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How many ads have you completed?

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hrjustinptc - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $8,376.82638 United States
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18/08/2014 20:57
Well I have done over 100 clicks today still 37 left yet. I figured I would take a break for a while since the remaining ads have plenty of time left.

Here is where I have stopped for now. Does anyone else have anywhere near this many completed ads?

Traffic Value: $2,211.17614 France
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18/08/2014 21:15
I'm a little baby beside youtongue laugh

but I do not use the option recycled ads or super/mini upgrade,So I have less ads to click daily logically
but congratulation 10.000ads equivalent to 2.5 hours of clicksw00tLOL
Traffic Value: $12,691.63746 Australia
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18/08/2014 21:15
Nowhere near it ... for me 
Completed ads (3000)
Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
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18/08/2014 21:26
Man that's too muchsmile
I already saw 4583 ads, and I started from day 1.
But I don't have the upgrades active...

Traffic Value: $614.96675 Turkey
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18/08/2014 22:14
today i received more than 300 ads and still goes on
from beginning ( six month ) totally 3600 ads
Traffic Value: $1,450.93997 Italy
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18/08/2014 22:17
"but I do not use the option recycled ads or super/mini upgrade,So I have less ads to click daily logically
but congratulation 10.000ads equivalent to 2.5 hours of click"
there is an error...

10.000 ads are
about 4 days not 2.5 hours...

10.000 X 30 = 300000 seconds / 60 = 5000 minutes / 60 = 83.33 hours / 24 = 3.4722 days
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
1 like this post 0 people
19/08/2014 00:08
Nice Topic.

2198 ads here since 9 june - average 30 ads a day.
Traffic Value: $79.99441 Philippines
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19/08/2014 00:58
Where can we see this?
hrjustinptc - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $8,376.82638 United States
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19/08/2014 01:56
Yeah 10k is my total since starting PaidVerts. I can click about 100 in an hour the max physically possible would be 120. I only got the super user upgrades once to start. I have no ad filter and I do have the recycler that give a bunch lately. You can find the completed ads on the top of paid ads page. I will get a filter eventually but I can usually get majority of ads done in an hour or two each day.
Traffic Value: $11.88351 Singapore
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19/08/2014 04:53
i have Completed ads (1358) grin
so i am new member grin
Traffic Value: $5.61324 South Africa
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19/08/2014 05:40
My name is Shirley. I have completed 3610 Ads and still busy clicking. What a fantastic site have we found!! Very hard work but keep at it. I have done hundreds of other and this is by far the best. Very important to do your Upgrades. I am now waiting to earn the $10 Filter which may take another week. But will keep plugging.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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19/08/2014 06:26
4591 click here.

@Shirley in case you don't know yet the ad filter won't help you earn more, it just blocks ads under a certain value, meaning that you'll actually earn a bit less with it, but save time/BAP you'd use on clicking on those tiny ads.
Traffic Value: $153.2372 Italy
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19/08/2014 08:00
 7322 paids ad interactions....  !!!! tongue

but I upgrade (0,05) so many times then most was those recycled from others...   

no share or investments, just click..silly
Traffic Value: $1,069.25294 Taiwan; Republic of China (ROC)
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19/08/2014 08:28
Better build your BAP to a high level and then buy an adfiliter.10$ is much.
Traffic Value: $5.61324 South Africa
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19/08/2014 10:21
So Slosumo,
Thanks for reply. What do you suggest. Shall I just keep upgrading rather until I can afford $19.90 then keep up with the Upgrades? Might take another while unless I can invest quicker.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
5 like this post 0 people
19/08/2014 10:35
I'd suggest not to even buy the super upgrades if you want to maintain your BAP. Just keep buying ad packs with your earnings, it's the best way to grow your earnings.
Traffic Value: $5.61324 South Africa
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19/08/2014 10:47
Thanks slosum for the advise. I will try that.
Traffic Value: $153.2372 Italy
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19/08/2014 10:52
@earnforthat and slosumo: I  accept your advices at once, thanks!!! smile  
Really I know I made many mistakes with strategy, indeed earned little sum and just made withdrawal... shocked
Traffic Value: $5.61324 South Africa
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19/08/2014 10:59
Hi Auberetium I have done 3757 so have a way to go yet.
Traffic Value: $153.2372 Italy
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19/08/2014 11:05
Hi Shirley smile  I discovered this forum so late..tonguew00t
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