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15th October - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $9,354.801 Slovenia
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15/10/2014 16:32
Okay. Thanks for explaining 
Traffic Value: $2,368.44924 Iran (ISLAMIC Republic Of)
1 like this post 8 people
15/10/2014 16:56
i dont get why you dont solve ticket issues??

every user must wait 10 days to get answer

Traffic Value: $2,832.33926 France
0 like this post 6 people
15/10/2014 17:18

I'm in group 9:

1.5m to 3m …............... 0.105 …............... 1627.5 …............... 161 …............... 10.1086956522

My ad filter is set at $0.10 however i just had $10, why i didn't had $10.10 ?
Traffic Value: $386,747.05153 Netherlands
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15/10/2014 17:23
What do you think yourself Nicorno? Probably 10x $0.01 ads were sent out.
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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15/10/2014 17:23
$0.10 is way too high... you are missing important ads.
Traffic Value: $952.28215 India
0 like this post 2 people
15/10/2014 17:34
You've asked to be informed about security flaws. Well, I would like to tell you about a potential security hole in PV---the recently implemented SolveMedia Captcha.

The text that I have to type in before I click "Confirm" has been repeating without change for quite some time. I am currently clicking my ads in PV and have just paused to point this out because this text is repeating with alarming regularity! I must also say that the text that I am now seeing I have already seen it quite a few times ever since this SolveMedia Captcha was implemented.

What is stopping somebody from building a bot to get around this? I think the texts should be far more random to counter bots.
Traffic Value: $2,832.33926 France
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15/10/2014 17:35
I only had one ten dollars click
And it's my second ad filter buying... lol
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
9 like this post 0 people
15/10/2014 17:38
If we catch anyone using a bot, you risk forfeiting your account.

We ran one bot trap a few weeks ago, snagging 500 or so accounts. It won't be the only trap we run.
Traffic Value: $203,540.80977 Malaysia
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15/10/2014 17:47
so the share price are dropping and sticky now again and waiting for PV to push up

should be a good chance for speculators to buy some shares now and waiting for weeks to the raising of share price
Traffic Value: $952.28215 India
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15/10/2014 17:58
Hi Jo,

It is a good idea to keep running bot traps. No matter how perfect, all security systems leak. Random checks in random ways is a powerful boost for security!
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
15 like this post 0 people
15/10/2014 18:11
The share price is interesting...
There are a lot of sellers which is stopping the price going up. But there are a lot more people trading shares of late; almost all low volumes. But a lot of unique users.

And yea, PV is easing off its share buying this week (other than from itself)... to give the price chance to reset. So it can grab a bargain shortly. No particular rush; waiting a week or two, doesn't change anything.


Anyway... I'm really looking forward to / pushing for Multiplayer poker. I think that will be a huge leap forward for this business. Especially if we get 50+ tables operational 24/7. That will add some serious value / debt reduction to this business. It'll be real interesting.

I'm really curious to see how many people play... As we have 5000-6000users playing BAP games each day. And they're just "boring" single player games. Multiplayer should be way more appealing; and as you're playing other people - so you can actually win in the long run (statistically, if you play well).

And right now there are over 4400+ people with more than 50k BAP... So there's plenty of potential existing players with a good amount of BAP to play with... If say half of those play one table, for one hour a day that's 22 tables x 4 players each consistent.
Assuming 2500-100k table entries. With 700k total pots per hour per table (7000 rake/hour/table)... That's $1800+ per day in debt reduction.

Add in lower limit tables; and who knows how many players they'll get! I'm thinking the smallest tables will be 6 BAP Big Blind. For a 150-6000BAP buyin... That way any new user can view 400 BAP worth of ads; and instantly start playing.

And if we can permit users to play on more than one table at a time; that will multiply things like crazy.

Anyway... pure speculation right now!
But very interesting potential. And the fact people are all playing with BAP and not cash should enable us to avoid all sorts of regulation... And loosen up all the players, as they're playing with "fun money" basically, that you can get for free in small quantities.

So whenever you bankrupt yourself; you can find yourself a chip & a chair; and work your way back up!
Traffic Value: $1,257.7687 Chile
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15/10/2014 18:13
nicorno: Daily Ads are not issued as a single ad, but rather as a collection of ads that in whole add up to the daily value. If you have a 0.10 filter, you end up forfeiting several "lower than 0.099" ads on the site. Perhaps this issue was 1x10USD ad, and the remanent (remaining) was divided into 10x0.01 ads (in which case your filter has blocked them, since those ads do not superseed filters).

A good filter can save your BAP, but if your group is subject to several smaller ads, you risk losing earnings on that venue. Risk/reward at it's finest grin.
Traffic Value: $1,574.99202 Pakistan
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15/10/2014 18:14
There is a flaw i encountered 4 times my timer 30 sec ends then it goes to 60 sec timer no confirm button or error showed in between 
Traffic Value: $152,534.85777 United States
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15/10/2014 18:30
I have never played/or been into poker.  But I just thought of an idea for it or other multiplayer games.  I don't know it its a good idea or whether it would work or not, but here it is:  Offer a 'filter' for big  MTV $$$revenue that allows the user to automatically exclude themselves from games when certain other users are going to play a certain game. They could be given a list of the top players/or put in their own preference of who not play with, and then only be allowed to play(with filter) when those top players aren't playing that certain game.

Again, I am not into poker, and I do not know how the these games are designed or will work out....just thought I'd throw this potential additional revenue idea out there.
Traffic Value: $6,673.1326 India
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15/10/2014 18:45
Multiple account setup just now.
New user: ssx was referred by sss

New user: playinterq11 was referred by playinterz01
One after another.

15-10-2014 16:48:15 New user: farhan222 was referred by richardp41
15-10-2014 16:48:15 New user: farhan72 was referred by Jo
Traffic Value: $2,211.17614 France
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15/10/2014 18:46
yes the poker Multi will really give a boost at MTV, the site will spend at a  higher level,
frankly  I do not know any PTC / Revshares that offer a   multiplayer poker game for these members, it will be a revolution in this industry, sillyeven neobux will not be as innovative 

otherwise Jo, I think you discussed with your programmers about Poker 

 When do you think we have the chance to discover the first poker table on the site? before the end of the month? (Maybe I'm dreaming:happysmile
Traffic Value: $424.42272 Poland
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15/10/2014 18:49
Jo im excited  for poker too but not draw poker but texas holdem which is more popular even if low value  of players will play draw poker  i think team should set up texas holdem asap after draw pokersmile
Traffic Value: $9,354.801 Slovenia
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15/10/2014 18:55
Multiplayer will surely be a hit, i know for sure that i will gain loads of or lose all within a week of it being added (probably gonna play hour or more a day wink)

I wonder if simple games could be added, how about hexagon tongue, world hardest game 
Traffic Value: $1,804.38575 Ukraine
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15/10/2014 19:29
Thank You. Today is good.
Warm Wishes
Traffic Value: $892.42899 India
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15/10/2014 19:47
another one

15-10-2014 19:37:34 New user: pijorrito6 was referred by pijorrito

15-10-2014 19:42:21 New user: pijorrito7 was referred by pijorrito
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