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MTV and how it works

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Traffic Value: $34.53077 Philippines
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18/08/2014 19:09
Hi, im from PV and i just want to ask how does MTV work? what should i do to earn money here too, from shares to revenues. Can anyone give a brief advice?
Traffic Value: $2,211.17614 France
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18/08/2014 20:10
Hello Verloren
 here is a presentation of MTV that the member Vella85 to posted on the MMG forum, I think this will give you an idea
It's very easy you can either purchase company shares which you can buy and sell and receive a dividend each Monday just for holding on to your shares and depending on how many you own will depend on how much you will earn each week with the dividend.If you are going to be buying and selling shares the key is to purchase them cheap which at the moment the cheapest shares are at around $0.07 each and to sell them at a high price later on.I myself prefer to hold on to them as I and many others believe the price could sky rocket in the months to come plus I don't mind receiving a dividend each week even though it is small for me at the moment.

Next you have investment plans,the 186% plan which can take up to 250 days to mature depending on site revenues and gaming revenues and you have the 250% plan which does require a $250 upgrade fee to join this plan which lasts for 365 days.Both plans can take up to 150+ to 250+ days to mature.The other one is the experimental plan which I'm not too sure how it works so I can't help you on this one.

The other way to earn here is to play the online casino games so if your into gambling then this is the place to be.Also there is a Monitor Voting Game where you can vote for a program to still be around in 14 days.You do this by placing some money on the program you think will last 14 days.I have had good luck with this so far.

I hope this helps and I'm sure some other members can help you some more if I have forgotten something. 
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