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Traffic Value: $32,122.18249 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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19/01/2015 12:36
sum of all your balances + all your shares @ the last sold price + all your ROI in plans + your BAP converted to cash = your traffic value
Traffic Value: $3,170.45051 India
3 like this post 0 people
19/01/2015 12:41
see here 

Current BAP * $0.0005 + Account Balances + Shares @ Current Rate + Active Fast Track Queue Investments (186/250). It is the highest value you've ever reached.

actually i copy this from others topic , because this way i know how to calculate my traffic value hope this will help you happy earnings....
You want see original post....see here
Traffic Value: $1,094.95139 Turkey
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19/01/2015 12:45
My traffic value always the same but I have 2000 shares. it must be high due to your calculations.
Traffic Value: $83.12761 Bangladesh
1 like this post 4 people
19/01/2015 12:46
hello jo

server so bad.u sent us 100 above ads.but captcha problem server problem.3 hours i m trying.cannot complete all ads.its really bad
Traffic Value: $402.25802 Macedonia
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19/01/2015 12:54
Well, I disagreed with your answer again. If you are wondering why I did that once again, then you really need to learn to calculate. 
Your current traffic value is not over $778.37434
Get over it.
Traffic Value: $36.83468 Pakistan
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19/01/2015 12:54
Whats happening,, most of my ads disappeared before recycle time ??
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
13 like this post 0 people
19/01/2015 12:59
New support Hide ticket feature

You can now hide your closed tickets to prevent any hijackers from viewing your past conversations and more importantly account changes via support tickets. Just go to and click on "Hide this ticket" to hide any ticket you wish. Once you hide a ticket you can not un-hide it.
Traffic Value: $3,170.45051 India
1 like this post 0 people
19/01/2015 13:00
i clear your doubt..see here my friend, 
for example if you have 50000 BAP and 4000 share with current rate 0.0002 and you invest $300 in 186/250% plan 

BAP 50000 * $0.0005 = $25
Share with Current rate 0.0002 ( just rough calculation not exactly ) 4000 *0.0002 = $0.8
Invest 180/250 plan for example $300

$25 + $5 + $0.8 + $300 = 330.8 traffic value...

If i'm wrong please correct me...wink
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
1 like this post 1 people
19/01/2015 13:00
you should have 8 ads to click.
Traffic Value: $4.40333 Austria
1 like this post 0 people
19/01/2015 13:01
Hello,, My BPA ad is Erorr

please help me any one

thanks bye
Traffic Value: $3,170.45051 India
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19/01/2015 13:02
Please take look at my traffic value i think it's's stuck in $778.37434 please....<3
Traffic Value: $36.83468 Pakistan
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19/01/2015 13:03
Why 8 ads ?
Traffic Value: $1,823.14127 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
1 like this post 0 people
19/01/2015 13:05
try going to my account page and manualy refresh it
just swap the ad it should be fine after that
Traffic Value: $3,170.45051 India
0 like this post 0 people
19/01/2015 13:06
If you know how to calculate my traffic value then teach me or to all , it will use full for all disliked my post but i liked your post cool my friend.... 
Traffic Value: $1,094.95139 Turkey
1 like this post 0 people
19/01/2015 13:07

Yes yes I understand you. But the current rate is 0.085 nearly per share am ? wrong? then when ? calculate it, it is 2000x0.085=170$ nearly isnt it true? Or my calculation is wrong?
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
1 like this post 0 people
19/01/2015 13:07

Is was what was issued to you from last ad issue, yesterday.
Traffic Value: $5,041.18779 Malaysia
1 like this post 1 people
19/01/2015 13:09
I appreciate the update @slosumo. But could you explain the rationale behind this decision? Wouldn't it have been better to be working on preventative security measures that you know - stop people from getting into accounts in the first place?

Please explain to me why Jo and the staff of MTV found this to be an important enough feature to implement now when there are so many other things that Jo have said needed to be done but hasn't?

I mean let's just say someone breaks into an account. Okay. So what if they get into my viewable support tickets? That's not going to be my first concern. My first concern would be my shares and balances and to change my password ASAP and find out how the hacker got into my account in the first place. Not what they do with created support tickets.

Just honest curiosity and confused, that's all.
Traffic Value: $7,429.94412 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
3 like this post 3 people
19/01/2015 13:09
 @ steffenbiese

Hi. I think that you worry too much. Yes we have something lower earnings than we could have (earnings now are similar to those before New Year. That is correct, so if you look realistic, earnings can be bigger. But as we are people which came here for profit, Jo is also person which want to have profit. Same as you I was not happy because of some things and decisions after New Year. But those were admin decisions and that is now past. You must know that system goes now preety much in reality, so naturaly it is important for them maybe to collect more money for the system - new projects also. That is some realistic conclusion. If they want to realize all what they have, they must have money. I know their goals are not important for you maybe. And I agree. But same as we look on us, he must look on him. So you must undertant guys which lead this system also. It is hard to clear dept of the system, because every advertising in PV must have profit later in MTV, so it is not realistic to calculate dept and clear it in one single day even although we have positive results every day. You can not remove dept so easy when you must develop system based on investments. You can do that super fast only on the way which Jo want. Through reality. In any case, reality projects or not, this system is stable, and do not worry it will not go away. You must think positive. Sometimes is good to put some money on the site. We will see what will be later, it can be only better. Once they start with reality projects, we could have extra turbo. So do not worry, our earnings will rocket even more. That is my conclusion.


Since 1.1.2015. I decided not to comment much cause of some reactions, some people etc etc. That was my silent profit. As I said, Colasander is person which can stay in silence only if he receive ban. Honestly he deserved it. It will be time, he talks dirty every single day. Who knows what is reason for his frustration, but I recommend to ignore him. When he talk dirty to you and when he put you dislike, with his friends, (like they do to me), just return him on the same way. As I said before, Netherland is preety small country, I am sure people are great, many people from Netherland are cool and they have great results in here, but because of people like Colasander and some of his arogant friends, Netherland is country which probably has biggest number of arogant people in here. If you look more on any topic at MTV, you will see some Dutch guy with insulting comments some people (I remember his comment to one Romanian person, I will not tell what he said, but it was for every judgement, that dude has epic issues). So bro, just ignore him, and every single person which try to provocate you. Return them dislikes and all will be cool. Enjoy.

Ps: Colasander I do not attack you, but seriously dude, work on your attitude. I am sure you will be more positive and cooler person. Maybe you are cool person in reality, but cant hurt you if you show to other people that on better way.
Traffic Value: $360.6696 Philippines
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19/01/2015 13:10

Just swap the ad,
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
17 like this post 0 people
19/01/2015 13:12
More security measures will be added in the following weeks/months. This is just one I did myself as I'll finally begin revamping the whole support system and several people's birth dates were seen by the hijackers in their tickets. It's just a small addition to warm myself up from lack of programming the past month.
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