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27th October - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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27/10/2014 21:05
Group 3 is the biggest group, probably why it takes longer
Traffic Value: $1,687.19051 Spain
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27/10/2014 21:05
Gracias osito, ahora mucho mejor jejeje.

Yo estoy en el grupo 6 y me han llegao 2 anuncios que no llegan ni a 0.80$ entre los 2.
Traffic Value: $83.6905 Cyprus
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27/10/2014 21:06
Group 1 is the biggest?
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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27/10/2014 21:06
Depending on your adfilter thats all you will get... I am in Group 6 and I got about 40 ads from $0.01 to 0.02. If you got the filter that high you won´t get them
Traffic Value: $1,687.19051 Spain
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27/10/2014 21:07
Catt :I'm in group 6 and I have come 2 listings that neither reach $ 0.80 between the 2.
I have the adfilter of $ 0.10
It is normal ??
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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27/10/2014 21:10
Depending on the ad filter yes... as I said up there, we had a lot of low value ads today. I got near 2 dollars total but my ad filter is set to $0.009
Traffic Value: $83.6905 Cyprus
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27/10/2014 21:15
? have 27000 Bap points.I am thinking to set the ad filter to 0.001.What do you think?
I might as well buy it when I reach Group 4 or 5.
Traffic Value: $1,687.19051 Spain
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27/10/2014 21:16
Well this time I was much more back, I hope that's just today, from Saturday to this day I have only received $ 1 in advertising, I do not see it quite normal that, a catt greeting and thanks for always answering,
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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27/10/2014 21:18
@kostas134 I am in group 6 and I have it set to $0.009. Been working like a charm so far.
Traffic Value: $140.48824 Spain
0 like this post 1 people
27/10/2014 21:23
i didn't receive nothing yet  
Traffic Value: $2,211.17614 France
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27/10/2014 21:28
hello / good evening 
who can explain what is mean   t by the "boots" on the graphics 
I thought the boots' was the boots of  referencing search engine like google / yhaoo / bing ... but 18% server utilization seems much 
some things must escape,ermm
or  the stains made by the system as mailings of ads, or games  of BAP games generated by the central script  is described of "Boots" which would make sense in this case

Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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27/10/2014 21:30
the "bots" in graphics are search crawlers and not bots as we don´t like, the ones that see ads automatically smile

Those Bots are good bots, google, yahoo, etc
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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27/10/2014 21:49
Correct, bots are not users cheating... They're search engines mostly. There are thousands of bots online; some legitimate, others testing for vulnerabilities, collecting emails for spam etc.

I'll check group 3 in the morning, and if no ads were issued; i'll create 1 ad tomorrow with the full issue.
Traffic Value: $294.60488 Philippines
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27/10/2014 21:51
I am G3PV 27 fast tracks not receive still nowquestion
Traffic Value: $228.68304 Poland
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27/10/2014 22:02
I bought add campaign, i see + 3100 BAP's but i don't have points on my account... Where's my BAP's? First time i see something like this... 
Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
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27/10/2014 22:08
Check your BAP log:
Traffic Value: $2,709.58035 United States
1 like this post 4 people
27/10/2014 22:25
Thank's so much for removing your roadblock.
Now, If you would be so kind as to post 50,000 @ .08 so
myself and some more late-comers can buy in at a more
reasonable rate.
That would be great! wink
Traffic Value: $294.60488 Philippines
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27/10/2014 22:37
I'll check group 3 in the morning, and if no ads were issued; i'll create 1 ad tomorrow with the full issue.(From JO)

thanks .Wait for tomorrow .
Traffic Value: $2,284.35123 Norway
2 like this post 0 people
27/10/2014 22:41

Your adfilter is to high.
I am in group 8 and have adfilter 0,01 and get lots of ads below 0,10
Good value everyday with these small ads to grow your BAP
Traffic Value: $46.64227 Mexico
0 like this post 3 people
27/10/2014 23:07
why i didn't receive high value ad today???
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