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Feb 9th - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $1.55 United States
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09/02/2015 14:58
druth8x you start a office and you make them your employees you get much better programmers then when you hiring freelancers that will program for you when they have time. So your paying them for there work now so they have to produce they just cant log hours and expect a paycheck to show up.
Traffic Value: $519.58477 Serbia
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09/02/2015 15:03
so... we`re still in status quo?

Traffic Value: $1,133.25862 Ghana
10 like this post 1 people
09/02/2015 15:05
@plutonian - Wicked people will always see wickedness in others where there is not any, for they project their own thoughts to others. However, feel happy with your continual attacking us. We know that you can not do differently. We do not expect anything good from you no more. 

Nothing is wrong with us. We are two, but we work together as good as we can. How else can I log in with my IP from Ghana? - - 07/02/2015 - 14:29:00 - But we have often problems here with the internet in Ghana, and so we help one another. Interesting what kind of mean things you are making out of it. What a hateful guy you must be. This is very sad.  I can log into my husbands Computer, and he can log into mine. Anything else you are making up. You have attacked us from the beginning. And I start to hate you too grin
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
1 like this post 1 people
09/02/2015 15:08
What's so wrong about that?

I promise you, that this problem is not something that can not be solved for weeks/months.

The fact that that is taking this long means the 1 guy doesn't actually know enough about this issue. And thus, he is milking the billing hours, pretending he knows and that it's harder than it really is.

This is not to say that this programmer can't be a a good programmer for other tasks.

IF the offices are still 2/3 months away.

That is just too long to deal with this issue.

A programmer that knows what they are doing could fix this in max a week, probably a day or 2.
We can't afford to wait 2-3months, plus more for getting up to speed. ESP since we can afford the very best. I'm sure many programmers are out there could fix this. They might cost more, but is well worth it.

And, yes the issue with Yan is an issue...but I'm sure the programmers we do have and where we'd get the programmer from would be able to get enough security in place that we'd be safe.
Traffic Value: $1,491.12314 United Kingdom
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09/02/2015 15:08
Well, personally I'm relaxed about the ads soon as the chron broke on Friday I was not expecting a solve before today so was assuming the ad issue wouldn't get delivered till tomorrow as a huge number of extra ads would slow things down even further. There's still just under 9 hours to go of today so it's possible they could come today which would be nice but I won't be disappointed if they don't.

It's funny....this would be about the only situation where I am glad I have health issues to worry about as it means things like delayed ads etc don't stress me or bother me at all as I have much more serious things to worry about
Traffic Value: $33.30747 Lithuania
2 like this post 3 people
09/02/2015 15:10
Jo or what you are,  be the man and keep the words given   ninja
Traffic Value: $101.71589 Iran (ISLAMIC Republic Of)
0 like this post 2 people
09/02/2015 15:16
where are the adds....i cant wait ...excaimcool smile
Traffic Value: $2,218.90192 Korea Republic of
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09/02/2015 15:17
I think Jo will upload the ad stat in 4-5 hours.
Traffic Value: $34,900.45472 Netherlands
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09/02/2015 15:19
u people should stop thinking in your own time line + ads received can be viewed for 18 hours. so no need to extend them.
Traffic Value: $976.46717 Venezuela
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09/02/2015 15:20
Estimated ads for Group 9?
Traffic Value: $579.09797 France
4 like this post 3 people
09/02/2015 15:20
gloriabieser, can you please explain this:
Do any Crawler Bots use this IP ?   Yes
Is this IP on a Blacklist ?   Yes
Latest Type of Threat from this IP:  Unknown Spam Bot masking himself as a normal user

Guess yes, it's totally a proxy or anything like this... smile

Last usage was today at 14:46
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Germany 09 Feb 2015, 14:46
Traffic Value: $12,357.633 Singapore
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09/02/2015 15:22

Why are you so wicked to her to whois that ip?

Traffic Value: $258.73426 Germany
4 like this post 2 people
09/02/2015 15:24
I dont hate you I just wonder how come you are skipping the world with your IP numbers? What you are telling is that your husband log in to your account and does the work for you and sometimes you do the same. That means your not watching the ads personaly? Is it that what you mean with helping each other? You bouth have the acces to each others accounts and when they are loged from the same IP that means one of you is doing the job for bouth of you?
Im I correct? 
I could do the same with my wifes account if she had one. She does not have one. I have acces to her PayPal and she has acces to my. I have her email passwords and she has my. She could easy be my downline and I would be the only one who is doing the job. I would only be helping

Im not attacking you but you gave a lot of oppertunitues to wonder how you two are doing it. But I will let it be and just leave it alone. Have a nice day

If I would be attacking you I would have said cool you found a proxy running from Ghana...But I belive you two are two persons even if you have a few refs who have almoust same names but thouse accounts are empty so...Just enjoy and do whats best for you two. I will not comment anymore anything from you or your husband. peace
Traffic Value: $1,133.25862 Ghana
4 like this post 1 people
09/02/2015 15:30
tzussam - Forum moderator - I do not even know what a bot crawler really is, and we also have not any knowledge about such things. And so, no we are not using any bots. I have a usb stick modem that I use when I click the ads, for we do not have the money for DSL. It is very expensive here in Ghana, it is run by Vodafone. 

And Steffen has DSL in Berlin, just a normal landline with DSL by a company names 1&1. What is the problem really here? What have we done wrong. Is this a witch hunting here now? Why? And for what?

We also don't mask anything. We also do not hide anything. We use our real names, our real address, and now we get attacked here for this. Have you all nothing else to do? Why are you attacking us like this?
Traffic Value: $983.3735 Netherlands
28 like this post 2 people
09/02/2015 15:30
People... Keep calm...

I found who is Cron... but is always sleeping... let him wake up...

Traffic Value: $12,357.633 Singapore
5 like this post 1 people
09/02/2015 15:32

Ok ok I believe that you are in Ghana. And using a proxy to connect to Ghana IP and come to this forum to talk to us all, and also do ads for your husband. 

I also believe that he has not logged into your account and come to this forum to spread his negativity to us. 

I also believe that you are two person, and not one person. 

I also believe that i am lying. 
Traffic Value: $579.09797 France
2 like this post 1 people
09/02/2015 15:32
I'm just wondering when Mecklenburg-Vorpommern moved to Berlin? grin
Traffic Value: $384.50396 United States
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09/02/2015 15:35
@ tzussam 

What I just read from her, and it just sounded wrong was that they can log onto each others computers, now how is that possible? Log into each others accounts maybe but computers?? Are we missing something here?

Ok I am off, and will be back later all. I have another business meeting Sharon called me about 30 minutes ago and said she needs to discuss a few ideas.
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
2 like this post 0 people
09/02/2015 15:35
That's a big cron
Traffic Value: $1,133.25862 Ghana
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09/02/2015 15:36
tzussam - Forum moderator - Steffen has never been in Mecklenburg Vorpommern, but this might be the way how they are routing this. He has his phone number with this DSL too, it is in the official phonebook, and you can call him any time. I only have a cellphone, and you can call me in Ghana at any time too. What is the real reason for this witch-hunt here all of a sudden?
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