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27th October - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
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27/10/2014 23:09
Quoting from Jo:
"todays issue was split up into as many ads as possible; as we have 20m undelivered visits to get through ASAP. "
Traffic Value: $9,354.801 Slovenia
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27/10/2014 23:11
@paidadvert I agree i just think the $0.08 is way to much but 0.02$ seems reasonable to me, marc do it... Just kiding(dont hate me), thanks for removing road block smile that's inof for me
Traffic Value: $21,343.49236 Italy
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27/10/2014 23:15
Hi Jo,
I'm in group 7 of PV.
Today's ADs won't work, no one.
I've tried to swap the ADs, but nothing change, everytime the same message "Error, please try another one.".
I hope You're aware about this issue and solve it asap.

Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
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27/10/2014 23:15
But we have a enormous roadblock with 150k shares by roberto1  shocked
Traffic Value: $134.64196 Philippines
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28/10/2014 01:10
Hi Jo I didn't still get the value of ads to be click for me today. I am in Group 3. sad
Traffic Value: $6,580.40645 United States
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28/10/2014 01:32
Way to go Jo!

Look at this trend...

Mon Oct 6 - $9,232 revenue
Mon Oct 13 - $8,219 revenue
Mon Oct 20 - $10,697 revenue
Mon Oct 27 - $13,133 revenue
Traffic Value: $3,211.07643 Sri Lanka
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28/10/2014 02:38
Infact those blocks barricaded the share price growth by 0.01 to 0.03 during last two days.

that might've helped some small & medium scale users to afford to buy more shares, yet it has put the breaks on price growth for sure.

A sudden boom can be expected with the share split with this situation.
Traffic Value: $121.25977 Hungary
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28/10/2014 04:57
Hi Jo!

Yesterday was not a tax deduction and major ads.

Group 3

24k to 48k …............... 0.05 …............... 775 …............... 1683 …............... 0.4604872252

Have a nice day!
Traffic Value: $258.73426 Germany
3 like this post 1 people
28/10/2014 05:39
I dident recive my ads in group 3 yeasterday. I m pretty sure that I had only ads fo way under the 24k to 48k - 0.05 - 775 - 1683 - 0.4604872252
I hope they will come cause every day is important to get further and reach a higher group.
AND its unbelievabel how this page is going UP!! You are doing a great job
Traffic Value: $128.88901 India
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28/10/2014 08:30
hopefully today also will be a great ad issue likewise yesterday grin
Traffic Value: $1,714.14953 Myanmar
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28/10/2014 12:10
Now, I am group 9.
I used filter value 0.1.
Is it suitable for me.
Please suggest me.
Traffic Value: $2,218.90192 Korea Republic of
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28/10/2014 12:25
A $0.1 value is never suitable for you

Traffic Value: $83.6905 Cyprus
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28/10/2014 12:28
It's too high.
Traffic Value: $1,541.83415 Pakistan
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28/10/2014 12:33
i think 0.009 is best for you
Traffic Value: $121.25977 Hungary
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28/10/2014 12:42
Thank You wink
Traffic Value: $1,714.14953 Myanmar
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28/10/2014 13:08
Ok, I want to change the filter value 0.1 to 0.01.
Is it charge to me $10 again.
who can help me without paying $10 again.
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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28/10/2014 13:11
if it´s been less than 30 days that you bought it, just write a ticket and Jo will change it to you
if it´s more, then you gotta spend $10 again
Traffic Value: $72.00465 Pakistan
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28/10/2014 14:56
Dear Jo!
Its good information for us, but BOT Applications are against your Terms of Service!
Please reply me for this.....
Traffic Value: $421.56472 South Africa
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28/10/2014 15:11

these are not the bots you are looking for...jktongue

Those are not bots in the sense that you are thinking, those are search engine crawlers etc.
Traffic Value: $32,122.18249 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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28/10/2014 20:08
anyone else waiting 7+ hours share trade approval?
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