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Welcome Guest - Login / Register Forum - News - 12th October - Daily News

12th October - Daily News

Sticky threads

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Traffic Value: $2,211.17614 France
3 like this post 0 people
13/10/2014 12:21
the site is really fast today on my side
otherwise no problem for the random ads sunday if it can benefit the  small groups and the better  and if it's motivated even more is even better
I'm already satisfied with  my gains of the week
Traffic Value: $6,673.1326 India
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13/10/2014 12:35
Jo, I reported it yesterday but haven't received any response from you. So here it is once again..


Purchaser: handful417

Campaign Status: Pending

Purchase Date: 09-10-2014

It's been 3 days but the person haven't received the BAPs and the ad still haven't been approved.

Also, I didn't receive any commissions for the purchase.
Traffic Value: $5,145.88309 United States
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13/10/2014 12:40
it could mean your accounts are being investigated don't take it the wrong way i am just saying
Traffic Value: $4,013.67386 Canada
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13/10/2014 13:30

i coud be wrong but as far as i know he blocked paidverts/mtv links/banners inside pv due its stupid to promote your own program.

Staticly speaking it woud mean he pays or pv pays double for nothing.

What you earn on that click so the 33%
+ the traffic - Data it then costs for the page u visit.
Dont get me wrong its small costs if its a new member and potential to join however promoting it to members already on the site? its just useless. and stupid. and dataloss for no reason.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
7 like this post 0 people
13/10/2014 13:55
We'll look into multiple accounts and what not, when we install the shareholder control panel.

That will allow everyone to investigate things like this. Then we'll create an automatic voting thing; where a few shareholders of a minimum size, can vote on violations -- and take the necessary actions to block accounts etc.

* Carlos is also working on a lawyer to draw up a full set of T&C for MTV/PV. Then we can properly enforce the rules based on that.
hrjustinptc - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $8,376.82638 United States
5 like this post 1 people
13/10/2014 14:15
It would be nice if members could not create new topics in the forums unless they have at least 25 posts. I know there are so many other programming issues that are more important. It would stop so many people from just posting the same things over and over. There is a search box at the top I wonder if anyone ever even uses that lol. 
Traffic Value: $300.57264 Netherlands
0 like this post 6 people
13/10/2014 14:21
OK....thx Jo for calling people who work hard on your site whiners....not right
I do love your site and NO I'm not getting any big ads why do you think you can call ppl like me names...I really don't like that at all

It's monday now and I still don't get too many ads....made 5 cents today so far....with 48.000 BAP...and this is the first time I've put any kind of comment on here so dang this p....s me off
Traffic Value: $83,353.00715 Netherlands
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13/10/2014 14:23
Todays ads are not issued yet, be patience please.
Traffic Value: $411.86016 Poland
3 like this post 1 people
13/10/2014 14:27

Thanks a lot, really making my day here. In your previous post you stated that you're in group 4, and you complain about earnings...Well, most of the other whiners are kinda boring, but you're really funny, so please, continue. Especially funny complaining about today's earnings, when today's adds haven't been distributed yet.
Traffic Value: $6,673.1326 India
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13/10/2014 14:33
Addition of new rules to the forum:

1. Only premium upgraded members can create a thread.

2. Other members can post questions only of serious issues like transactions, missing deposits, question regarding the functioning of MTV/PV. Failure to abide by these terms should lead to account suspension.
Traffic Value: $12,448.61148 Belgium
2 like this post 0 people
13/10/2014 14:35
That will just increase the number of spam posts. People will add 25 posts, just to create a topic.
Traffic Value: $1,574.99202 Pakistan
0 like this post 1 people
13/10/2014 14:36
What would be that so called premium threads ?cool mad
Traffic Value: $1,859.69963 Canada
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13/10/2014 14:36
it seems that the word WHINING is not the right word,you should educate yourself,you expect a return on your stop attacking people who are in their right to question...
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
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13/10/2014 14:37
Premium threads would be whiners that complain about whiners. wink
Traffic Value: $1,574.99202 Pakistan
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13/10/2014 14:40
People need response some time they ask stupid question it dosnt mean u have to tell them go i will not answer...... they will be out of our communityangry
Traffic Value: $2,218.90192 Korea Republic of
3 like this post 0 people
13/10/2014 14:41
I really want this:

*In order for this website to even work better, we should motivate low group users a bit

How about issuing these 25 BAPs
to groups only 8 or lower?

Since 9 or up don't need them, (I bet only 20% or less people even bother to click on them)
we give those remaining to cover our debt or give them to lower people. So, maybe some people (if they are lucky) could get 300 BAP ads for that day!

Maybe it's a bit unfair, but it will create fun.

(If you are earning $30 a day or more, you really don't need 200 BAP = $0.1)
Traffic Value: $1,574.99202 Pakistan
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13/10/2014 14:46
I think u're right people with lower baps they have be encouraged by all means and plus gift system have to be introduced many of my referrals dont pay interest email dosnt help most
Traffic Value: $6,673.1326 India
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13/10/2014 15:00
For those smart brains who didn't get what I meant:

1. Premium members can create topic cause they are experienced users and are not going to open numerous threads on the same topic. Whenever they open a new topic it will, no doubt, be of important issues like error in games, programming errors, multiple accounts, weekly/monthly news, etc.

2. I used the word 'post'. I meant that other members (newbies) can open topics too but only if they have any question or are facing any problem with their accounts, transactions, understanding the compensation plan, etc.

The only thing I want is to prevent newbies from opening one after another new topic uselessly when they can get their answers straight from previous solved topics. Right on the first page there should be a note in BOLD letters, "Use the search box".

Plus, the forum should have another sub-category in the Questions section for Deposits/Transactions, Report Ads, BAP explanations, etc. so that it becomes easier for newbies to get their answers from earlier topics right away.
Traffic Value: $1,574.99202 Pakistan
1 like this post 0 people
13/10/2014 15:06
I am just asking how you determine a premium member boss for what they will be premium tell me i have small brain dont understand you plz dont be angry with metongue laugh
Traffic Value: $6,673.1326 India
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13/10/2014 15:16
First tell why are you using the word 'premium threads' and 'premium members'?

I'm not asking to give priviledges to the upgraded users. I only want the upgraded users to act like moderators out here not cause they invested $250 but cause they are familiar with each and every aspect of this business. They know what to do and what needs to be done to keep the site from becoming a mess.

Also, when I said premium members I didn't mean just any other premium user but experienced users like MARC!
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