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MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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18/12/2018 22:32
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We will reply to this thread throughout the day with any news and any other information!

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The past week has been slow due to the fact that I had to travel to another country, had to prepare and celebrate my birthday, prepare for christmas and catch up on sleep.
With all that out of the way, I'm back to doing whatever I can to guide you through what's happening during the last 2 weeks of this year!
To start off I'd like to share that during this slow and uneventful week we've still seen a 2% increase in our active userbase on Paidverts.

Several days ago we started a 3.5 month referral competition for paidverts with a grand prize of $1500.
As of now, you only need 1 qualified referral to make the list!
Here you can find the current list: Click

You have until March 31st to put your name on the list and win a lot of money!


Furthermore we have an ongoing wagering competition with a bigger prize pool than ever.
Until the 25th you get to take part in this competition and win!
In order to climb the rankings, you simply need to bet more than others.
It doesn't matter if your bets end up winning or not, it will all count to your total.
You can find the rankings list and partaking games here:

It will also help you get a bigger piece of 2018's biggest ad issue, which will take place on December 26th!
In a few days from now we're giving you one final extra chance to stock up on BAP, but more about that later.


Tomorrow we are launching the long-awaited "Country vs Country"-feature on Warclicks, about which I will ask Andraz to write you a summary as soon as possible.
This event might be a method to get Kongregate to host us on the front page again, combined with an upcoming Christmas Event.

Also, you have 2 days left to help us rank Warclicks as high as possible in the indieDB and help us gain additional exposure.
Please spend a few seconds of your time to do so by following this link and vote: Click
Traffic Value: $4,008.85137 Romania
5 like this post 0 people
20/12/2018 11:02
To management and support: 
How do you suppose to progress (as a company and business) if you are not able to solve the tickets?
Why do you say that you will respond in 7 days when you are not capable to respond even in 3 weeks?
Your support is useless if after 3 week I didn't receive a response and you didn't remove the Baccarat game from the market.
If you are not capable to solve the Baccarat bugs then why do you still maintain it on the market? 
Until you solve those bugs you should withdraw it from available games.

To members:
Guys/gals: DO NOT PLAY BACCARAT because it has bugs and they take BAPS from you in a non correct way! Stay away from Baccarat! (at least until they fix it).
Traffic Value: $2,081.0882 United States
2 like this post 0 people
20/12/2018 23:15
As I predicted I am in the lead by a good margin in the BAP gambling contest.   Somebody challenge me!!!!!

Id be happy to share my roulette strategies with anyone wink

Also Marc,

Isnt the big ad issue coming out BEFORE the end of the tournament?  so those won baps wont help?
Traffic Value: $9,606.72522 Portugal
2 like this post 0 people
20/12/2018 23:22
Took my chances Tony, climbed 3 BAP groups and placing #6 atm wink Still 5 days to go so be carefull with your advantage tongue Im out now, won't risk losing this profits wink

You still use that 15 bets on the same number?
Traffic Value: $2,081.0882 United States
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20/12/2018 23:56
hahaha Yup... I am my own worse enemy.  Im only gonna be gambling to keep my current bap group now.     I just hope this is all worth it and daily ads get bigger....

Actually on that subject  is there a link or someone who can explain whhat exactly determines each days total ad issue?  I thought it was based on several factors,   but for a while it seems like the same amount has been issued every day.
Traffic Value: $2,081.0882 United States
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20/12/2018 23:59

So your saying I should just stack cash and not buy RPs?   Ohh I gotta know im so curious.   Hope its not just your boring old discounted bunk adds wink
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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21/12/2018 00:05
The amount of money for the Ad Pool is suppose to be based on some formula.

I think it generally is (maybe even completely), but Andraz keeps back money in reserve to cover slower weeks/pay for these Big Ad Issues.

He has opted to keep issues stable, and only drop or rise as warranted.
Drop meaning the reserve is getting to low, the rise b/c there is sustained growth such as the reserver is bigger and bigger.

