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14th July - News - Big changes!

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Traffic Value: $731.72267 Egypt
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15/07/2016 14:35
Yes, 80% of whats left after paying all costs and bills of the company. Not 80% of the total profit.
I remember when Marc was encouraging users to invest in FTQ and finally this is our reward...80% of whats left...Sad.
But Ok, If you or any other user in MTV still believes in the bright future of MTV and still has more to spend waiting for the dreams to come true then why don't you buy my investment and i will be very grateful that someone would give me a chance to get out once and forever of your MTV's LaLa Land.
Traffic Value: $11,013.37121 Czech Republic
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15/07/2016 14:36
Oh kind sir, please suggest me a way to spend 700 000 BAP in 5 days

im thinking about playing slots or something with my 22mio,  LOL
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
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15/07/2016 14:41

That would be bad for FT holders as they couldn't sell RP at 0.004 because all of they would try to sell it. Are you suggesting another FT sw@p...humm... i don't think so.


I would i buy FT when i can take advantage of RP price now or PV 155%? ermm
Traffic Value: $632.82371 Latvia
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15/07/2016 14:43
Gotta make banners fast lol

Yeah I guess I'll do that on the last day, if it's the last chance

I am just happy I didn't sell all of my RPs, 80-200 in less than hour, was tempting...
Traffic Value: $1,190.2111 Russian Federation
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15/07/2016 14:44
if you sell the bap now, you can catch the current price, it may be more profitable than waiting for the 0.002 or less...
That's why many ppl selling their baps now..
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
1 like this post 1 people
15/07/2016 14:48
Yes even if they sell @230 and then sell for $ they might get lower price RP during the following couple of weeks compensating the 230.
Traffic Value: $4,714.86897 Denmark
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15/07/2016 14:48

I know they would not be able to sell at 0,004 tomorrow. But FTQ is a 100 - 200 day investment anyway, so it would not make much of a difference in that respect. On the contrary - waiting say 30 days would then even give better profits - as rp price would go up when all 100 percent went for dividends. Just an idea. 
Traffic Value: $731.72267 Egypt
5 like this post 3 people
15/07/2016 14:51
Ok, you can't buy FT now and i understand that but i have placed my offer in FTQ market and unfortunately i will have to wait till someone buys it after 32 years or so.
But, after all, i have learnt my lesson and i would like to say to Marc thanks for what you did and i hope you take the same hit and feel the same feelings that most of MTV users are feeling now.
Enjoy being slaves to the administration.
DomingoX6 - Administrator
Traffic Value: $2,272.07399 Venezuela
8 like this post 8 people
15/07/2016 14:58


Marc has lost way more money than you and many, many of us, and he is still working hard to make this business go the right way. He could have ran away long time ago with all our money like all the sc@mmers out there, but he didn't. I think he and the staff deserve at least a little bit of respect.
Traffic Value: $126.13469 Macedonia
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15/07/2016 15:03
Guys if portfolio start to re-buy RP's, it will be great.
Think! that's the light in the tunnel.
I think this sw@p should happen when Marc came here.
Traffic Value: $632.82371 Latvia
4 like this post 2 people
15/07/2016 15:03
It just that, he couldn't run with $, after J incident, no wallet had loads of money on it
And Marc is paid in shares that he can't sell
Traffic Value: $209.53846 Italy
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15/07/2016 15:07
Traffic Value: $126.13469 Macedonia
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15/07/2016 15:03

"Think! that's the light in the tunnel."

Yes... I too see the light in front of me... oppsss... it was the train! grin
DomingoX6 - Administrator
Traffic Value: $2,272.07399 Venezuela
8 like this post 1 people
15/07/2016 15:08

He is also being paid in dollars, and guess what? He has invested his money in the FTQ for the good of the business.

Please, show some respect, at least we know that Marc is not a sc@mmer and shouldn't be treated like one.
Traffic Value: $6,833.47209 Spain
11 like this post 0 people
15/07/2016 15:09

I have $6K in FTQ. We earn 30%!!!!!. Do you want more?. Good luck. Your problem is not Marc, your problem is "you want ALL NOW". Again, good luck. ermm

li_st_mi knows: If I can earn 30%, I can lose ALL. Today I can earn 30%. Where is the problem?. I must wait. Of course. Yesterday I had the same situation.
Traffic Value: $169.03014 Brazil
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15/07/2016 15:12
1 - We need to know if MTV will be able to cover it`s cost monthly with this new business model, 30-45k$ each month is enough to do it and pay ftq and dividends? If not, i expect a drop in RP's and a lot of people complaining every single month it fail.

2 - What are the plans for now? Any revolutionary miracle product to save MTV? 

3 - If paidverts succeed on this new way, you were right @Marc, if not, what's the next plan?
Traffic Value: $1,954.25753 Bangladesh
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15/07/2016 15:19
I know march is doing hard work and lost many moneys but it is true that the sw@p will be injustice for many and will be most beneficial for RP holder.. why this is....Think in right way...Do not bust anyone who did not do any thing....He can compare between gambling BAP and real cash BAP...It must be considered...
Traffic Value: $7,212.45963 Malaysia
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15/07/2016 15:23
if our daily revenue within this range 1000 -2000usd/day = so total revenue per month 30K-60K estimated...this based on 7 day average..

if we get this range...yeah..we will get a dividend n well as paid ads
Traffic Value: $4,714.86897 Denmark
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15/07/2016 15:36

There can not be if´s in a business! Hope you get my point. Too many if´s is not a business - makes it more a doubtful project. When things are not like you expect - you change the circumstances. When we pay 25.000 or more in costs - we have to lower those to make sure to keep business/customers/members/investors happy. In short terms (there will be no long terms without them). When we meet with customers expectations more will come - and then we can afford to develop business. Its as simple as that.
Traffic Value: $3,781.28667 Argentina
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15/07/2016 16:15
Hello guys, can someone paste here the link of google drive of MTV numbers please, that Marc showed a few weeks ago? I lost it :S
DomingoX6 - Administrator
Traffic Value: $2,272.07399 Venezuela
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