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Proven Traffic Value

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Traffic Value: $1,057.66713 United States
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18/08/2014 15:26
How do i get my Proven Traffic Value to raise? I really mostly use Paidverts. Is this for MTV question
Traffic Value: $303.22909 Belgium
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18/08/2014 15:44
Proven traffic value is the highest amount of money that you had in your account at some point. It's the sum of your balaces and the value of your shares and such, but the value of your BAP isn't counted into the proven traffic value, that's probably the reason why it don't raise by you.
hrjustinptc - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $8,376.82638 United States
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18/08/2014 15:47
The value takes into account all of your cash investments on MTV. Traffic Value is the max dollar value you have reached on your account. Shares are a big part of the traffic value the more you have the more value you have. When the price goes up that is when change is more noticeable. 
Traffic Value: $1,057.66713 United States
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19/08/2014 11:41
Thanks!!!! That helps I will start investing in MTV now smile
Traffic Value: $134.54777 Indonesia
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19/08/2014 14:09
great information
Traffic Value: $25,629.758 Viet Nam
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23/09/2014 04:33
Thank for information
Traffic Value: $127.20102 Philippines
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23/09/2014 05:11
sorry to ask

But what is the purpose of traffic value in every user? can the traffic value affect my earnings????question
Traffic Value: $83,353.00715 Netherlands
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23/09/2014 07:36
It can be valuable information for advertisers. It doesn't affect your earnings.
Traffic Value: $4,371.00849 Romania
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24/09/2014 10:44
But how long do we have an amount of $ in balance to add to proven traffic value? (if we use only PV)
For example, I use only PV (for the present) and I have (as u can see) a traffic value $
BUT my balance was (just this morning)$ after I clicked ads. It was for a short period of time because I purchase ads.

So, for how long must be a sum in balance or what is the reason for is not increase?
Traffic Value: $1,069.25294 Taiwan; Republic of China (ROC)
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24/09/2014 10:53
Usually the Proven Traffic Value updates itself once(I'm not sure)a day,which is slow and if you used your money to buy ads,they are not counted as "money".
The best way to increase it is to update it manually by clicking "My Account" in MTV,and press the refresh button next to your PTV.
My Proven Traffic Value: $20.06018 (refresh button here)
Traffic Value: $4,371.00849 Romania
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24/09/2014 11:04
Oooo, nice tip!
That is what I'm looking for grin

Big thanks! 
Traffic Value: $215.89405 Pakistan
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27/11/2014 13:36
Here on MTV, my Proven Traffic Value is $8.089 but on PV website it's showing:

Proven Traffic Value: $38.89856

Why this difference?

By the way, I never had more than $8.089 in my balance as Max, so the above theory described by you guys fails? If not, then pls tell me how this $38 is calculated.
Traffic Value: $174.1279 Malaysia
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27/11/2014 13:42
Proven Traffic Value = Current BAP * $0.0005 + Account Balances + Shares @ Current Rate + Active Fast Track Queue Investments (186%/250% Plan)
Forum - Questions - Proven Traffic Value
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