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Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
4 like this post 0 people
21/12/2016 06:32
806! w00t

This time I will not jinx it!
Traffic Value: $7,982.98431 Germany
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21/12/2016 14:56
right decision from the moderators to delete your bullshit!
Traffic Value: $255.97725 Denmark
0 like this post 10 people
23/12/2016 19:26
@kbwnd super mature, you know something is fishy when a business starts censoring its investors. its like locking up people from speaking out against its government, aka a corrupt leadership. they even have measures set up to vote if you agree or disagree which you are entiled to use as you please. my voice should matter just as much as yours. yes i do realise that its kinda shooting myself in the foot attacking the business i still have money in but hopefully people will read and make up their own minds. as Marc even have been a big advocate off himself say that people can choose to invest or not. trying to clean your site so that it looks good is the exact opposite (not saying that Marc specifically said my comments should be deleted.) corrupt mods=/= trying to become a legit business. good fucking luck... theyll just prove my point if they delte and not ounter argue. i feel im being pretty civil about a cituation that shouldnt be accepted by anyone.
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
12 like this post 0 people
23/12/2016 19:41
You're behaving extremely immature.
You're posting comments that show you're simply uninformed about what is going on and you swear and call us a scam..

What do you expect us to do with such comments? How are we supposed to have a proper discussion with you like that?
Traffic Value: $6,016.01548 United States
9 like this post 0 people
23/12/2016 20:46
It's censorship when you delete a comment for simply expressing a contrary opinion.

It is smart business, however, when you delete comments from someone that is childish and can't express their opinion without gutter talk. ranting, raving, name calling, and constant negativity. That does not belong on a "legit"  business's forum.

So when you learn how to express yourself without talking like a drunk high school kid, maybe people will start to take your opinions more seriously.
Traffic Value: $255.97725 Denmark
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23/12/2016 22:15
okay swearing might not be polite and correct, but it gets the point across. im glad that i finally got some feedback. im pretty sure we all want to feel like we're being heard right. so here we are. So Marc, do you feel MTV is a succecful, yes you could argue you took it over at a bad time. yea the road to leagalization also might be a argument, but ever since you came into position as CEO it seems to have gone downhill for a lot of people. unclear wording on some posts which mislead quite a few users (yes i am talking about the swap, which yes, you didnt say you wouldnt do. it was worded funny, and the times after i saw you have to explain it to a lot of people who thought there would be no swaps). i wont discredit your (and the team behind you) for the progress. youve got some small products out which have returned a profit but its still seeing the money back we were advertised (again not necessarily your fault as those werent made under your leadership) you definitely didnt make it better though. you, as well as i, know a lot of people just want out, as i stated in the other post you yourself have said that people are free to do so, but half assed as, yes people can leave, but with a loss almost guaranteed. back to the first question, do you feel MTV is a success? youll most likely say you think it is as any cep of any company trying to defend their business. havent been around much after so i cant say if yo have adressed this but it did seems you tried to avoid it. -The swap: did you think it was a realistic hope of getting the shares up to 0.1, the time after the swap it seemed to stabalize around 0.004, i just had a look and its half of that.

To end, yes i know it was an investment, and hopefully this isnt seen as all negative. I want you guys to succeed, that would afterall be in my own best interest. its just super discouraging, not only seeing no progress (profit wise), but even going down hill. 
if that wasnt worded better give me some pointers, cause im really trying here...
Traffic Value: $739.34329 Belgium
5 like this post 0 people
23/12/2016 22:35
-PPMG is doing great
-PBG is starting to pick up
-BMF had difficulties due to the hack, that one is very slow and it'll take a while before it returns in profit.
-PaidVerts: doing great. Come'on, a sustainable ad issue of $700-1000 every day of the week... that's pretty awesome and MUCH better than in the past. Debt is only added due to more active users, and ad issues get bigger as well (no not doubling but small increases are increases).

Okay, that are the launched products.

-Coinflip evolved will soon be launched. Yes that got some delays, due to problems with an external advertising provider.
-Secret freemium game is getting bigger and bigger as well. Once that is optimized, it will be made public as well.

Then the crowd funding:
Two campaigns got funded, the marketing campaign which will normally return profits to all backers in a few weeks time. Then Sumo Roll, a new concept in the faucet industry. That is being developed now as well.

