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Traffic Value: $346.1741 India
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19/10/2016 17:08
@MarcdeKoning - If you don't mind can you please share how much is PV/MTV making per day/month from Adhitz banners and Mellow ad banners? ..... I am guessing at least $30 a day. angel
Traffic Value: $2,209.45324 Macedonia
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19/10/2016 18:02
And how much from the offers? (profit)
Traffic Value: $773.5176 Portugal
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20/10/2016 05:40
This has been happening to me for some days: when I am clicking on the grid and open the ad, sometimes the captcha (PV picture captcha) doesn't show and I can't do anything, not even refresh, neither go back on the browser. I have to close the tab and open up again. Anyone else having the same problem?
Traffic Value: $11,569.46477 Australia
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20/10/2016 08:51
I'm getting the same thing intermittently on ads (not click-grid)
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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20/10/2016 09:03
@caciPakovska and @Hirenbahai all of those are clearly visible on the public accounting sheet (Dev funds -> outside advertising and offerwalls(the value is the 20-30% profit/dev funds from value of all offerwalls completed) columns).

Adhitz these days is just used as fallback banners when BAP banners are not filled. Even in it's best days of full coverage, we were getting only about $500 monthly from it (that's why it is now used only as fallback). And when a banner spot is not filled we get 10-15$ daily for a full day.

Mellowads gets only a few bucks daily from MTV (was rejected to use on PV).
Traffic Value: $773.5176 Portugal
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20/10/2016 10:26
Yeah now it's happening to me also on regular ads.
Traffic Value: $28.3459 Brazil
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20/10/2016 13:56
21 x 0.001 ads + 0.002 ad on group 2, completely changed. All the groups are getting their ads with almost the same value? downer
Traffic Value: $573.1605 India
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20/10/2016 15:51
What is the reason for not closing Problem Listing 'Yabankir' question question question   'Yabankir' was listed as a problem in Monitor Section 82 days ago. Let us close this Listing & share Profits :

Traffic Value: $11,569.46477 Australia
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21/10/2016 00:15

Great to see the visual captcha being added to the Android app.

However, did you know that when you see it whilst viewing an ad, instead of touching 'Confirm' it says 'Signin'.

Obviously this makes sense when you are signing in, but can it be changed between ads?
Traffic Value: $1,223.3901 Bangladesh
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21/10/2016 09:18
Yesterday I have lost 12,21,436 BAP in coin flip game. I could not profit this game but I also try to take profit.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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21/10/2016 11:27
Are you complaining?

"Some days you lose, some days you win."

Overall, your records show a 99% ratio.

On top of that, this past week, you are in profit.
Traffic Value: $303.22909 Belgium
16 like this post 0 people
21/10/2016 15:10
I was re-reading this news and was thinking the following. We all know that legalisation is needed and allthough steps are made in that way, we don't get really forward. Long time I didn't say anything about it, but now I wanted to give my opinion on this. Because I think it can help MTV. Allthough it will give me possibly a lot of dislikes. 

I read that Marc wants to contact law firms, this can be one approach but it's what we still keep doing going to law firms. I think it's not the ideal way to tackle this matter.

In my opinion (also speaking as a master of law), law firms alone aren't perfect for a case like MTV. Law firms do know the law, but are sometimes blind for everything else. I think  companies like the BIG four (namely Deloitte, KPMG, EY and PWC) can do more in a case like MTV. They have all four their own accountants, legal consultants, tax consultants and business consultants all under one roof. Each of this professionals can take a specific part of the "MTV legalisation case", analyse it and give a solution. When they all have done this, MTV will get an allround solution on every part of the problem. And can move on. I don't say this is cheap, but law firms aren't either.

Another advantage is that, even when the BIG FOUR doesn't have an answer on a legal problem, they work in close cooperation with law firms and ask them for help. (in most countries originally some lawyers were part of the BIG four, however at some point this wasn't allowed anymore and they had to split. However the cooperation remained)

A last point: normally when you contact a BIG four and say this is my problem and ask, I want a solution and what is it gone cost me, they will give a cost price in advance. 
Traffic Value: $846.44882 Canada
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21/10/2016 20:24
What I think how can we legalize

We can have a main crop. in a low tax country, the other sites will be in other country which legal to run the site.

In other words, as the parent company owned the other companies in different country.

I am sure if it is correct, as I think Marc want to get the legalize in the same country.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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21/10/2016 20:25
I know Legalization isn't a product but could we crowdfund legalization/lawyer costs and then distribute say 1-5% of Net Profits to those with our "Project Funding" app?

Same thing regarding FBG Promotion expenses. Rather than have a "$1000" taken from profits for FBG to advertise itself have the crowd fund that expense. Then, just share a small % of profits from either the refs commission from that date on, or group of sites as a whole.

Even funds to pay the Amazon Bill a full year in advance, as this is actual savings, the Return % could even be higher than the above 2.

As well as, paying for more programming hours, in order to get projects done faster.

None of the above are projects that have direct revenue built in. However, indirectly, all of these are costs we do incur and if funded sooner rather than later, can build up the overall monthly profit for the site. Thes are projects that investors know are worthwhile and with a built in small % return, again only of profits, no risk for either party besides time on return. Besides, with an 80/20 model already that means that no profits will go to RP of any projects, that are funded via the "Project Funding Page" anyways. Unless that changes, b/c RP need to be worth something, just for the health of the site.
Traffic Value: $739.34329 Belgium
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21/10/2016 21:17
I agree, RP's should get a part of the revenues from somewhere, otherwise the whole MTV model failed.

I do not agree that we should use crowdfunding to fund a lot of those products. What's the point of MTV then? Giving away revenues forever if people contribute some money to advertising now... no please don't. That would make us liable forever... bad idea imo.

Why don't we try to get legalised an then just build everything ourself? After being legalised I'm sure some institution will offer us a loan. That's how other big companies work and maybe we can, too, in the future. Really curious why we go the crowdfunding path and not continue like we did...
Traffic Value: $28.3459 Brazil
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21/10/2016 21:35
"Really curious why we go the crowdfunding path and not continue like we did..."

1 - Maybe because we are a CROWDFUNDED company.

2 - Maybe because what "we did" is not working so well, or are you seeing 3k$ daily revenue?
You said RPs should get a part of revenues from somewhere, yes, I agree. BUT, it would take time under the actual model, so, MTV is trying the otherway.

But yes, it should stick with direct revenue products.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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21/10/2016 23:11
Marc clarified that the 20% that goes to MTV goes to Dev Funds, which if there is profit will be shared with RP holders.

This is only a small clarification to my post, the rest still stands as an idea.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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22/10/2016 06:54
People seem to misunderstand the role of Dev Funds...

Dev Funds are marked for Operating Costs.
Operating Costs are finite.
If Dev Funds exceed Operating Costs, the excess becomes Company Profits.
Company Profits can be used to repay the FTQ Investments and to pay Dividends.

So, you want to promote things that generate A LOT of Revenues that are marked for Dev Funds, because the excess come to you.

Get it?
Traffic Value: $8,965.30221 India
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22/10/2016 07:34
I dont know if people noticed but MTV doesnt need to "rely" on dev funds from investing in FTQ just to keep running.Now it runs on the revenues it creates on its own and that is a very big step forward imo.
Traffic Value: $680.27326 Philippines
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22/10/2016 07:53
A heavy source of Dev Fund is Paidverts, in my understanding, which is also a debt-creating product like the FTQ.

And it shouldn't be called Dev Funds anymore. It should be Operating Fund, so as not to be confusing.
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