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Traffic Value: $554.83245 Israel
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09/02/2015 20:01
Catt just out of curiousity i coulnd't find those replies of slosumo from today's news where did you copy them from?
Traffic Value: $165.18296 Lithuania
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09/02/2015 20:01
why we charge double for advertising? I got one of Advertising at $ 1.84 and BAP minus two times after -3680.
Traffic Value: $593.70484 United States
0 like this post 2 people
09/02/2015 20:01
Can someone please create a separate topic regarding the BAP bug other issue from today's ads??

Posting these issues in daily news is just filling up with clutter. my god!
Traffic Value: $2,368.44924 Iran (ISLAMIC Republic Of)
8 like this post 0 people
09/02/2015 20:02
Oof more bad news...
After a tough month already, our perfect money account has been drained of just under $240,000

how it possible when perfect money have alot of security option regard to access ?! (without considering id and password)

jo can you show us with picture from pv PM acc that whats happend Exactly?

Traffic Value: $113.31065 Austria
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09/02/2015 20:02
Kak suport ti sumo kdaj bojo odgovoril vsem clanom to men ne gre v glavo?????
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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09/02/2015 20:03
Jay, you might want to read the post above yours
Traffic Value: $866.95481 United States
1 like this post 0 people
09/02/2015 20:03
Yeah just did, thanks Catt!
Traffic Value: $519.58477 Serbia
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09/02/2015 20:03
but i don`t see those ads ....gone...

deducted bap and gone....
Traffic Value: $197.92733 United States
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09/02/2015 20:04
Just got home after being gone for 12 hours ...
PV is running very slow for me. Very hard to do all those 5 cent ads.
Was in group 6 at the start of ad issue today ...
Supposed to receive $12.xx ... but only got around $9.00 (haven't added it up to the penny).

I haven't checked to see if I am having any of those double BAP deduction issues or not since the site is moving so slowly.
Traffic Value: $1,574.99202 Pakistan
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09/02/2015 20:04
Just reached 51000 bap............cwy
Traffic Value: $1,133.25862 Ghana
5 like this post 1 people
09/02/2015 20:04
Catt - Forum moderator - Hi Catt, where can this post be found please? - For it is not in the DailyNews of today, where it should be. It looks like they want to give us a hell of a lot of work to get these BAP refunded. I do not like that at all. If they can globally deduct our BAP, then they can also globally add them. This is a very lame excuse.
You need not to answer this, @Slosumo should, or @paidverts. It seems all users have this problem.
Traffic Value: $296.99123 Serbia
10 like this post 8 people
09/02/2015 20:05
Please post more of "BAP got spent TWICE", because the world isn't aware of it yet - until you post 102313th post about the SAME THING!
Traffic Value: $246.34525 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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09/02/2015 20:06

Reduced 12000 bap got 2 dolar... i got 15 dolar at ad issue but reduced 49 000 bap... im losing bap if a buy for 15 dolar it would be 45 000 bap can you explain to me how..... Bonus Points Remaining: 351720

09-02-2015 19:57:02 -2000 Ad issue: BA-1845500 / 507550000 353720
09-02-2015 19:55:01 -2000 Ad issue: BA-1894647 / 507547178 355720
09-02-2015 19:54:01 -2000 Ad issue: BA-1894647 / 507547178 355720
09-02-2015 19:50:01 -2000 Ad issue: BA-1760258 / 507544345 359720
09-02-2015 19:49:01 -2000 Ad issue: BA-935328 / 507541483 359720
09-02-2015 19:48:02 -2000 Ad issue: BA-935328 / 507541483 363720
09-02-2015 19:47:01 -200 Ad issue: BA-1783096 / 507538609 365720
09-02-2015 19:46:01 -200 Ad issue: BA-1783096 / 507538609 365720
Traffic Value: $9.78095 Pakistan
2 like this post 0 people
09/02/2015 20:07
100000 bap deducted and get only 33 dlr ads solve it please jo
Traffic Value: $780.17861 Pakistan
13 like this post 0 people
09/02/2015 20:07
Guys look i never whine and i hate every whiner here,
and i always throw shit on whiners comments,
But this situtation makes me to hate system now, 
Everyday new issue,
Duplicate ads issue then pm issue then paypal issue then yan incident then etc etc
We need a strong programmers team.
We cant grow like this.
We will go down and down.
My referrals already leaved and i cant feel my dreams to come true.
You guys just cant feel me.
Hope paidverts will fix every problem.
I know everyone will dislike my comment but we should face reality.
(sorry for bad english)
Jo's facebook deleted again. (nice)
we read news to watch progress of pv/mtv but every new day , a bad news comes
huh . 
Traffic Value: $1,574.99202 Pakistan
0 like this post 0 people
09/02/2015 20:08
Thanx for suggestion ................
By the way reached 55000 bap..........
Traffic Value: $98.90736 Russian Federation
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09/02/2015 20:09
double adwerts

09-02-2015 19:41:01 -3680 Ad issue: BA-1515864 / 505332307 169633
09-02-2015 19:40:01 -3680 Ad issue: BA-1515864 / 505332307 169633

and I can't see it
Traffic Value: $777.2586 Algeria
6 like this post 0 people
09/02/2015 20:10
groupe 8  , i think the problem is here  , i only recieved 1 x 5.8$  did any one else have ?

Traffic Value: $391.63697 India
3 like this post 0 people
09/02/2015 20:11
Got 19.5$ worth of ads.. I'm in "group 7" and should have received 21.95$ worth of ads.. BAP's reduced was "61600".. I hope it should get fix soon as it is going to be tough job for support people to do it manually.. sad
Traffic Value: $216.14102 Viet Nam
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09/02/2015 20:11
PV -26.000 BAP = 13$, but Ads =5 Ads/1$ = 5$? 8$?.... Facebook Jo Block
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Forum - News - Feb 9th - Daily News
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