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payment proofs

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Traffic Value: $0.0075 Philippines
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17/08/2014 16:48
is there a page were we can see payment proofs? thanks
Traffic Value: $303.22909 Belgium
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17/08/2014 16:53
Such page is not available, but some people post them in the forum here.
Traffic Value: $0.0075 Philippines
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17/08/2014 16:56
oh I see.. but it would be nice if there is such a page of proof of
Traffic Value: $303.22909 Belgium
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17/08/2014 17:00
Some time ago there is talked about such page, but I'm not sure if it's on the programming list. But still if it's on the list, it will be a lower priority I think.
Traffic Value: $20,326.06559 Slovenia
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17/08/2014 19:33
Here's one of mine JRD:

Traffic Value: $2,370.48552 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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17/08/2014 21:09
Here is example for PayPal
Traffic Value: $8.74586 Brazil
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14/12/2015 19:24
Isso aqui não diz nada, já fiz duas transferência para a minha conta na PAYPAL e nada recebi
ate esse momento, o que vi aqui é que a Paypal está bloqueada, se está por que continua aqui
como conta de transferência, quero saber onde está o dinheiro que transferi, e como vou recuperar.? 
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