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Lost extra BAP for no reason!

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Traffic Value: $8.53236 United States
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20/08/2014 01:48
19-08-2014 10:53:08 -40 Ad issue: BA-158398 / 44250319 6167
19-08-2014 06:58:01 -100 Daily BAP Tax 6307
19-08-2014 05:54:36 +25 Activation ad: BA-124700 / 44045144 6407

So how does my BAP go from 6307 after the 100 BAP tax to 6167 after only losing 40 more BAP? I lost an extra 100 BAP...
Traffic Value: $2,218.90192 Korea Republic of
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20/08/2014 04:04
Maybe 6307 is the before one you lost your tax....
The tax is -100BAP, and -40BAP is the advertisement
Traffic Value: $8.53236 United States
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20/08/2014 05:29

The 6307 number after the BAP tax is clearly the after tax number.
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
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20/08/2014 08:26
This should really be clarified. I dont check my BAP log as i trust it. There must be an explanation shocked
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
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20/08/2014 14:03
Jo, please take a look at this ASAP.
Thanks sad
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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20/08/2014 14:12
Not sure what happened there... but the programmers have already fixed it;

20-08-2014 12:36:00 +100 Admin adjustment 6095
Traffic Value: $8.53236 United States
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20/08/2014 19:40
Cool. Thanks!
Traffic Value: $8.53236 United States
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21/08/2014 19:43
Yeah it happened again...

21-08-2014 08:42:09 -80 Ad issue: BA-161907 / 45443574 5949
21-08-2014 06:58:01 -100 Daily BAP Tax 6149
21-08-2014 05:14:54 +25 Activation ad: BA-130088 / 45362907 6249

Lost 300 BAP when I should have only lost 180. I am going to have to check my BAP log to see how long this has been happening.

Edit: It seems to only have happened twice. I don't want to go further into my BAP logs as everything seemed fine back then.
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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21/08/2014 20:31
Maybe we should all take a look at our bap logs, it may be a programming issue and I almost never check the log myself... probably many other people who don´t as well...
Traffic Value: $8.53236 United States
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22/08/2014 06:15
Yeah, I have only checked the last 3 days. The first day because my BAP just seemed a bit too low. I have been paying a bit more attention to it the last two days because of it. I knew my BAP was down a bit much this time though. Sadly I was right.
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
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22/08/2014 08:30

Anybody else with this problem? ermm
Traffic Value: $2,211.17614 France
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22/08/2014 08:35
 No, on my side I have not this problem
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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22/08/2014 09:43
From Daniel:

Just short info about this topic We've finally figured out what happened. Bap balance is correct, the only missing thing is the history. This is some issue of the daily cron, but I don't know what for this moment. Missing history entry has been recreated (he got an ad for 0.06 -> 120BAP).

So there's nothing actually wrong with your BAP balance... just a missing history entry from an ad issue that hasn't processed properly. You'll have recevied the ad and everything; but for some reason teh history table part of the database hasn't been written properly. Or something like that!
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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22/08/2014 11:45
Txs Jo, makes us feel better.....
Traffic Value: $8.53236 United States
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22/08/2014 22:09
Ok I checked to see if I got a 6 cent ad and I did. So everything is good.

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