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Traffic Value: $27,232.49886 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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08/04/2014 09:30
When setting our selling points, we can't use the % character?
Traffic Value: $385,783.27887 Switzerland
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08/04/2014 09:44
You can use %, try to ctrl+f5 before buying ad campaing. 
Traffic Value: $386,747.05153 Netherlands
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08/04/2014 12:04
Jo, what percentage of BAP are you issuing to each member? Because I have more than 80000 BAP, but still got only $1.50 of ads in the past 38 hours.

And @ Kamil333, how much BAP do you have for example?

Traffic Value: $108,789.63106 Poland
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08/04/2014 12:16
I have 250k BAP and I earn about 1$/day so my situation is similar to yours
Traffic Value: $84,466.07763 Pakistan
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08/04/2014 13:13
yes me to have around the 380k points but every day i earn  around the 1 to 1.5$ what u clear process jo in this way 380k points will be clear in the 6 to 1 year and no one try to bought again ads 
Traffic Value: $385,783.27887 Switzerland
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08/04/2014 13:19
Current ad distribution system has few issues, some small investors are in profit, some bigger earn 1-5% daily. We need to wait for new system, it should appear tomorrow or Thursday at latest, and then all people will earn similar % values. So a little bit patience guys!

I have 3897418 bonus ad points remaining.
Traffic Value: $84,466.07763 Pakistan
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08/04/2014 13:27
may be kamil u r right wink
Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
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08/04/2014 13:40
What new system kamil333?
I think that we will get bigger ads when the 2500$ that Jo put on the 250% plan gets fast tracked, what would take a few months. Then 6250$ goes to PV in the form of ads with high value.
I'm I right?
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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08/04/2014 13:47
dan & kamil are both correct.

Currently the ad system benefits tiny investors; as you only need to invest $5-10 and you have sufficient capacity to receive pretty much any ad we will likely offer. So the big ads get diluted between people they shouldn't really be going to.

With the grouped distribution system we're building now, that should launch tonight. We will be able to divide up the daily ad issue; and send a few big ads to the highest BAP users specifically. And then send loads of tiny ads to the tiny users.

There's only a few big users, so the total cost of a few big ads is hardly anything. But of huge benefit to the big users... And we've got thousands of little users; and again, issuing thousands of tiny value ads costs nothing.

So this way, it'll cost the same amount of money; but we will get a far more effective and satisfying distribution of ads... As big users don't want to click millions of tiny ads, but small users do!

* And like this, we can actually issue far more ads. As we don't have to worry so much about a big user getting thousands of tiny ads that'll annoy them... And when we combine this upgrade with the paid ad filter for larger users; it's actually in our interest to issue thousands of tiny ads. As that'll force people to upgrade.

So, hang on 8/36hours, and PaidVerts should improve dramatically.

Jo smile
Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
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08/04/2014 13:58
Ok Jo, then when the new system gets in, tell us. I have some refs that want to put money. That way, I will advise them to wait for the new system.

But what system is that you and kamill333 are talking about? Are you going to change the algorithm?
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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08/04/2014 15:04
They can join now. The next daily ad issue will be with the new algorithm.

Nothing is changing for the user specifically, nothing new that you need to do; just the paid ads that you'll receive will be more appropriate to how many BAP you've got saved up!
Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
2 like this post 0 people
08/04/2014 15:22
Ok Jo, Thanks

Just one suggestion for PV for the activations ads.
When we see an activation and after confirming and closing the ad, at the bottom of the page this appears "Success! View another ad" and if we click there it goes to the Paid ads. What I'm suggesting is when we see activations ads it should appear "Success! View another activation ad" and by clicking that, it should go directly to another activation ad, not to the paid ads.
I think that people confuse them self’s with activation ads and paid ads. But that´s up to you.
Traffic Value: $27,232.49886 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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08/04/2014 15:36
If % character is allowed, then maybe my campaign didn't go through because of other characters I tried to use like: £ and /.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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08/04/2014 15:56
The euro and pound symbols won't be permitted. Can't remember about "/" (perhaps not!)

Just keep your copy and paste simple...
Text and numbers, minimum punctuation!
Traffic Value: $125,324.67968 Netherlands
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08/04/2014 16:05
There's only a few big users, so the total cost of a few big ads is hardly anything. But of huge benefit to the big users... And we've got thousands of little users; and again, issuing thousands of tiny value ads costs nothing.

What is a 'big' user?

Currently I have 610660 bonus ad points.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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08/04/2014 16:19
You're kinda up there... But our biggest user is only $1000. Nothing remarkable.

But like this we can group the top 3 users to get one set of ads, the next 10 to get another... next 25 to get another. Then the mid range people. Then the smalls. Then the tiny users; we've got about 40 people with literally 1-4 BAP available. So those we HAVE to issue ridiculously tiny ads to just to clean them out.
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