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Tue 29th April - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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29/04/2014 19:41
Todays fast tracks have been sent!

MyTrafficValue is now accepting BitCoin:

Report a problem monitor listing, and earn $1:

We've ordered the new hosting. We're just waiting for it to be setup; then we'll figure out transitioning over the site & redirecting the domain name and what not.

Either tomorrow or Thursday I would think.

I'm drawing a blank in terms of other news today; so i'll get back to you tomorrow!

Jo smile

Large Depositor Promotion!
If you fund your account with more than $5000 between 9th Apr 2014 and 9th May 2014, we'll credit your account with a free 365 day upgrade (worth $2000) to our Fast Track 250 Plan. This will enable you to invest $100-$500 every day for the next year into our fast track queue without fees, pocketing the full 250% return.
Traffic Value: $40,205.23673 United States
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30/04/2014 04:25
Pistas rápidas de hoy han sido enviado!

MyTrafficValue está aceptando BitCoin:

Informar sobre un monitor de la lista de problemas y ganar $ 1:

Hemos pedido al nuevo hosting. Sólo estamos esperando que sea la configuración; entonces vamos a averiguar la transición sobre el sitio y redirigir el nombre de dominio y lo que no.

Ya sea mañana o el jueves que podría pensar.

Estoy dibujando un espacio en blanco en cuanto a otras noticias de la actualidad; así que me pondré en contacto con usted mañana!

Jo smile

Promoción Depositante grande!
Si usted financia su cuenta con más de $ 5000 entre 09 de abril 2014 y el 9 de mayo de 2014, le abonaremos en su cuenta con una actualización gratuita 365 días (un valor de $ 2000) a nuestro Fast Track 250 Plan. Esto le permitirá a invertir $ 100 - $ 500 todos los días durante el próximo año en nuestra cola de vía rápida y sin comisiones, embolsándose el pleno retorno del 250%.
Traffic Value: $3,261.99794 United States
0 like this post 0 people
30/04/2014 06:11
Hi Jo,

I don't have enough balance in my account to activate the ad filter. Is it possible to pay for it from my PP account? If so, what is the procedure?


Due to server issue, most of the ads are not able to be browsed..Showing error message. Tired of repeated clicking...But today at this moment I have around 130+ ads to click...Highly impossible to click all of them due to server issue. Please stop delivering such huge number of ads till the server issue is solved. Otherwise we don't have any other option other than loosing our BAP and earnings.
Traffic Value: $3,059.81852 United States
1 like this post 0 people
30/04/2014 06:56
Do server issues have to do with where you are in the world? Cause I have not had any slowness or server issue since PaidVert Launched.
Traffic Value: $83,353.00715 Netherlands
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30/04/2014 07:08
PayPal is only for buying ads. To buy an ad filter (however, not recommended if you have a BAP balance under - let's say - 40000), you can:
- buy ads with PayPay
- receive BAP
- click and view ads
- use the money you receive to buy the ad filter

Server downtime is only about 5 minutes per day. You have 18 hours to click the ads. Plenty of time i.m.o.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
0 like this post 0 people
30/04/2014 11:15
You have to let your ad earnings accumulate, and use those to purchase the ad filter at the moment. PayPal can only be used to buy ad campaigns, per its terms and conditions.

And these server issues are a bit weird... There maybe a high traffic element to them; but I think by enlarge they're network issues. That we need to wait for ISP's to sort out -- which should happen automatically as they refresh their DNS thing.

Anyway, we're buying the new servers as we speak. That should all be online this week - that will increase our speed defiitely; and also it'll give us a brand new IP / NameServer settings. So it might help fix the ISP issues; as they'll be forced to refresh their info to our new server (though that'll probably create a whole new set of problems!)
Traffic Value: $27,232.49886 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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30/04/2014 15:44
590 shares  for $0.14

and then we are @ $0.15 smile
Forum - News - Tue 29th April - Daily News
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