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Traffic Value: $62,710.15909 United States
4 like this post 3 people
20/05/2017 17:48
We could offer the voluntary option to exchange RP for FTQ now for those in need of immediate $.
It will make it easier for the  matrix to take care of the rest.
(I don't have any FTQ investment s.)
Traffic Value: $868.5955 Netherlands
1 like this post 10 people
20/05/2017 17:55
Mtv and pv could sell shares for money and pay off the Ftq with that smile

Somehow I still think the projects are facing the same problem of not being repaid and there shouldn't be more projects untill all debts are paid.
Traffic Value: $303.22909 Belgium
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20/05/2017 21:45
People don't like it, but I share your concern jordy186.

Marc may try to find ways to pay back the fast track queue, however is the way starting new website, apps and so on again? In my opinion it isn't.

Realisticly, MTV has a lot of talented people. In the first place the programmers, but also:
-support people

Are those last three not wat is need to succeed in setting up a shop in physical goods?

If you consider setting up an online selling channel is relativelly cheap (if you think in terms as trough Amazon). With the skills mentioned above this can succeed. But in the first place it will succeed because MTV has also a lot of costumers, namely its members. This will build a reputation and result in more extern sells to non members. Those will give their trust because of the good reviews by MTV's members.
Traffic Value: $520.60691 United States
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21/05/2017 01:41
you have to remember most the FTQ was created back during the dream money phase of the site. So if you thinking current project that are based in solid funds are going to stall like it did there a good change you are going to be wrong. I think that Marc doing the best he can to figure out away to pay them off as soon as possible but with out new products it never going to happen cause PV, MTV is basically dead as far as bring in enough money to cover expense by themselves.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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21/05/2017 03:01
I think the older products could do it but you would need to spend site money on advertising. Instead they prefer to spend site money on building new products with a lesser focus on advertising. Both should work, it is just a matter of preferences. Plus they still want to optimize the older products before they start advertising in a serious way so building new products and then focus on their ad department when those come on line and are optimized might be the more rational strategy. And this also keeps their programmers busy.

I think the most important thing is setting a goal and following through on it. This is what is beginning to inspire the confidence in the site once again
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
1 like this post 1 people
21/05/2017 06:50
I just got a TA, but the status says it's pending and yet it has hundreds of clicks already.

Is pending not what I know it as?
AKA, does FBG have the purchased funds ($14.21) to cover the 10,000 visits?

In my case, I was given an extremely rare 2c recycle ad, and now it's the TA, so my visit is free (not too mention the thousands of extra w send with Group Ads).

Still, I don't know if this is an exploit/bug or what.

Traffic Value: $739.34329 Belgium
1 like this post 0 people
21/05/2017 08:25
I think pending means the clicks are yet being delivered, but I'm not sure... it's on: Clicks Delivered: 4483/10000 already so I hope this is how it works!

I got a few TA last days I believe, always nice to see because they do not add any debt, but remove it! smile
Traffic Value: $1,954.25753 Bangladesh
1 like this post 7 people
21/05/2017 11:09
Hello Guys,

Please Join me..I have something great to share...

Admin response: Yes you do indeed - user group of banned forum users for trying to promote on posts.
Traffic Value: $32,608.39303 Germany
15 like this post 0 people
21/05/2017 11:24
samsu10: No thanks we are not joining your banning. LOL

If you have to share something good, go an buy a monitor listing.
Traffic Value: $770.95545 Argentina
6 like this post 0 people
21/05/2017 17:35
Check your balances! Another payment of the marketing project has been made!
Traffic Value: $2,179.00664 Slovenia
1 like this post 0 people
21/05/2017 17:48
~1/7 done already, nice! smile
Traffic Value: $773.5176 Portugal
2 like this post 0 people
21/05/2017 18:25
Finally, I was getting worried that the campaigns weren't working properly! You guys just spoil us with weekly "dividends" smile
Traffic Value: $868.5955 Netherlands
2 like this post 9 people
21/05/2017 20:28
future, portfolio. Marc and paidverts all 4 together holds a total of 218 million shares.

based on the current market value @ 0.0036 thos are worth almost 785.000$

If i am not mistaken we could easily pay off the FTQ and all the current running finished projects.

Why dont we make the decision to clear this ship from debts and use a nice part of the shares and try to sell them to clear out.

active debt on FTQ is just 25% of that value @ $222854.45

I believe this will give a real nice boost to our business
Traffic Value: $28.3459 Brazil
4 like this post 0 people
21/05/2017 20:39
First because that's what "backup" MTV, if they don't have enough revenues they could sell some, second because in the moment MTV sell shares, people will panic and it will go much down. There is just $6k bids from actual price to 0.0025 price.
Traffic Value: $739.34329 Belgium
7 like this post 0 people
21/05/2017 20:40
@Jordy, who would buy so many RP's is the first question, not considering the fact that they got those RP's in a normal way and deserve them I believe. Pretty sure our market isn't liquid enough right now to handle that many RP's (at least for the current prices).
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
5 like this post 0 people
21/05/2017 21:55
So... your answer is to get (presumably, FTQ Holding, but even funnier, if not) members to spend $785,000 to buy 218 million RP at $0.0036 so we can simply give that money back to FTQ Holders? Did I get that right? Have fun with that... 
Traffic Value: $520.60691 United States
0 like this post 0 people
21/05/2017 22:21
Either that are swapping the FTQ out. Not sure which one Jordy going for there Michaelkline. Either idea is really a bad one. Swapping debt into RP is what created this mess to start with cause people got mad and either left or stopped investing. So doing it again would not change anything. Most likely the FTQ people would take their payoff and leave. solving nothing. Wheres if we wait until we have profits from the company to do it. They will see it a good idea to leave the money in the company and put it into something else make us more profits. Which sooner or later means all the debts are paid off and we can move on to a very much improved site.
Traffic Value: $6,016.01548 United States
3 like this post 0 people
21/05/2017 23:12

Is your like button stuck? 
You like just about every post, but, more often than not, just after you like a post, you reply with why you disagree with it. silly

Just wondering. 
Traffic Value: $520.60691 United States
0 like this post 0 people
21/05/2017 23:26
Like to me is reading and understanding their thoughts. Dislike to me is not taking the time to read it or understand what they saying you just hit disagree cause they used certain words.

I hope this works in opening up a set of post where we can hash out different ideas. rather then fuss about who idea are right and who is wrong.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
5 like this post 2 people
21/05/2017 23:39
You could offer shares to people who can voluntarily take them (but not be forced). The catch is that these shares can't be traded. So they would be frozen for a time. Maybe let 10% of the shares be sold per month or 1% per week. This would clear 50% of them in a year on the 1% plan

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