Thus, on the user side we don't see direct money in, money out, as the reserve fluctuates rather than the Ad Issues.
Traffic Value: $5,893.23193 Slovenia
3 like this post 0 people
21/12/2018 07:08
Tony125s, you are in the lead, but can you explain this strategy of yours. You lost around 4 million BAP, to win 1.6 million BAP. What is the point of that?
Traffic Value: $2,179.00664 Slovenia
7 like this post 0 people
21/12/2018 09:57
Got a 0,5$ random ad today, ouch! Totally killed my BAP graph tongue
Traffic Value: $952.82322 Hungary
3 like this post 0 people
21/12/2018 15:20
Is it planned to make Skrill available as a deposit method again? Now it has only 1% deposit fee and $1 minimum deposit amount via credit card. It would be a very cheap and fast option. Advcash was also good with its low fees...
Traffic Value: $11,569.46477 Australia
3 like this post 0 people
21/12/2018 23:40

You could also ask what is the point of Las Vegas.

Gamblers know they are gambling, and they realise that the house has an edge, but they enjoy the thrill of the chase of the big prize.  Some people win.  

By gambling big during promotions, you're effectively using the promotion as a hedge.  Quite smart if you're planning to gamble anyway.  

I'm not saying people should gamble, but if you're going to you might as well be a smart gambler.
orlan12fish - Administrator
Traffic Value: $5,500.61933 Guatemala
1 like this post 0 people
22/12/2018 01:52
Don't miss the chance to win a share of 5 MILLION BAP! Just 3 days left wink 

Learn more at >>

Traffic Value: $2,081.0882 United States
7 like this post 0 people
22/12/2018 05:10
Haha very good point. I love gambling and do most of it on    where I actually do have a large reserve and play very safe there.  You gotta have a huge bankroll to win long term with strategy and a stop loss can net you profit.   

When I run out of funds here I just send over some from the other site and gamble since the games are more fun, plus I actually am a pretty damn good gambler wink     

Long story short is I wanna win this contest so ill be in the 1.5m BAP group then stop gambling here since by the way the admins have been pumping up paidverts in the new year it might actually give some decent daily income like it did back in the day.     

As far as the sites concerned im a goldmine, I think ive deposited like 15K and only withdrawn like 6K haha  so you all still win haha

I will say though that before the contest bagan I did call out that I would be winning grin
Traffic Value: $2,081.0882 United States
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22/12/2018 19:21
I just wanna confirm. The huge ad issue will happen after the BAPs for the contest are given out right?
Traffic Value: $126.31496 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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22/12/2018 20:56
Tony125s good luck hope you win grin
Traffic Value: $2,081.0882 United States
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22/12/2018 23:31
Thanks haha.  If I can get to the 1.5m bap group im gonna only gamble enough each day to get back into the group and use all paid ads I get to finally start buying up RPs before the bug rig rush in jan
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
4 like this post 0 people
23/12/2018 09:47
Tony yes, we'll first pay out wagering prizes before the ad issue.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
4 like this post 0 people
23/12/2018 14:53
Quick support update: Just resolved a bunch of issues/tickets.
The past few days have been extremely busy for me, so I'll have to continue with resolving the rest of the tickets tomorrow.

Apologies again for the long wait times and any inconveniences caused by it!
Traffic Value: $127.6995 Switzerland
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23/12/2018 16:37
I highly appreciate you go through the tickets. My has been open for over 5 months where I reported a bug. It’s not big but it doesn’t allow me to buy ads via mobile browser. I was hoping with the paidverts rework it would be fixed but it wasn’t.

Again it’s no criticism, I highly aprreciate in which direction we are going.
Happy holidays to the team!
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
14 like this post 0 people
24/12/2018 15:21
As you probably already saw in the announcements or email, we are running a 26% BAP bonus on bulk ad purchases during today and tomorrow.

We are also still running a wagering competition on Paidverts until the end of tomorrow, allowing you to stock up on EVEN MORE bap.

Then, on the 26th of December we are hosting the biggest ad issue of the year to end the year with a bang.

Merry Christmas everyone!
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