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Thursday, Feb 13th News

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Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
7 like this post 0 people
13/02/2014 12:31
Todays fast tracks have been sent.

We have a ballpark ETA / countdown for PaidVerts:
24-43days (31days until the $2000 speed bonus expires)

And if you want a simple background for your desktop, check these out:

Share price is still hovering between 5-7cents.
But it only requires someone to invest $2000 or so, and the price will spike up to 10cents. At which point, I'd expect 7-10cents to become the norm.

But not a huge amount is likely to happen until PaidVerts launches. Then I am fully expecting MTV to explode, via PaidVerts as the killer product that puts us on the map. And rockets our revenues to the point that investors take notice!

We already have a nice selection of single player games... they'll earn a lot more as we get more active users. But they're leechy products in my opinion, they're not really traffic builders / stand alone revenue makers... We'll supplement those with multiplayer games, and their own website packaging after PaidVerts. Smarten them up! And make the package as a whole as attractive as possible.

Then MTV will have to think abour more external businesses, perhaps buying some established websites, as instant cash cows, once we have the financing from PaidVerts turnover... Or start venturing into real world businesses, real estate type projects.

Anyway, something to think about later this year once we get PaidVerts rolling, and more money than we know what to do with wink

Jo smile
Traffic Value: $22,303.8091 Netherlands
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13/02/2014 14:25
MTV's showing pretty solid results imo.
Traffic Value: $84,466.07763 Pakistan
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13/02/2014 14:28
yes you are right
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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13/02/2014 14:58
Yes, even before PaidVerts. Our portfolio is massively dissproportionate in size to our tiny level of debt. So MTV is stronger than its ever been, and a better investment than it's ever been.

The only reason more people aren't taking advantage of that, is because they're a bit grumpy at the debt swap.

But sooner or later they'll realize that MTV is moving forwards, and their investments are maturing (via share price / dividends). That may not be the delusional 2% daily ideal they've been chasing, but that's how the real world delivers!
Traffic Value: $1,095,877.628 Canada
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13/02/2014 17:40
Once PV is launched (which is already a very big achievement!), the next goal will be MoneyMyGame?
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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13/02/2014 18:55
Either that, or our first multiplayer game. Then package it up into MMG.
Traffic Value: $1,095,877.628 Canada
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13/02/2014 19:13
Alright, I'm looking forward to for PaidVerts. I was a PTC veteran a few years ago and I really don't know what to expect from PV since it's a very new concept of PTC, plus the very big majority of the member base in PTC world is from free users. And what I understand of PV is that it's made to make money to investors, and eventually include free members to earn money (maybe I don't really understand, I was confused when I read the payplan in the forum haha)
Traffic Value: $40,205.23673 United States
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13/02/2014 19:27
Pistas rápidas de hoy se han enviado .

Tenemos un estimado para PaidVerts :
24 - 43 días ( 31 días hasta que caduque el bonus de velocidad de 2.000 dólares )

Y si quieres un simple fondo para su escritorio , consulta los siguientes :
1600 * 900:
1920 * 1060:

Precio de la acción todavía está asomando entre 5 - 7cents .
Pero sólo se requiere de alguien que invertir $ 2.000 más o menos, y el precio se alza hasta 10cents . En ese momento, yo esperaría 7 - 10cents a convertirse en la norma.

Pero no es una enorme cantidad es probable que suceda hasta PaidVerts lanzamientos. Entonces estoy totalmente esperaba MTV a explotar, a través de PaidVerts como el producto del asesino que nos pone en el mapa. Y los cohetes nuestros ingresos , hasta el punto de que los inversores toman el aviso!

Ya tenemos una buena selección de juegos de un solo jugador ... que va a ganar mucho más a medida que los usuarios más activos. Pero son productos leechy en mi opinión, no son realmente constructores de tráfico / stand fabricantes de ingresos por sí solos ... Vamos a complementar aquellos con juegos multijugador , y de su propia página web embalaje después PaidVerts . Embellecer para arriba! Y hacer el paquete como un todo lo más atractivo posible .

Entonces MTV tendrá que pensar abour más empresas externas , tal vez comprar algunos sitios web establecidos, vacas de efectivo como instantánea, una vez que tenemos la financiación de PaidVerts facturación ... O empieza aventurarse en los negocios del mundo real , los proyectos de tipo inmobiliario .

De todos modos , algo en que pensar a finales de este año una vez que nos PaidVerts laminados, y más dinero de lo que sabemos qué hacer con wink

Jo smile
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
2 like this post 0 people
13/02/2014 19:55
Paidverts is basically a variable daily paying investment, with the facade of a PTC... With the key feature being, you have to click on ads to get paid.

And that fact means;
1) It's not an investment. So we can accept all payment processors - as you're only buying advertising - that we deliver. And earning from advertisers paying you to visit their site. Totally legal and well established amongst all the crappy PTC's already out there paying people 10cents a month.

2) The people that don't click on their ads, are going to make the system way more lucrative for those that do.

So that combined with the MTV re-investment element, and the whole crowd design like our usual stuff; should make it awesome!


And you can earn from free with PaidVerts, just activating your account gives you 100 BAP (5cents worth of ads capacity). And if you keep extending your account activation, you'll keep earning 5cents capacity each time. And you'll get ads to click on for sure.

But the conventional free PTC part, we'll build shortly after launch... First of all, we're interested in the investor clickers! Then we'll do the "cheap traffic" clickers, followed by our "value targeted clicks" - where you can hand pick which investors visit your site. And you're basically buying big investors or gamblers off the shelf sorta thing.

But the key part really is the payment processors. Being able to accept the mainstream processors will be huge for us. Forget the scammy hyip arena burned and delusional investor crowd; we can attract the mainstream average joe on the street.
Traffic Value: $111.70042 Philippines
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14/02/2014 06:03
that's NICE ^_^
Forum - News - Thursday, Feb 13th News
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