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Traffic Value: $17,897.90531 United States
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14/02/2015 01:03
Sensible post Catt. smile
Traffic Value: $187.3513 Slovenia
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14/02/2015 01:03
how much you get in last 14 days? ads I mean ?
Me maybe 20$ in whole 14 days (2 weeks) even 5100BAP missing on my account because doubled even tripled, but do not worry about that they will repair this missing.
But if you turn back last 14 days was benn disaster I am not in 2nd , 3rd or even 4th group, I am in 6th group last 14 day and 20$ all together included big issue it is not even close to recover in 4 weeks even 1/3 what I put into  Paidverts what even made point where I am  right now, so because i told you we need in that kind of situation 20 weeks notice before swap not 20 days 20 WEEKS!
If we will continue that way as last 14 days wink
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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14/02/2015 01:06
I will have to contradict you there.. in the last 14 days I cashed out twice and reinvested over $65......
So I made close to 130 dollars.
Traffic Value: $1,126.85455 Bulgaria
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14/02/2015 01:06
The answer of the eternal question is 42 grin  (if you're a fan)
Traffic Value: $7.96362 United States
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14/02/2015 01:07
honestly I do not even bother with the other PTCs...they're worthless, and if this follows suit because he no longer wishes to generate the revenue because "he will have other business ventures going outside of PV" then I will leave at that point, selling all shares for whatever they're worth and cashing out. It is ridiculous to just throttle everything to a halt because you wish to do something else.
Traffic Value: $187.3513 Slovenia
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14/02/2015 01:07
Yeah but not in 6th group ....
Maybe in 10 or higher  group yes of course wink
Traffic Value: $20.98258 Canada
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14/02/2015 01:10
Um, so I just got my own ad as one of my ads, pretty sure this isn't supposed to happen... although I'd totally join if it wasn't for the fact it was my ad!

This one: BA-1921193 / 498969236  for reference.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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14/02/2015 01:12
That happened to me once as well.
Traffic Value: $866.95481 United States
10 like this post 0 people
14/02/2015 01:13
If we can only pay $1 a day, that limits everyone to a certain group. How much would our daily earnings be during that time? Some users on here have invested money so they can become a certain group. What happens to that money if they haven't made back their investment before the BAP swap? This doesn't make sense to me. I feel a lot of money will be lost (mostly by newer members). This transition from Paidverts to Real-time PTC is going to be a big game changer. Maybe we can delay that for another year possibly? Or at least rethink a lot of the changes before implementing them. Just assuming they would work via math will not guarantee it works. We are real-time users and people aren't as predictable as math makes it. I'm just getting worried. I just wanted to hit my all time accomplishment of $1k in cashouts and then from there do whatever. Too many issues lately is also making me worried (BAP deduction issues, cron issues, PayPal issues).

Here's what I bring to the table. How about raising how much BAP we receive from bulk ads? Something above 3100 BAP. If Jo limits it to $1 per day at least give us something we can make money from you know.
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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14/02/2015 01:13
Im in9 wink

But if you want something closer, my mom is 5 and she made over 30 in the last 15 days average.
It´s not really so bad as people are making it to be. It´s just that there is this frustration about 'having to climb it all over again' but people are not consdering that with less users in the higher groups - or even no users at all - the money will ALL go to the lower groups - therefore making them earn more

As newguy said very properly... people are making too much out of it... there must be people preparing protests agains the $1 daily thing and Jo even said it is NOT FOR SURE!

We should let the man work. That is what I think.
Traffic Value: $197.92733 United States
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14/02/2015 01:14
So ... do we bother to continue to increase BAP and try to climb the groups ... or do we just horde shares ... or ????
Traffic Value: $1,126.85455 Bulgaria
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14/02/2015 01:17
Debt control should not be applied to PV level, because PV is debt generator by design, but also profit generator though. 
Traffic Value: $1,009.59506 Tunisia
7 like this post 0 people
14/02/2015 01:17
exp i have 10000 bap, i get every day 2$:
-4000 deduced
+3100 from 1$ ad pack/day
so i have 9100 bap!!! how we can grow? how we can get more profit?
i don't know why we use bap or group with this situation?
i think with new program, we can earn just "0.1 or 1$" per day like another PTC for all users, except users who have ref members! 

