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MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
24 like this post 0 people
02/08/2018 21:25
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Another small update regarding Warclicks:

After about a week of beta on Kongregate, with only a memberbase of 500 players, the game made a whopping $1300 in sales.
This is an astonishing amount for such a small memberbase and in such a short period.

We have been confident that a clean start would trigger much more sales, but this is quite something.

A few sidenotes to not get everyone TOO excited:

-Beta players are beta players because they have spent more on Kongregate and achieved certain achievements, so it's normal that they spend more than others
-We still have to share the income with Kongregate, then taxes and then we have a 60% cut of what is left.
-We expect the income per player to drop after about 2 months, as people usually spend a lot at first and then less later on, especially when at first they have a chance to reach the leaderboard

Overall Warclicks made around $4100 in July, before any deductions as I just mentioned.
This has been our best result so far, but in August or September we might be able to at least double this, once we have the full memberbase of Kongregate jumping in.

We expect the game to be live for all on Kongregate by Monday/Tuesday.


After 2,5-3 months of no events, we are going to be hosting a few during this month.
In the back we've been programming a ton of updates and we are now able to do a ton of promotions which were not possible before.
More information about that soon.

Small spoiler: It will pay to have or to be able to transact in cryptocurrencies.
Traffic Value: $11,569.46477 Australia
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04/08/2018 23:26
Are those cashouts on PPMG legitimate?
Traffic Value: $868.5955 Netherlands
2 like this post 0 people
05/08/2018 12:46
onboth casinos my chrome gives also a warning that HTTPS is not working and that it is unsafe
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
15 like this post 0 people
05/08/2018 16:02
We've had a gambler winning BIG TIME this week.
He won well over $3000.

But.. A few days later and due to the fact that we're not dependent on a single gambler, we're now up $1850, which I have just added to the results.

The ssl issue has been resolved, thank you for notifying us.
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
7 like this post 0 people
05/08/2018 21:47
Warclicks is still in Beta.. It's been about a week now.
600 players.. $2000 in sales.
We hope to be able to go live on Tuesday.
Traffic Value: $11,569.46477 Australia
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06/08/2018 01:59
Will the Kongregate player numbers be recorded in the "Total Players" stat on the Warclicks website?
Traffic Value: $2,179.00664 Slovenia
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06/08/2018 04:14
If I recall correctly Marc said Kongregate will run a separate instance of WC.
Traffic Value: $680.27326 Philippines
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06/08/2018 08:35
Regarding the promotion that involves cryptocurrency, I hope you will give us enough time to prepare. smile
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
5 like this post 0 people
06/08/2018 09:04
I have just added another $870 to the portfolio on behalf of PlayPerfectMoneyGames.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
10 like this post 0 people
06/08/2018 11:51
@fraser Vixthra is correct - Kongregate has a "separate database", meaning everything is from scratch there. Also users on can't communicate or compete directly with those on This actually has a few benefits, i.e. Kong's fresh start will make it a lot more competitive and interesting for everyone in the first few months.

But things are looking really well for Kongregate - monetization rates are through the roof compared to War Clicks, but as Marc mentioned this is expected to drop, as we're currently dealing with their most engaged members.

However, there IS a very important point to be made here - these are members that have played tens/hundreds of games in the idle/incremental genre, and for them to show us as huge support and interest as they are is a really good sign. As Idle/incremental games are sort of the backbone of Kongregate's revenues in the past few years, we were unsure of what to expect - This platform is bombarded with quality (and a lot of bad) incremental games, so you either stand out or are ignored/forgotten about, as it's nothing special.

After 9 days in beta, we can however say that their users are loving the game so far and are very supportive of additional developments, our engagement and just generally are giving great feedback and invaluable constructive criticism.

So things are looking really promising with these most engaged players, if the rest of their users will feel remotely the same we should be performing really well here smile

We are still waiting for a confirmation on the soft launch date, which we are hoping to happen tomorrow, or the latest on Wednesday. Fingers crossed to not have this delayed any more, as it is ideal for us to launch ASAP, without the Beta users getting too ahead!
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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06/08/2018 13:42
So maybe the game will win 'game of the year' awards somewhere. Do you need to be nominated to get noticed?
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
17 like this post 0 people
07/08/2018 08:12
Warclicks will go live TODAY on Kongregate.
All of us can REALLY benefit from all of you rating the game 5 out of 5 stars on Kongregate.

The difference between scoring under or over 4.0 out of 5 stars is what is going to make or break the game.

Over 4 stars we get a bigger percentage of earnings, we will be much more visible and Kongregate will use their marketing power from time to time to keep the flow of users going.

It's a very small effort for everyone to do so, but it makes a massive difference.

Important Note:
If you already have a Kongregate account you already use please make sure to rate us when we go live. If you don't have one yet, you can create one, but don't do so solely for the purpose of voting. Make sure to go play some other games, check out their website and then also go play Warclicks and give us a vote. Joining Kongregate specifically to vote for us is discouraged and can actually have a negative effect. So just check out their website and enjoy the many cool games they have, and even if you rate for us in a few days time that's just as fine!
Traffic Value: $62,710.15909 United States
4 like this post 0 people
07/08/2018 08:38
Edit from slosumo:
Important Note:
If you already have a Kongregate account you already use please make sure to rate us when we go live. If you don't have one yet, you can create one, but don't do so solely for the purpose of voting. Make sure to go play some other games, check out their website and then also go play Warclicks and give us a vote. Joining Kongregate specifically to vote for us is discouraged and can actually have a negative effect. So just check out their website and enjoy the many cool games they have, and even if you rate for us in a few days time that's just as fine!

** End of edit ***

Took like 10 seconds to sign up via my facebook page/create user name.
I'll favorite/rate as soon as Warclicks is up.

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