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Jan 19th - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $593.70654 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
10 like this post 1 people
19/01/2015 09:03

You don't need any help, especially not from Jo. Why are You crying like a little baby!? If You don't receive your $20, your upgrade will be extended automatically!! 

Sorry but I'm so annoyed with this words " Jo please help me" - like You are drowning or something!! 
Why not just say: I need help with this or that!? 
I know You don't know English good, nether do I but I'm not lazy to use translator! 

Jo please help meee!! silly

Traffic Value: $791.53936 Moldova Republic of
2 like this post 0 people
19/01/2015 09:05
site is loading slowly
Traffic Value: $839.52253 Philippines
0 like this post 0 people
19/01/2015 09:16

working fine for me
Traffic Value: $161.20223 Pakistan
0 like this post 0 people
19/01/2015 09:18

I have set my ad filter at 0.02$ but I am receiving 0.0005$ ads. is this is bug?

Traffic Value: $92.06968 Serbia
0 like this post 13 people
19/01/2015 09:19
We all got a million tiny ad! What's the point ?! To degrade us, or ...? WTF
Traffic Value: $11,038.09657 Slovenia
11 like this post 1 people
19/01/2015 09:23
zzzzz7 if you could learn to read daily news then you would know that there is 2 many undelivered ads so yes, more ads will solve that problem and he said that he will try it out.

and for mega upgrade
Users currently upgraded
dont expect to get anymoney from it, 2 months ago there were around 500 ppl with mega upgrade, now its 2k, and number of our company didnt rise 4x so its kinda logical you wont get any profit.
Traffic Value: $461.52927 Indonesia
0 like this post 0 people
19/01/2015 09:26
Woah, nice ads

101 . $0.03 grin
Traffic Value: $145.02568 Viet Nam
0 like this post 3 people
19/01/2015 09:28
I shall not write, but because of their rights as well as you would like to write some reviews, I do not know JO is set for every other picture maintenance or advertising it or not, there may well be so, but I saw the new year this, my job investment as well as you cungf play is interrupted, because some ads out today very little, and I'm curious why ??? reason, please give me an answer Say if possible, thank JO, we are very hungry ...sad
Traffic Value: $370.49672 Poland
1 like this post 0 people
19/01/2015 09:35
Could anyone explain me situation?

I am in group 7, I did not know about yesterday's ads grin

Now I Have a lot of 0.03$ Ads - total is about $5.00 (yestarday's issue was almost $4)

It means that JO today have not sent any ads yet? And we should waiting for them?

I hope for fast answer smile
Traffic Value: $92.06968 Serbia
0 like this post 6 people
19/01/2015 09:42
killa-007 I read all, but I will not let anyone humiliate me !!!
Traffic Value: $825.93326 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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19/01/2015 09:42
One bigger ad just came in so filter loss is minimal (if any). But anyway, Jo have to find some other solution for undelivered ads. Maybe digadz solution. You have to solve 10 ads just to participate in tomorrow's bonuses. Then tomorrow 5 bonuses (small money or points bonus). It's not mandatory but it is a good way to animate users. I don't have time for zillion of small little buggers and because of that I have filter on. Point is, leave daily ad issue intact. There has to be other, better, way to solve this problem
Traffic Value: $370.49672 Poland
1 like this post 1 people
19/01/2015 09:52
Simple question 

Will be today daily table of ads like everyday? Or we change the rules?
Traffic Value: $1,809.25245 New Zealand
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19/01/2015 09:57
I see Jo has split the ads up into smaller amounts today to help deliver the backlog of ads. I think that's a good idea. I had 55 ads today which is the most i have had since getting my ad filter. It took me over an hour and half to get through these ads though because i kept on getting logged out. ( probably about 15 times ) And once i was logged out it wouldn't let me back in that easy, it usually took 2-3 attempts to get back in. So, still some issues with the login area to fix. I wonder if anyone else had similar issues today??
Traffic Value: $3,553.39286 India
3 like this post 0 people
19/01/2015 10:03
jo has already stated that monday ad issue will be in old fashon so dont wory dear
Traffic Value: $8.064 India
0 like this post 0 people
19/01/2015 10:04
Nice Dividend
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
4 like this post 0 people
19/01/2015 10:05
Got fasttrack and Dividends, Thank You. 

Ads came in 7.15 servertime
Group 10: 

50x 0.40
1 x 1.96

I am still expecting some 1% purchase ads.
They are probably held up by this issue. 
Traffic Value: $3,553.39286 India
0 like this post 0 people
19/01/2015 10:07
@Ryder befor login just click remember me box then u will no logged out automaticallytongue
Traffic Value: $3,553.39286 India
1 like this post 0 people
19/01/2015 10:08
@pythagoras same story with metongue
Traffic Value: $12,458.46821 Sri Lanka
7 like this post 0 people
19/01/2015 10:09
Lot's of 40 $2 ads in group 12. Maybe $10 is missing coz of filter I think.

Thanks Jo. smile

Traffic Value: $1,392.1938 China
1 like this post 1 people
19/01/2015 10:14
Account Maintenance $15,047.00 $9,730.85131

Is this product success ??? Is not 3.63XROI????
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