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BAP Lost less than time

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Traffic Value: $90.25421 India
0 like this post 0 people
18/08/2014 07:58
I was logged in yesterday night in PV and logged in again today morning for my regular activity view ads. now i see one ad has recycled and consumed 1800BAPs overnight. thats between less than 18 hours of my 2 logins. am i missing some information of how it works?
can i get my BAP back pls.
mm89 - Administrator
Traffic Value: $20,663.19133 Poland
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18/08/2014 08:32
is it this one: ?
Traffic Value: $90.25421 India
0 like this post 0 people
18/08/2014 08:40
yep. You are right. I missed the timestpams. Thanks so much.
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