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Mini and Mega Super User Upgrades

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Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
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18/08/2014 10:41
I'm thinking on buy this upgrades to climb faster in the BAP group tree smile I was reading the upgrade info and realized that there's no guarantee of how many ads and what value will we receved with this upgrades. How can i study if it is profitable for me to do it.
Can anyone give some help or stats from the latest days concerning 1% ads for the upgraders.
I'm in group 7


Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
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18/08/2014 12:19
I did some math i need at least $0,91 worth ads a day for the mini and $6,05 for the Mega so that i wont loose money. Anybody can support this?

Traffic Value: $1,057.66713 United States
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18/08/2014 13:42
You wont loose money because if you do not make your investment back they extend your time being upgraded. I have done the mini upgrade 2 times and received double my money back each time. I am in the middle of my 3rd time and i have earned my money back. I hope this helps
Traffic Value: $303.22909 Belgium
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18/08/2014 13:48
It's not only about earning money back because yes you have to get your money back, but you also have bap consumed and these has also to be covered. Sometime ago someone on the forum did some calculations and it was 9.xx dollar that the upgrade should have to return so you should have your baps converted and got your 155% return. Now I hear numbers of 4.5 dollars and so, not near the 9 dollars you should get, a lot of people doesn't take everything into account. I tought just to break even (get your upgrade fee covered and earn your bap back) it was still about 6 dollars the upgrade had to return.
Traffic Value: $1,057.66713 United States
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18/08/2014 14:06
I usually get about $7.5 and the dollars i earn go back into my bap...i reinvest it
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
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18/08/2014 14:37
@getter and @mpowered1

I think you are talking about the mini upgrade.

@mpowered1 how many ads were those $7.5 (on the whole 7 days i supose)

does the amount and value of these ads depends on the BAP group?

Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
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18/08/2014 15:27
Comparing to investing on BAP the numbers would be:

Mini: $9.32 $1.33/day
Mega: $62.30 $8.90/day

Does anybody on group 7 can give some numbers angry
Traffic Value: $5,278.37238 Germany
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18/08/2014 15:33
@axiantor you forget the 5% ref comissin so you need 9.78$ per week to get the same result as buying ad packs.
i wouldnt buy it unless it very likely for it to get 12$+ per week because those extra ads have to be clicked too and for a lose or just some cents its not worth it.
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
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18/08/2014 15:42
@The Darkness

Are those $12 for the group 7? $2,50 is still some earning smile
Do you know for the value for the mega upgrade?
What is the value for the group 8?
Just too many questions grin
Traffic Value: $1,101.9832 Germany
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18/08/2014 16:12
Mega Upgrades: $19.99 (200 users currently upgraded) 
These will deliver all 1% ads ranging in values from $0.50 and up! Eg. You will get all the 1% ads from all ad purchases of $50+ made over the next 7days. (Shared between any other upgraded users) 

Upgrade Active! Expires in 1 Day 21h 13min 03s

Upgrade Purchase Log:

06-08-2014 13:17:56 20-08-2014 13:17:56 Super User - Mega Upgrade 16 ($15.94)

I Think $50+, never becomes, why, Super User not work?
Traffic Value: $20,280.94579 Germany
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18/08/2014 16:29
too less $50+ ad purchases shared between too many upgraded users

... but it will extend another 7 days, if you have still not received $19.99 advalue at expiry date
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
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18/08/2014 17:16
$19.99 it's not enought to be profitable.
Traffic Value: $5,278.37238 Germany
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18/08/2014 17:30

no i have never bought it iam just saying i would only buy it if it had like a 80% chance to get me 12$+.
But atm. i think it is very unlikely to reach that much (at least that is what i read from most people).

The exact value for the 19.99$ upgrade to be worth the same as ad purchase would be:
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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18/08/2014 17:31
Super upgrades were made to help turn BAP into cash quickly, not for them to return the fee + allow you to keep the same/grow your BAP. If you want to do the latter with it then both super upgrades have been far from "worth it" since basically the second week because too many people upgrade and they have no idea what they're buying even though all the info is there.

If you want to keep your BAP and have the fee returned by the upgrade then simply check how many ad packs are being sold and how many users have bought the upgrade. It's simple math from there onwards and you can decide if it's worth it for you or not.
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
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18/08/2014 20:52
Does the BAP group gives you better chance of earning more 1% ads on the upgrades? I think i read that somehere but i cant find it.

Do you have the upgrades Slosumo? angel
Traffic Value: $3,059.81852 United States
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18/08/2014 23:44
The bap group has nothing to do with it. Its based upon how many ads were bought that day and what type of ads they are. Meaning the amount of ads you buy in one go determines what value the ad is for everyone viewing it. 
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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19/08/2014 04:12
Nope I haven't bought any of the upgrades in a while now.
Forum - Questions - Mini and Mega Super User Upgrades
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