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Tue 29th July - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
9 like this post 0 people
30/07/2014 04:48
Hey if my traffic value ever breaks a million, I'll figure out how to make an animated banner of myself naked and make everyone watch.grin

On second thought, I'm not quite that vain.angel
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
4 like this post 0 people
30/07/2014 07:35
@Mike Don't say that out loud, people will keep undercutting the share price so it never comes to that tongue

As much as most of us like seeing banners like that, I think it should still be prohibited some time in the future. You never know when it offends someone, many people are still reserved about such things. Obviously that will take some time for the system to be built where shareholders/users will be able to review these ads. Allowing ads like that is also against our TOS, so you'd either have to change the TOS or not allow such ads.

Websites containing malicious script or code, excessive pop-ups, or viruses are prohibited. In summary, and without being exhaustive, no sites promoting the follow shall be submitted to PaidVerts:
Adult Content or Sexually Themed Material
Drugs and Drug Paraphernalia
Tobacco Sales
Discriminatory Practices
Hate / Violence Sites
Weapons Sales
Pharmaceutical Sales
Illegal Downloads including movies, MP3, software etc.
PaidVerts reserves the right to reject advertisements at our sole discretion. No refunds will be issued if your ad campaign is cancelled for promoting malicious or illegal content.
Traffic Value: $65,453.30658 Sweden
2 like this post 0 people
30/07/2014 09:15
Yes, TOS say that but this picture is not so sexual she is not even naked if that was the case then we could have this argument...

and in some countries we are not so strict that we cannot be naked why are all afraid of really...
we must talk to our children about sex and all that before 18 they are young adults and stop treat them as children and don't think they won't find out any other way, you have heard of google...grin

we can ask camarada968 why he did it i think it is only to start this argument and he mostly was kidding because if he had linked to porn site then it was a break of TOS

in the stone age maybe we could hide all but not now
Traffic Value: $9,354.801 Slovenia
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30/07/2014 09:24
I don't really mind banners whit that content  but as site is +16 and not +18 banners like that shouldn't be allowed.
Traffic Value: $65,453.30658 Sweden
3 like this post 0 people
30/07/2014 09:26
16 is not a child even if they are not 18 and they know about this even long before...i just saying that because it's true we are not stone age people any longer that can hide it because we are afraid, better to explain as, in my country even 10 year children know about this because school and education in third school year
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
8 like this post 0 people
30/07/2014 09:34
I hate all this political correctness stuff. It gets out of hand.

Just because you saw a breast, it's not going to ruin your life. And if it does, then you have a lot bigger problems than PaidVerts. My advice is to grow up! You've seen something you don't like, noted; opinion saved. A bit of knowledge in the bank. Now, get on with your day.

I also understand that there are things you don't want to see; i'm the same. But come on, we live in the real world. You can't hide yourself away from reality. That's how populations end up permitting their governments to committ all sorts of genocide in the name of whatever. So long as they do it somewhere else, out of sight.

We will work on a more stringent way of verifying ads shortly. And also we have a feature where if you don't want to view a given ad, you'll be able to swap it for another one without penalty. So hang on for those!
Traffic Value: $9,354.801 Slovenia
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30/07/2014 09:52
@rtrplay i agree but it's the law, for miners so no unwanted trubles for site if there is a psycho to report it like it happens in some games.
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Forum - News - Tue 29th July - Daily News
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