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How Convert my BAPs into cash.

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Traffic Value: $473.17835 Pakistan
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06/09/2023 13:50
I want to cashout my BAPs. What is the procedure to cashout all of my BAPs. Is it possible?
Traffic Value: $1,701.2323 Honduras
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07/09/2023 00:03

Yes, you can liquidate all your BAPs and cashout, but it takes a few steps:
1. Trade your BAPs for Royalty Positions (RP's) in the marketplace
2. Trade your RPs for cash
3. Cashout.

Click here to go to the marketplace

Traffic Value: $684.68747 Bosnia and Herzegowina
0 like this post 0 people
12/09/2023 17:58
I Would Like to liquidate mi vape too. Maybe someone from administration could make us a deal to liquidate our gap. I’m talking about pic share
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