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Jan 19th - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $2,410.06945 Myanmar
0 like this post 8 people
19/01/2015 13:14
angelShare Price is dropping...
Somebody control it...plz..
Traffic Value: $3,170.45051 India
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19/01/2015 13:15
Oh ok thanks for your advice now on i ignored him  ....wink

Thank you very much it's worked , take look at my traffic value....wink
Traffic Value: $360.6696 Philippines
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19/01/2015 13:19
Recycled ads have started coming.

Get ready, hoping for 5 or 6 dollars, as there might be some big ones in the mix today.
Traffic Value: $1,155.07619 United States
7 like this post 1 people
19/01/2015 13:21
Hi Jo,

I just want to thank you for all you do for us. I'm very happy here and you will not get complaints from me. I'm so sick of the whiners and I'm sure you are too. Have a great day or night whatever it is where you are. Keep up the good work! 
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
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19/01/2015 13:21
Nice warm up sleeping
Start burning some line codes for poker and plans marketplace!
Traffic Value: $407.67357 India
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19/01/2015 13:33
Thanks jo but today mega ads not delivered
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
11 like this post 0 people
19/01/2015 13:34
Kamil is working on the marketplace, Paul and Daniel were sorting out things for the programming office the past few days and will now be back to coding. And it's not all so straightforward, there's always some random important tasks/fixes that pop up.
Traffic Value: $2,157.52756 Colombia
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19/01/2015 13:35
My question is; Why not go full ADS distribution?
I'm in the group should receive $ 10 and $ 21 for the distribution of January 18, I do not understand everything.
Receipt only $ 15, this comes from Friday January 16th.

I await your response and explanation.

thank you very much.
Traffic Value: $235.406 Malaysia
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19/01/2015 13:54
Keep up the good work, Jo..MTV is the best!! smile
Traffic Value: $1,133.25862 Ghana
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19/01/2015 13:55
@MisterDD - Wow, this is a very nice and positive reply. Steffen has not even seen it yet. I know that you are very right in everything that you just said, and I appreciate the time you put into this reply. This morning something went wrong, for we have not seen the Jan.18th Daily News. We only saw the one from today, the 19th. These things have to do with the time-zones, that can lead to many confusions, at times. Same with the Ads. We did not know that the ads that came in were actually the ones from sunday. LOL. I think that this is normal, when you receive ads on monday morning, that you assume they are from the same day. But all this is no problem, now we know. There have been a few delays because of some technical problems, and I am very happy that this is all. I think we are not the only ones who are a bit scared at times, for we, as many others too, have been only screwed up in the internet so far. Just lately with WhtiePins+ See, we are not that rich, and for us Paidverts is a huge help, and we have a lot of hopes, but also, at times some fears. We try to be as positive as we can, but we are only humans, and so we make mistakes. Had we read the Daily News from Yesterday, we would not have posted anything. Nevertheless, the reaction of some users here is very lowlife. This is not good for Paidverts. It will make people to be scared to ask anything at all. But your counsel and advise is very good, we try to follow this.

You are very successful here, and this is nice to see,for it gives us hope, to get there too. I wish there were more here like you.Take my thanks for now, it is real and comes from my heart.
Traffic Value: $3,170.45051 India
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19/01/2015 13:57
Wow my recycle upgrade rolling Pv is the best...<3
Traffic Value: $7,429.94412 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
8 like this post 0 people
19/01/2015 14:23
@ gloriabieser

Thank you for nice words. Actually if we talk about success, that what you see about me is only about 25% of my real earnings which I could have, cause I had not time to do internet earnings last 1-2 years, I had focus to help people. My co-worker is actually one of first 500 people which came into MTV (way before PV), and because of him I came here, and I saw what he said, Jo is best admin, and good person.
Do not worry, Jo is not person which will be angry cause you people are scared, he knows also how hard you must work to create your success. He live now in dream cause he worked hard, and we all recognized his efford, so he deserved all that. I am sure many of us are happy cause of him. And for Carlos also.
You must know that they are cool people. This is mostly friendly community, all people are friendly, and yes some people do not understand you as me. I do not like money much, even trough I have it enough for myself, but I know how many problematic sites you can find on internet. I can say for sure, this is not problematic site. You can have success in here even if you do not invest, trust me. 

PS: When you look for a daily news, you must look at time zone on the site, and not in your country. It is weird that you have not seen daily stats for 18-th at all but some times weird things happen in life, do not worry. Maybe Jo can say more why was like that. Maybe really cause of time zone? Do not know. But earnings yesterday came later cause they tested something with ads delivery I guess. Do now worry you will receive earnings.
You must know that we receive daily earnings when Jo has time. He has work to do, so he can not do all on the time sometimes. I hope you will receive money for yesterday, and for today when that happens.
And do not be scared to ask here when you have some question. That is main reason why forum exists.

I really hope that you all people will have success in here. I did all that with 25 % of my efforts, so I am sure you all which start from the beginning, can do even better. All best to you all.
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
21 like this post 0 people
19/01/2015 14:26
Got my ads.
Traffic Value: $114.91723 Australia
1 like this post 0 people
19/01/2015 14:28
im confused i got like $2 30 is that 18ths or 19ths ADs?
Traffic Value: $1,467.79978 Netherlands
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19/01/2015 14:29
where are me ads
Traffic Value: $6,326.35424 Italy
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19/01/2015 14:30

are you positive those are the 19th's ads ?
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
2 like this post 0 people
19/01/2015 14:37
Thank you Mike. Those are very nice but are yesterdays issue. The cron delayed everything.
Traffic Value: $208.45373 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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19/01/2015 14:42

I'm from Croatia too(you can see that here on the forum, ofc). What do you think, should I combine PV and MTV. I mean like, should I invest money I get fro mads and buy shares with them and then sell it for bigger money? I see that you're a very nice person and I wish you all the best.
Traffic Value: $118.26011 Spain
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19/01/2015 14:56
When I was in group 5 received more ads. Now I 'm in group 6 and receipt few and a horrendous value.

I Group 6 and the two upgrades purchased.

This is normal?
Traffic Value: $7,429.94412 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
7 like this post 0 people
19/01/2015 14:59
@ mateod747

Hi friend. I can answer you on this on Croatian, but since I am not sure if I can, I will say on English.

I used those tactics. You must know that more BAP points you have in PV, more you will earn. So you can do like that: 75 percent of daily earnings you can put in advertising (on that way your BAP points will always grow), and 25 % of daily earnings you can put for cashout.
How I did it? Those 25 percent for cashout I put in half and put it in shares or investments. (12.5 % you still have for cashout and 12.5 % you still have for shares). 
On that way you can acumulate shares and investments and, you do not need to sell them right now at all. You will still have for cashout, you will grow in BAP points, and most important you will have shares and investments also.

If you are over some group, and you have some reserves you can buy shares in BAP, and sell them for higher later (do not forget to include 3 % of tax for BAP market). Example: If you buy for 310, you sell at least for 330 BAP points. Why? 330 * 0.03 = 9.9 BAP points of tax. 330- 10 = 320. Conclusion, you are in profit 10 BAP points per share. That was example.
You can do same with cash market but there is fee lower, 0.025 %.
Also you can buy shares for cash and send them for BAP points when that brings you more money than to put it in advertisements in PV. All depends on you.

There is many tactics, you decide what you want to use. It is hard to say what is best. Shares are important, because later you can be rich with time. All depends on tactics.

Do you need to invest. Not at all. You can have success without investment, but it will be faster. That is only on you. For sure MTV-PV is most trusted site to invest, that is for sure. (If you follow all rules). In any case you can have success without investments.

I hope that helped to you a little.
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