2014 15:08

yes its still active
and no, i dont use ad filter
Traffic Value: $65.60594 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
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19/08/2014 19:06
Traffic Value: $124.98744 Philippines
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20/08/2014 04:28
Me too.. I am yet to receive any recycled ads for 2 days. My recycle upgrade is still active. cwy
Traffic Value: $21.41593 Spain
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20/08/2014 07:01
I Havent receive any ads... not reclycled... simplement... any ads 0... only take 8 baps (activation ads)
Traffic Value: $65.60594 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
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20/08/2014 12:35
me 2

i thing there is something wrong
i hope Jo is fixin it
Traffic Value: $386,747.05153 Netherlands
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20/08/2014 12:37
Stop complaining. All recycle ads are divided by 7000 users who bought it.. 
Traffic Value: $65.60594 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
1 like this post 1 people
20/08/2014 12:44
Dude.. who's complaining??

wht is it with u and this word?

it called conversation.....please if u know whats is wrong please share us our conversation
if not.... then please do ur self a favour and have fun from while to while

all what i want is to understand thats it,, there might something i dont know and i should wait or any thing else>>> u got it? NOBODY IS COMPLAINING smile
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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20/08/2014 12:50
I'll ask the programmers to check. I wonder if the new distribution system is giving 100% of ads to the oldest upgrades. Rather than 25%.

Though there are 6000+ users with an active recycler pro upgrade. So every time one is issued at random, you have a 1/6000 chance of getting it... So it's possible you're just experiencing a bit of bad luck.

Though, we are recycling over 200,000 ads a day. So that should be 33+ ads per user on average... And even allowing for deviation, you'd kinda expect at least one or two.
Traffic Value: $386,747.05153 Netherlands
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20/08/2014 12:55
'I thing there is something wrong'   ----> complaining.

Why this is complaining? Because there is nothing wrong!

'please if u know whats is wrong please share us our conversation'      ----> Thats what I do. I say, 7000 users upgraded, so sometimes you dont get ads.
Traffic Value: $65.60594 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
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20/08/2014 12:59
thanks Jo

we r gonna wait
u have been so helpful
Traffic Value: $65.60594 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
1 like this post 2 people
20/08/2014 13:02

yeah man there's nothing wrong.. i know
the problem is between me and u now

ok my friend, nobody asked for ur help
dont put ur nose in everything

thanks and sorry in the same time smile
Traffic Value: $752.81051 United States
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20/08/2014 13:23
Well that maybe explains the 100+ dinky recycled ads I received 2-3 days in a row! Yuck! Needless to say, I did not renew my recycled ad upgrade! sad
Traffic Value: $81.72943 Macedonia
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20/08/2014 15:01
i also have same problem. last 2-3 days i didn't take any recycle ads.
before that a receive 30 to 50 a day.

if Jo said that should be 33+ recycle ads per person daily average, 
and like a see here, many of us have same problem (not receiving)
i thing that is something wrong. 
i hope that will solve soon....
Traffic Value: $24.91458 Portugal
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20/08/2014 15:17
@MakeDough: Me too. I'm tired of clicking on ads. 170 ?? a day? It's an exaggeration ...
Traffic Value: $24.91458 Portugal
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20/08/2014 15:20
@sasho74: That's right, there can be a problem. If this continue ... so I'm leaving
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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20/08/2014 15:21
Why complain about receiving too many ads? Simply don't buy the upgrade or buy an ad filter to block the lowest ones.
Traffic Value: $24.91458 Portugal
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20/08/2014 15:26
@slosumo: All very true, it happens that it started last week, I think that is an exaggeration of ads. They want people to click 24 hours straight?
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