@catt do you have an explication plz!
Traffic Value: $7.96362 United States
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14/02/2015 01:19
you cannot be made to "earn more" without the proper BAP to pay for those ads, you will still be limited by the low amount of BAP, minus those that sell a few shares for BAP to the fools that buy them. We gain 200 BAP a day. lose 100 to tax. Thats 100 BAP a day we maintain. The purchase of a bulkadcampaign grants us 3100 and by the time those in the lower groups are issued enough to result in a dollar we round off to around 2400-2600 BAP used to get that dollar. Recycler is actually FASTER than group 1 issues.

On a side soooo looking forward to that next ad issue we finally get, where I will be flooded with another 200+ 0.0005 ads. I loved spending all day at work and then at home clicking on them...(sarcasm).
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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14/02/2015 01:21
Well I can only tell you my own strategy, which is to accumulate some cash as soon as I know that the swap is coming... so I won´t have to deposit through payment processors in order to buy as many ad packs as I will be allowed per day wink

@chayah26 I am sure you will find many strategies around, but unless Jo says it will be $1 FOR SURE there is no need for all this drama. 
Traffic Value: $65.31824 Colombia
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14/02/2015 01:23
I think that since Jo is kind of known for doing what he wants, at some point, people are kinda takin it for granted, Catt.

At least I have.
Traffic Value: $384.50396 United States
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14/02/2015 01:25
Fees I am not worried about if what you all say is true, and we get to keep any funds we have in our account when this happens then I will start making myself as much extra bap as possible now, get myself I hope into level8, then once he gives us our warning hold back $50 to $100 in my account, to use for ads. This will give me a bit of leverage, any shares I have I will keep for extra cash for that day when it is needed to buy more ad packs, However I will not invest cash in any investment plan originally I was going to do that but now, with almost being forced to do it, hell no. I also will not put any of my money into this at all from now on. I don't like it when people change their minds about as much as the weather changes, and until when he decides to stop making more and more changes every week I am not putting any more of my cash into it.

Luckily i have plenty of other paying sites I am in, and a few of them will be seeing me adding more cash in them. To help me get up there to where I will have the stability needed for next winter. Because this site is about as stable as a home built on the side of a volcano that is ready to erupt. I need a place I can depend on, I thought this site was it, I see now I was wrong.

We shall see.
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
6 like this post 2 people
14/02/2015 01:26
They shouldn´t... he said himself it is not decided yet... it´s not like the swap,. the swap WILL happen the only question is when... the daily limit is something he is studying about - he even said he was pondering on doing it $1 the first day, $2 the second, etc and al.
I really really really believe that it´s been an overreaction, people are too fixed in it.

there you go.. now you are planning instead of panicking wink
THAT kind of planning makes money wink
Traffic Value: $866.95481 United States
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14/02/2015 01:30
Anyone know of any other good sites to use to also gain some extra revenue I can use here on Paidverts/MyTrafficValue? I know there's nbux and CS but I'm not keen on having to one: pay for rented bots, and two: do surveys/offers. Anything?
Traffic Value: $187.3513 Slovenia
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14/02/2015 01:32
Catt sorry for that word.... explain me 

in 31.januar I had it  207.238BAPs so 6th group
11.februar after big issue I had it 273.672 BAPs still in 6th group 
so the different is 66.344BAPs I invested all back to PV also included here 16$ from referal comission. If I calculated now 66.344 BAP : 2000 BAP is 1$ is 33.172$ minus 16$ from referal is 17$
Maybe you can talk here something but calculator and my excel it isn´t that bad in calculation, yes and I pieced of in 11 th februar and buy over the 800 shares by the very low price in baps and in $ and sell it today so now I have 366.000BAPs with huge luck. But still in 14 days without referall I got it only 67.857 BAP in ads and minus 5100BAPs doubled never got it is 62.757BAPs got it and that is the number excatly number how much I got ads from 31.1.2015 until today !!! Included all mini upgrades recycled ads etc....
I think that your mom not getting 30$ or that site Paidverts lagging on daily issue for extra and give to excatly members. but not to all same , it can´t be normal that someone got 30 $ in 5th group in 14 days and one in 6th group only 31$ it is not possible in ads I am talking in ADS 
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