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distribution BAP's in country competition CFE

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Traffic Value: $3,681.91012 Switzerland
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30/03/2017 14:41
Does anybody know how the country competition BAP prize in each country is distributed per member? e.g. If I am member of the winning country how much will I get?

Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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30/03/2017 20:03
Andraz did post it (but I'm a horrible searcher)
He also may have adjusted this a bit.

NOTE: If less than 100 players in your Country, but still a Top 10 Country, you just divide the small number by the users that even bet the min 1 time that whole month.

The general sense is:

1. To get any BAP, you need to be in the Top 100, and your Country needs to be in the Top 10.
2. 80/20 or 90/10
A. Smaller Number = Same reward for each player aka if 100 and 90/10 then 0.1% of the total pot.
B. Larger Number = Proportional Reward based on how much you personally contributed. AKA if you contributed 25% of the Bets made, you get 25% of the 90% of the reward of where your Country placed.

For instance, in my case (note I'm not sure just how much I contributed, in proportion, but it's small):
My Country is #7, My Rank in Country is #76
We share 10KBAP, b/c we placed 7th, among all 100 of us.

Going off a 90/10 model, means everyone will get to share 10% of the pot evenly (1K/100 = 10BAP.
Then, b/c I was 76th (which means I didn't contribute much esp compared to the 42MIL, I'd be lucky to get even 10 more BAP as I imagine I contributed roughly 30K so 30K/42MIL vs X/9KBAP is so small BAP wise.
Traffic Value: $770.95545 Argentina
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30/03/2017 23:45
This is the current distribution for country rewards:

COuntry competition prize:500000 BAP
Top 10 countries get a share  of the BAP reward
1st – 25%  - 125 k
2nd – 20% - 100 k 
3rd – 15% - 75 k
4th – 13%
5th – 10%
6th – 7%
7th – 4%
8th – 3%
9th – 2%
10th – 1% - 5k 

Every participant (who did at least one spin during the competition) gets a base reward to claim of X BAP based on which spot their country won, this reward is 20% of the country´s reward.

The top 100 contributors of the country get the BAP reward shared as:

20% of the BAP reward is the base reward for every top contributor evenly
80% of the BAP reward is added on top of base reward for player based on their relative contribution to the country´s score
If there's overall less than 100 contributors in a country, the 80 % BAP rewards are shared between them and not “100 people”
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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30/03/2017 23:55
You said the 20% is given coins (or is that a misprint?).

Or are you saying, as long as a country reaches the Top 10 of Countries, that the 1234th player of the Country, gets an equal share, of the 20%, as #1 player, (but in coins).
Traffic Value: $770.95545 Argentina
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31/03/2017 11:28
Sorry if it was misunderstood, I meant that every player that did at least one spin will get a share (BAP) of that 20% of the country reward, meaning all participants get an equal amount of BAP, and just the top 100 of the country get more
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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31/03/2017 12:10
I reread your post.

COINS are a bonus, and don't really add up to much individually, esp as more players play in your country.

So, I expect based on my Country being 7th (20KBAP), and me placed 76th (pretend 0.5% of bets), and pretend 500US players, my reward to be:
8 Coins - I spun at least once equal share among 500players of 4Kcoins
40 BAP - base 20% equal share of 4K
80 BAP - 0.5% of 16K
8 coins and 120 BAP
Traffic Value: $770.95545 Argentina
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31/03/2017 19:43
Druth, im really really sorry, due to a being distracted, and a lack of sleep might have helped also, i misswrote on my second post, coins have nothing to do with rewards!
 The rewards of competitions are only BAP.
By the way, on the scenario you wrote you would get that amount of BAP!

Sorry again for misswriting and I edited my posts to avoid anybody from getting confused
Traffic Value: $3,681.91012 Switzerland
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01/04/2017 18:59
Switzerland was the winner of the country competition this month and I was ranked on the 3rd place at the end. Why I did not get any reward? No BAP and no Coins? Can someone explain this to me?
Traffic Value: $770.95545 Argentina
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01/04/2017 19:43

Don´t know what has happened, I already issued the problem to slosumo, he will be looking into it and give an answer.

thank you for the report 
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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01/04/2017 20:23
I was wondering the same thing.

Thought, we may only had 1 refresh to claim and so I missed my chance.
Traffic Value: $3,681.91012 Switzerland
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02/04/2017 12:09
Thanks felibaudino and slosumo for looking into it. Hopefully we get soon a positive answer
Traffic Value: $3,681.91012 Switzerland
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07/04/2017 08:34
Hi Slosumo

Do you had a chance to look into this issue? I would appreciate if you could give me a feedback.

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