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100% Game Losses Value

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Traffic Value: $3,125.39327 Pakistan
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01/08/2022 16:48
Dear Admin slosumo,
Please update 100% Game losses Value as soon as posible.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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02/08/2022 06:45
July Cashback offer was just paid to everyone eligible for it - if you overall had any losses during the promotion period, you just had cashback balance added smile
Traffic Value: $3,125.39327 Pakistan
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02/08/2022 09:18
Dear slosumo, 
my total deposit is 88 USD on promotion i loss in game but only 21 USD back whay?
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
3 like this post 0 people
02/08/2022 10:29
The cashback offer was 100% up to $5 in losses, + an additional 20% cashback up to $1000 in additional cashback value.

You wagered $461.50286 worth of bets, and ended up losing $87.719.

On that you gained a 100% cashback of $5.00, and an additional 20% cashback on the additional $82 lost($87-$5) = $82*20% =$16.5438

Total cashback = $21
Traffic Value: $3,125.39327 Pakistan
0 like this post 0 people
02/08/2022 11:33
ok thank you, now i understand the cashback value policy.
Forum - Questions - 100% Game Losses Value
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