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Wed 7th May - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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07/05/2014 08:49
Todays fast tracks have been sent!

MyTrafficValue is now accepting BitCoin:

Report a problem monitor listing, and earn $1:

We're in the process of setting up the DDOS protection. We're hoping this will speed the website back up. As last night it was running nice and quickly; but today its lagging again.

Additionally; i'm talking to iweb to try and get them to swap the 100mbps switch between our two servers for a hardline Ethernet cable. That is up to 1000mbps. So maybe that'll help... And they're checking things out in general - see why two brand new, high spec servers have become slower than one old one.

Support tickets i'll tackle a bit later in the day (preferably when the site is a bit quicker) ; and i'll also dig into the pending withdrawals.

I've also begun a trial exchange between BitCoin and Perfect Money. As we've had over $6000 worth of BitCoin deposits to date. And PM is otherwise tricky to fund; so this will kill two birds and help mop up the pending cashouts there.

And I believe the Micro Ads button should appear later today on PaidVerts. So once you have viewed all the ads issued to you; you can manually request a pack of mini ads to keep you busy!

Jo smile

Large Depositor Promotion!
If you fund your account with more than $5000 up until 31st May 2014, we'll credit your account with a free 365 day upgrade (worth $2000) to our Fast Track 250 Plan. This will enable you to invest $100-$500 every day for the next year into our fast track queue without fees, pocketing the full 250% return.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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07/05/2014 09:00
The DDOS protection has been installed; however it's not going to "work" for another 24-48hours. As we again, have to wait for the DNS settings on our domain name to take effect across the world, and redirect all our traffic through the filter.

So in the mean time, to prevent disruption, we have changed the DNS settings on our domain names, to begin that process. But we're also allowing direct traffic to the server. So whilst your DNS updates, your old settings will still work.

Then tomorrow or Friday, we'll block all direct access to the server; and then you'll require the new DNS in order to access the website. And then our protection will be 100%.

Unfortunately, that means until then; we might have to put up with a laggy website!
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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07/05/2014 10:20
Perfect Money cashouts are done.
With exception of 3 users; 1 will be paid with the next deposit pretty much. As it's a tiny amount & he's only been waiting a few hours... And the other two i'm offering an alternative payment method (unless they choose to wait for PM to be funded/arrive)

PV is unblocking the road ahead in terms of the share price; it just spent $1000 buying shares off itself @ $0.23 & relisting them straight away at 58cents... Once PV finishes buying the remainder of that block off of itself; it'll snap up the cheap shares on the marketplace... And then the price will rise very rapidly with no block at $0.23 in the way... And in the mean time; it gives time for sellers to undercut each other and give PV the best price.

Alex is working through the code at the moment trying to optimize queries and what not. Try and speed things up that way.
Still waiting on Iweb to see if they can do anything with the hardware configuration.
And then the DDOS protection we'll find out about tomorrow / Friday.

So hopefully one or all of those will fix the lag issues; but MTV is working pretty quickly at times. PV less so; but that's a more database intensive site. So likely have to focus on the coding there.
Traffic Value: $27,232.49886 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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07/05/2014 13:49
I believe things are getting to normal. happy

There are 724 users online
Total users: 21489
New today: 980
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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07/05/2014 13:51
And the site is super fast right now. We're not really sure why! Iweb hasn't admitted to fixing anything.

The DDOS protection might have been the cause; not necessarily stopping a full on attack. But some bots draining our server resources perhaps.

Anyway... back to work!
Traffic Value: $27,232.49886 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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07/05/2014 13:56
Yes, no lag here anymore.

Both MTV and PV are working fast now.
Traffic Value: $386,747.05153 Netherlands
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07/05/2014 14:25
It is indeed reaaaaaly fast. YEAH!!

Almost 3800 users earned in the past 48hrs.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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07/05/2014 14:33
Yeah! Back to growth wink

Should be well over 4000 users that earn today; assuming everyone I issued ads to clicks on them.


I'm taking a break for a few hours; later i'll keep chipping away at the PayPal cashouts - slow going, as I have to do those manually at the moment. And i've also got 100 support tickets left to look into! And then the experimental fund.

Fun fun wink
Traffic Value: $27,232.49886 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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07/05/2014 14:44
This is crazy. silly

Now is already  New today: 1046

Time to set up my own campaign because at this rate there will be no users to refer. LOL
Traffic Value: $556.4157 Brazil
2 like this post 0 people
07/05/2014 14:56
Now inject the ADS on the System, we have hunger users! smilesmile
I have received a good meal today, but if you some more ADS do digest i have space to eat some more ADS. smile

It´s nice to see the sustainable grow of the Site. 

Keep going with the good Job JO.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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07/05/2014 20:43
Wow! new users up to 1300. It looks like we're hitting that upward explosion you talked about Jo. Congratulations!
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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07/05/2014 20:54
Yeh it seems to be growing day by day, good news! Lets keep promoting this thing and become the biggest, the best PTC!
Traffic Value: $68.52568 United States
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07/05/2014 21:22
Additionally; i'm talking to iweb to try and get them to swap the 100mbps switch between our two servers for a hardline Ethernet cable.

Would that be saving MTV any money? (As we'd no longer have to rent a switch, in theory.)
Traffic Value: $13,962.16825 Australia
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07/05/2014 21:36
I have a need....a need for speed!

Traffic Value: $386,747.05153 Netherlands
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07/05/2014 22:01
WOW! More than 4300 members earning @ PV!
Forum - News - Wed 7th May - Daily News
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