All this will help to finally become a profitable business and get away from what MTV was in the past, a ponzi. Now we are a real business, making money and not just attracting more and more outside money.

If we make enough profits, we will be able to repay the FTQ and afterwards a lot of money will go to the RP holders. But this just needs time, you can't become a profitable business overnight. You can't, I cannot and no, Marc and Slosumo can not accomplish that within a few days either.
Traffic Value: $255.97725 Denmark
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23/12/2016 22:43
@gugekip, i mean its good if you say its picking up speed, the thing you just said about paidverts is kind worrying though, i as well started out there. now it seems to be more focused dragging in new users and leaving the old in the dust, as their money is already taken and they arent worth as much anymore, i hope you can at least see how it can come off as that right? i could go and invest more in paidverts but thats been done before and the end result have been a swap in the pas just to agian pump in more money without getting back a penny.
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
18 like this post 0 people
23/12/2016 22:55
This company has MOST DEFINITELY improved since we took over.
If virtual digits is all you're looking for then it might indeed seem like we're making LESS income than before, but we most certainly do NOT.

Before we took over we got pretty much all "income" from investments in both Paidverts and MTV. Completely unsustainable and with no way of returning the full return to everyone.

Nowadays we actually generate revenue, just not enough to turn a profit.
We were very close 3 months ago, we paid off all of our debts when the BarterMyFunds-hack occurred.
From that point on we've been having a deficit of around $10-$15000/month.

I never used clever wording to cover up a sw@p at any occasion? hmmm
I simply said that I wouldn't use it unless we had to to keep the business running.
The previous management used it as a catalyst to "boost" the business as having a "clean system" attracted a lot of new investments.
Which was basically an unsustainable revenue share and many people started fearing the sw@ps (Remember? wink )

For those that claim it's our fault that the Royalty Positions drop they're only partially right.
It's based on offer and demand and the market got "killed" ages ago when daytraders found out it was profitable to sell off their large stacks of Royalty Positions and buy back cheaper.
Nowadays whenever a big buyer shows up there are 100s of people fighting over a fraction of a penny bringing back the price to its original point.

Whenever someone sells big, it drops another notch.
If you want us to keep the Royalty Position-price artificially boosted then you're not familiar with the policies of any normal stock exchange registered company.

If our products would be more profitable we'd be able to recoup a part of our royalty positions indeed, alongside paying dividends.
These would both boost the royalty position price over the long run, but RP's were never bought in MTV for its dividends.
People who bought RP's in the past bought them because they were constantly artificially pushed up by the management, pretty much guaranteeing you a profit.

From the moment that we took over we built around 3x more products in 18 months compared to the 4 years before that.
Did we improve this business? I surely think so.

We're now venturing into the freemium games market and once we jump through a number of hoops we can finally start expanding Barter My Funds with many payment processors and turn it into a profitable business as it was meant to be.

These are the short term plans.
We simply need to turn a profit to pay off a part of the Fast Track Queue, pay the lawyers and expand the team.
That's when the fun begins.
Traffic Value: $4,969.3683 Spain
4 like this post 0 people
23/12/2016 23:07
I've been around for more than 2 years now and I've posted all kind of things in the forum. Sometimes I was super excited, invested and made all my friends join Paidverts, and others I've been so negative about this and nearly cashed out all couple of times. And I've posted all my thoughts, the positives and the negatives.

Back in 2015 when we didn't have a single product (nor PPMG, PBG, BMF) and paidverts was terrible, I posted that I didn't know where the money came from and if we weren't a real ponzi. 
My post wasn't deleted. Instead, Marc answered my post announcing a new product.
Why wasn't it deleted? I was wondering if it was a scam and I wrote it public, but I didn't insult anybody, just wrote what I thought in an educated way to have a dialogue.

And I can tell you that yeah, I care about MTV, but I care way more about my money and as long I have money here, I will be interested in MTV. I'm not a fanboy, I'm just an investor who wants his money back and a plus (profits), like all investors. And now, MTV is one of the ways to get money + benefits, but a as a mid-long term

Here is the post. A negative post with 40 likes. And as you can see, I wasn't banned, or my post deleted.
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