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Get rid of BAP completely by watching ads?

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Traffic Value: $2,037.53169 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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14/05/2023 09:14
Hello everyone,

I would kindly ask MTV/PV members to tell their experiences regarding the consumption of BAP.

Many times I saw the message "Buy the ad filter to stop wasting your time with low value ads. Buy Ad Filter" and followed other people's experiences and suggestions to do so, so I bought Ad Filer. That was 3 years ago, and its effect was very weak.

Not that Ad Filter blocked low-paying ads, it blocked all types of ads. Well, if we set the Ad Filer to 0.99 or 0.01 somehow it seems to me that there is no difference because the outcome is the same - no paid ads!

If no paid ads are issued then BAP cannot be consumed.

My question: How can we spend all the BAP in the shortest possible time ONLY by watching advertisements?

Is it a matter of position, do we have to be in the largest possible group? Is it an upgrade? Is it a membership? Achievement points? Or is it a combination of everything?

What does the size of paid advertising really depend on so that our BAP is used as soon as possible?

Another question, what is the point of having +1 million BAP if they are not consumed by watching ads? What is the point of any group if ads are not consumed as expected.

I really hope that some kind soul will help me to understand.

Best regards
Traffic Value: $56,564.16117 Germany
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14/05/2023 14:12
The ads have to be financed somehow and the funds aren't there to pay off all the BAP in one go. 
Traffic Value: $11,569.46477 Australia
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15/05/2023 01:09

Go back to my previous post and go to the bit about visiting the Forum.  This will explain to you exactly how many/what value ads you should expect based on your BAP group.

The ad filter works and is a good idea if you don't want to watch very low value ads, but you must set it according to your BAP group so that it doesn't filter out everything.

Your main goal if you want higher value ads is working your way up the BAP groups. I stated in my original post, the target here is not "How much can I get out of MTV/Paidverts", it is "What can I advertise on MTV/Paidverts that will make me money elsewhere"

I effectively give everything I make here back to MTV in order to earn elsewhere.  I get >20,000 ads per week for free, as it also maintains by BAP position.  You must invest here, cycle your money here and earn elsewhere.

It works, but it does not happen overnight, does require investment from you initially and is dependent on you advertising something that people actually want (and is not just some scam).

(NB: Ironically, the more people that understood this, the more ads that would be bought and the higher the value of the ads that would be issued to everyone...and RP value would go up)
Traffic Value: $2,037.53169 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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15/05/2023 08:19
Hi fraser, 

Thanks again for the detailed reply. 

Yes, I understood what you wrote, that through promotion on MTV/PV we promote other projects that will provide us with profit.

But somehow it seems to me that despite everything, there should be a way to earn additional income through MTV/PV (alone) and at the same time maintain our BAP position.

These days I'm in a lot of thinking about everything related to this business, and busy doing some other things, I'll get back to you when I get home from work. 

Thank you again.
Traffic Value: $11,569.46477 Australia
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15/05/2023 23:46
The business used to pay out in ads more than they took in in revenue, and was therefore a scam.  You had to be in and out before the whole thing crumbled. 

Current management stopped all of that and made the business sustainable (which prevents users from being rug-pulled).  The downside is that people like get rich quick schemes and are not willing to put any work in.

There are other opportunities to make money via Cash Offers, PTC Walls or even Games.  Personally I don't like them, but each to their own.

To be successful here, you have to think of it as an advertising platform.
Traffic Value: $2,037.53169 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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16/05/2023 13:08
Hi fraser, 

I think I've finally come up with a plan that doesn't seem unattainable to me, it's basically that I'll first try to get valuable ads and at the same time keep a higher BAP position. 

Of course, before I announce any news, I have to check if this plan works for me.

By the way, again I didn't get any paid ads even though I set the filter to 0.0005, I think many members didn't get paid ads. Already asked the support, they will get issued the next day, let's hope for the best.
Traffic Value: $1,701.2323 Honduras
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16/05/2023 17:55

Keep in mind that there's been a technical issue and ads were not sent today and yesterday. Nobody received their ad issue. The admins placed a login notice so everybody would know by now.
Expect tomorrow, when its fixed, a much bigger ad issue
Traffic Value: $2,037.53169 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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16/05/2023 19:19
Hi klikdiva,

I have received this messages, also support told me paid ads would be issued tomorrow so no worries. smile
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