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Question on Weekly cash dividends

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Traffic Value: $81.62716 Philippines
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20/08/2014 04:36
Hi Guys,

Just want to ask something about the MTV dividends.
Does the weekly earning goes to our PV Earnings Balance automatically??
Because when I check my MTV Earnings Balance it is still zero but in fact I should have 2weeeks worth of dividend and I haven't made any transfer to wherever account.  confused

Please please please can anyone clarify this.

Thank you.  

Traffic Value: $11,566.00604 Pakistan
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20/08/2014 04:40
dividends always pay in mtv earning may be ur shares is so small and u got dividends and 

Account Maintenance remove it from your mtv earning check ur history
Traffic Value: $81.62716 Philippines
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20/08/2014 04:48
@slamtahir1 Thanks for your quick response. I am now able to see my history balance and you are correct it was sweep due to account maintenance. I have very little shares as of the moment. How would I be able to gain profit and have MV Balance if they continue to do that? Should I just transfer it to my PV balance as soon as I received my dividend? cwy
hrjustinptc - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $8,376.82638 United States
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20/08/2014 06:08
Yeah, it is best to keep all funds in one balance to save on fees. 
Traffic Value: $63.40612 Philippines
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20/08/2014 16:47
Same scenario happen here !! I think ill transfer as soon as i get MV Earnings .. Thank's to this very helpfulgrin
Traffic Value: $81.62716 Philippines
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21/08/2014 23:25
Thanks everyone for answering my query. smile Cheers!!
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