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Traffic Value: $1,517.81278 United States
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06/05/2023 20:15
For those of you spending money on paidvert ads, what types of ads work well with these people who seem to only want to click an ad and move on to the next? In other words, what grabs there attention? Are you getting referrals, leads, or sales?
Traffic Value: $421.19413 Serbia
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08/05/2023 13:27
I believe it`s a simple ``numbers`` situation...
Nowadays, we`ve got about 5k daily active clickers on PV ( on PTCS too, sadly )
so the real question is what your expectations are from such an audience.
I don`t think they act any different here than from other sites they`re registered to, there`s just not enough of them to get you results...
Traffic Value: $1,517.81278 United States
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09/05/2023 02:45
5K clickers daily is enough if I just knew what interests them. Maybe its freebies. I'll have to brainstorm.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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09/05/2023 06:55
I can tell you from my own experience that in general the best conversions when advertising on PTCs are indeed other freebies, but in general also other ways to make money, specifically starting from free.

The most important metric is usually NOT the amount of users a PTC has, but the cost of 1000 views, and then the conversion of those view to signups/registrations at other sites, and the average revenue they will generate you there.

I.e. if 1000 views cost $1, and you're getting 4 signups at some PTC, but each of those refs on average generates you say just $0.1 in 1 month, then it's not worth it.
If on the other hand, you can get 5000 views for $1, and you get just 3 signups per 1000, then you're making $1.5 from that.

And how to figure that out, is simply to try, and then to see if you can optimize the conversions.

The amount of "daily active users" (or more importantly new users), simply allows you to scale that conversion up, and make it more effective to keep regularly advertising at a website, so that you are not constantly advertising to the same users.

You can try and promote other things for sure, but the same will apply. You just gotta try, figure out the KPIs/cost of acquisition, and see if the numbers generate a profit.

Main tips:
1) Stock up on ads on sales (i.e. 50% discounts will make it 2x easier to convert/2x more profitable, a 75% discount will make it 4x easier to make it profitable)
2) Create specific landing pages that are clear and can catch attention in those 5 seconds someone might view it
3) Try different landing pages, tweak and optimize conversion
4) Use some tracking software and track
5) Do NOT constantly advertise the same thing on a website, especially if it doesn't have a ton of unique daily users. I.e. what I usually did say with login/Fixed ads, was that I advertised 3 different websites at a time, but cycle them so they each got to reach new users.

Day 1- site 1
Day 2- Site 2
Day 3 - Site 3
Day 4- Site 1

If I saw conversions dropping say after a month, I staggered them further (i.e. at least 5-10 days apart between readvertising a site) , or put new sites to advertise in the mix.

It's just a numbers/analysis game and something to optimize along the way.
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